Obama: "I'm not going to take your guns away."

No real player, here. It this it?

No. I found it on CSPAN only, but I stopped looking once I found it there.

So far the YouTube Obama in Duryea Pa does not include the 2nd Amendment question. It was released by BarackObamadotcom.
I don't trust him on this. I can't help it. His record is demonically anti-gun, anti concealed carry, and anti self defense. He would sign a so-called AWB in a New York minute.

And I think so-called assault weapons should be the MOST protected small arms. How else could a citizenry intimidate a government that has TRULY gone awry.

BTW, we are a long long, way from tyranny here, IMHO. I'm not suggesting we are any where near the point of revolt, especially after the Heller decision. At least now we have pretty solid constitutional ground on which to litigate.

I just don't believe a leopard can change his spots. I want a president who will veto anything that stinks of 2A infringement. Some will argue McCain might not veto, but everyone knows that Obama would not hesitate to sign ANY gun legislation that came across his desk. All under the guise of reasonable restrictions.
Agreed; while he's been careful to put forth a position that attempts to bridge the gap between gun owners and the largely anti-gun Democratic base, it isn't very convincing.

Nothing that Obama would realistically say could convince most gun enthusiasts that he's genuinely concerned about 2A rights. The only way to convince people would be if he drastically changed his position, because he'd have to feel strongly about it to risk jeopardizing support from his liberal base and from his party. But that's not realistically going to happen... even if he personally believed that (which I strongly doubt, given his history), he'd never say it anyway for the reasons I mentioned.
Now he said everything I wanted to hear, all the words aligned exactly as I needed them. And he makes a great point at the end about not making it a single issue vote.

That people have a right to bear arms. What I also believe is that there's nothing wrong with some common sense gun safety measures.

But my concern is who's common sense is going to be taken for action??? My common sense pertaining to guns is easily explained using the 4 Rules and my values as a law-abiding citizen with responsibilities. Would that be BOs take on common sense precautions? I don't think so. Rather, I don't trust so. I don't want a non-gun person telling me about "common sense" when it comes to guns. What is adequate for me is surely not going to be adequate for him/her
He Doesn't Address Ccw!!!!

That is the biggest problem and fear of him I would have. A lot of us hunt and/or keep guns in our homes which he sounds cool with. BUT, what about the 95+% of us that regularly CCW --- He wants our permits and guns - His past record and affiliations with Dalley and Chicago are the living proof. We can not be fooled by him that he is progun; he is absolutely not into CCW!!!
Great, another candidate who is fine with hunting with rifles and shotguns.

What a lame question and rambling response, and it doesn't address the main issue I would like to see him address.

It's not the President's job to balance public safety and RKBA, but he's never been an exec before, so how would he know? IT IS his job to appoint SC Justices, so why not ask him about that w/respect to guns? Whose opinion in Heller did he like best? How does he think it applies to the Chicago handgun ban? Is he aware that sometimes law abiding people without badges have handguns?
Well, if you ask:

How does he think it applies to the Chicago handgun ban? Is he aware that sometimes law abiding people without badges have handguns?

1 - The gun laws in Chicago have not changed since Heller as far as I am aware. I have not heard it directly from his mouth, but I am sure that with "reasonable restrictions", Chicago will try to uphold their strict laws.

2 - Yes, he and Michelle, are quite aware that non badge holders have handguns, and he will likley attempt to "reasonably restrict" that right
We can not be fooled by him that he is progun; he is absolutely not into CCW!!!

Between his stance on CCW and his comments on "bitter people clinging to guns", not to mention his voting record, I don't think he is any thing other than someone who would support any gun or ammo ban or other restrictions that crossed his path.
Well, he has denied that he would support confiscation of hunting rifles and shotguns. Handguns might be another story.
The fact that he knew/knows he does not have the votes in congress to take your guns away should tell you that he has really thought about this. A lot.
The fact that he knew/knows he does not have the votes in congress to take your guns away should tell you that he has really thought about this. A lot.

And the implied, "if I try to take your guns, you should rely on Congress to stop me anyway."

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's Congress? No thanks, keep the change.
Break it down-


"Look, here's what I believe. That the second amendment is an individual right and it means something. That people have a right to bear arms. What I also believe is that there's nothing wrong with some common sense gun safety measures. For example, that we should have strong background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, to keep them out of the hands of the mentally disabled.

