Obama: "I'm not going to take your guns away."

Oh, he probably won't take your guns away. At worst, they'll be grandfathered in under whatever ban might wind up getting passed. He'll just keep you from buying more. Semantics, they sure are fun sometimes, eh?

Though I agree, and think he was being honest, when he says he doesn't have the votes in Congress to do it anyway. I'm actually much less worried about an Assault Weapons Ban II: Electric Boogaloo than I am about who he might nominate to the Supreme Court. Hopefully the Republicans will play the kind of hardball with him on any likely nominees the same way the Democrats did with Bush.

Oh, and double plus ungood on the "sportsmen" reference.

EDIT: Also, for my less fortunate brothers, he also won't technically be "taking your guns away" when he stands idly by as your state does the work for him. Because, you know, he just thinks it's up to your states and cities to infringe your second amendment rights.
He's embraced every piece of anti gun legislation he's had a chance to vote for. Nothing, except statements on the political trail to the contrary, that would suggest he wouldn't take guns away given the chance. He's a product of the Chicago machine and Mayor Dailey and his cohorts are violently anti gun and have some of the most restrictive laws in the country.
I just heard that clip on the radio. You need to hear it, that little bit of transcript does not do it justice. He hems and haws and stammers and talks in circles. Don't worry though, he understands people wanting to own guns to hunt and skeet shoot. It was pathetic.
Obama can't "take away your guns."

If he's elected, there will be some political fight about the AWB, but what else is new?
I just heard that clip on the radio. You need to hear it, that little bit of transcript does not do it justice. He hems and haws and stammers and talks in circles. Don't worry though, he understands people wanting to own guns to hunt and skeet shoot. It was pathetic.

Shiner Bock, did you hear it on an actual radio or online somewhere? I'd love to hear it. If anyone knows how to get the audio or video, please post it. Thanks!

I'm sure it will turn up soon though, since this is a new quote.
Obama and Guns:

What about taking your ammo away?? Doesn't that count for something? First start with the bullets, then the weapons down the road....
Think about it.
Obama can't "take away your guns."

If he's elected, there will be some political fight about the AWB, but what else is new?

True, but for me it's much more an issue of his overall judgment and mistrust of law abiding citizens.
Both Obama and McCain have GREAT faults in their overall opinion of how to interpret our laws. Neither of them believe that the Constitution is meant to restrain the Govt.
From his website

Address Gun Violence in Cities:
As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama also favors commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. He supports closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. He also supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.

Assault Weapons Ban II: Electric Boogaloo
Oh sure, I believe him, don't you?

I mean I believed him when he said back in Feb. that he thought the D.C. gun ban was a good thing, and the right call, and the proper law.

And just like I believed him this summer when the Heller decision came down, and he said that he thought that was the right call and proper law.

And just like I believed him when he said we should NOT take oil out of the strategic reserve to bring down gas prices, and just like I believed him when he said we SHOULD take oil out of the strategic reserved to help bring down gas prices.

Sure, he won't take your guns away.......believe it.:D

You can trust Barack Hussein Obama to tell you the straight up truth.

Just expect it to be heavily "nuanced."

Of course, when liberals say "nuanced" it's code for they can say whatever the Hell they want to say, and then reserve the right to totally change their minds later.

Yeah, it was on the radio on my drive home. I don't know if it was filmed or not but it should be turning up on the net in one form or another.
Obama: "I'm not going to take your guns away."

Didn't someone post a ways back about one of the main agendas of the Democrat party being to reinstitute the AWB? It was a really impressive quote, complete with a source linked to their main website and everything.

This quote above is immediately in contradiction with the quote on the other thread, where he says he wants to make all guns "chid proof". Little does he know that household chemicals, automobiles and honest to God accidents each kill more children yearly over guns (guns is about 9th on the list of sources of death for children).
If by some small chance he gets elected I hope he doesn`t make a criminal out of me. O nthe other hand when Mccain/Palin get elected maybe TFL members can have a big shoot with Palin being the guest-of honor.:)
"....If I’m doing what’s right, if I’m keeping my gun locked down in my home."-OBAMA

Cornell College 12-05-07 part 5-

2nd Amendment question at 8:50


This continues with Part-6


Maybe if we all unloaded, disassembled, and locked different pieces of our weapons in several heavily armed safes inside our homes we could make Obama's vision real. :rolleyes: Then appeal the 2nd Amendment, replacing it with a hunting/gun registration provision.

He would like to register our guns. He only stated that it was not likely possible.

From ontheissues.com

Q: When you were in the state senate, you talked about licensing and registering gun owners. Would you do that as president?

Obama's answer: "I don't think that we can get that done. But what we can do is to provide just some common-sense enforcement."

Once again- Because he brags about being an expert on the Constitution, it angers me all the more. :mad:
I've got the clip loaded and playing but I don't know when he's going to mention it. It's a long clip, 53 minutes long, so I just set it to 26 minutes and I'm waiting for him to mention it. When he does, I'll post the timestamp at which he starts talking about it.

EDIT: It's at around 33:20.

Question: "There's one thing that seems to really be bothering people. There's rumors going around that you're going to take away the guns. Because people love hunting!"

Response: "I think this is a great question, so I just want to clear it up, because I know there's probably some sportsmen here in the audience. I believe in the second amendment, and if you are a law abiding gun owner, you have nothing to fear from an Obama administration. This had been peddled again and again. You're absolutely right, people constantly say this.

Look, here's what I believe. That the second amendment is an individual right and it means something. That people have a right to bear arms. What I also believe is that there's nothing wrong with some common sense gun safety measures. For example, that we should have strong background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, to keep them out of the hands of the mentally disabled. We should have mechanisms to trace guns that are used in crimes back to the gun dealers that sold them to shut down supplies of illegal guns. You know, that kind of thing is common sense, and it has nothing to do with the guy who has got his rifle and wants to go hunting. Now, the NRA sometimes... I'll be honest, and I'm sure there's some NRA members here... their general attitude is, 'Look, we don't want anything, and if you even breathe the word 'gun control' or 'gun safety,' then you must want to take away everybody's guns.' Well that's just not true.

But what we have to understand is that there's two realities about guns in this country. There's the reality of people who are lawfully and safely using guns for hunting and skeet shooting and protecting their families, and you've got illegal handguns being dumped in Philadelphia in the hands of teenage gang-bangers and drug dealers who are wreaking havoc and killing people. And surely we can come up with a system that protects lawful gun owners but tries to do something about kids getting shot. And that's the only... that is the job of the President is to reconcile this tradition of gun ownership in this country with some basic public safety concerns.

The bottom line is this: If you've got a rifle, you've got a shotgun, you've got a gun in your house, I'm not taking it away. Alright? So they can keep on talking about it, but this is just not true. And by the way, even if... here's another thing you've gotta understand, even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn't get it done. I don't have the votes in Congress. So this is something that, if you believe that I'm the best guy when it comes to jobs, if you believe I'm the best guy when it comes to health care, if you believe that I'm the best guy on education, and that I'm going to be looking out for you and fighting for you, this can't be the reason not to vote for me. Your guns... we're not going to mess with them."