We should have mechanisms to trace guns that are used in crimes back to the gun dealers that sold them to shut down supplies of illegal guns. What-So we can blame the FFL dealer instead of the criminal?

You know, that kind of thing is common sense, and it has nothing to do with the guy who has got his rifle and wants to go hunting. Now, the NRA sometimes... I'll be honest, and I'm sure there's some NRA members here... their general attitude is, 'Look, we don't want anything, and if you even breathe the word 'gun control' or 'gun safety,' then you must want to take away everybody's guns.' Well that's just not true.

What's 'true' is that the 'words' get redefined until your Dad's Marlin .22 auto becomes an 'assault rifle'. More laws are simply incremental efforts at making gun ownership such a PITA that nobody can legally accomplish it. If that's not 'infringement' of your 2A- nothing is.

But what we have to understand is that there's two realities about guns in this country. There's the reality of people who are lawfully and safely using guns for hunting and skeet shooting and protecting their families, and you've got illegal handguns being dumped in Philadelphia in the hands of teenage gang-bangers and drug dealers who are wreaking havoc and killing people.
BS- there is one reality, and it's called 'crime'.
And surely we can come up with a system that protects lawful gun owners but tries to do something about kids getting shot.
Yep...it's called 'get tough on crime'. BTW, how did you vote on that legislation, Senator?
And that's the only... that is the job of the President is to reconcile this tradition of gun ownership in this country with some basic public safety concerns.
Like hell it is. It is the job of the courts to send criminals AWAY for significant portions of their lives, and there are plenty of existing laws to do it with.
The bottom line is this: If you've got a rifle, you've got a shotgun, you've got a gun in your house, I'm not taking it away.
You at least got that right...but you're not getting my pistol either, or telling me I can't carry it in self-defense. RKBA!
Alright? So they can keep on talking about it, but this is just not true. And by the way, even if... here's another thing you've gotta understand, even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn't get it done. I don't have the votes in Congress.
...and the only reason you DON'T is because the individual members remember 1994- and know that when you finally make them mad, gun owners will hand you your a$$ at the next election. We'll also hand your yours at this one Mr. Obama, just to drive home that point.
So this is something that, if you believe that I'm the best guy when it comes to jobs, if you believe I'm the best guy when it comes to health care, if you believe that I'm the best guy on education, and that I'm going to be looking out for you and fighting for you, this can't be the reason not to vote for me. Your guns... we're not going to mess with them."
I believe you. You're not going to get the chance.

Besides, why would any rational gun owner believe your BS & vote for you, when there is a much better option?

I don't think Obama and the 2nd ammendment are compatible. His voting record on gun legislation pretty much shows that IMO.
What I also believe is that there's nothing wrong with some common sense gun safety measures.
that means one thing. Only the govenment is smart enough to determine.
When a candidate "common sense measures" they mean regulation.
When a liberal says something in a political speech, I immediately think they mean the opposite.

Oh, brother. :rolleyes:

The same is true of conservatives and all politicians.

As alluded to your issue is with Congress, not Obama. Elect pro gun candidates to Congress and it won’t make any difference who the president is.
He won't need to take our guns - as a Senator, Obama voted for Kennedy's lovely ammo ban that mentioned the dreaded "can pierce an armoured limousine" .30-30 by name... Once all the ammo that can pierce a Level II vest is banned (assuming they don't decide to use Level I as the standard), what are you going to fire through that gun?

If you want to see what Obama's vision for "reasonable" gun control, just look to Illinois for an example to see the laws he has voted for - including complete bans on handguns, prosecuting law-abiding people who used firearms in self-defense but had let their registration lapse, etc.
What kind of Question is that anyways?

Thinking about the question that was asked to Obama....

What the heck was that???

The woman asking if it was a rumor that he was going to take our guns away?
I'm not accusing Obama of planting someone in the audience, but that was an absolutely weak way to get an answer from someone running for president. Almost like one of his "fight the smears" or "factcheck" set ups. Time for some rumor control

I want to hear someone ask him if citizens can carry a gun for self defense, outside of their home. The closest he's come to mentioning self defense is "protecting their families".

I don't like either of the two major candidates, but I enjoy a good debate on tv with some pizza and beer.
I hope that Obama is cornered with some precise gun questions.

Why trust anything he says at this point, His goal is to get elected - Be smart, look at his track record and affiliation with Chicago --- Nothing more needs to be asked. Strong points of views like that dont change.