Obama - God Help Us

Basically you should have posted-presidential candidates, God help us! NEver have another Harry Truman, or Ronald Reagan, or Teddy Roosevelt, even. Or even a JFK. Looks to me like the culture of the two main parties is pretty rotten and bringing us to this. So do you hope that either party will ever bring out anyone that stands heads and shoulders above these two? I really don't know about third parties, they have too much of an uphill battle and no help from the press and media. But either we gotta get better in DC or we are gonna just keep decaying politically.
If America votes this putz in it deserves him.
Is there a way THEY can get him and not have me dragged along for the ride?

If TPFI gets elected, I hope Montana secedes. I will move there that day if they do.
I really don't know about third parties, they have too much of an uphill battle and no help from the press and media. But either we gotta get better in DC or we are gonna just keep decaying politically.

Third parties have no help from themselves, either. Bob Barr? A guy whose record on civil liberties (aside from guns) leans toward the hard-core authoritarian? But, of course, he regrets all those votes he made and bills he sponsored now. Right. Yeah.

And he's fairly respectable compared to who I've seen the Libertarians run in more local elections since I've been voting. Their vetting process in local and Congressional elections, from what I've seen, is "find the craziest guy in the state."

Seriously, if that's the best guy you can find, just don't run anybody. You have a better chance of getting taken seriously next election running nobody than if you drag the craziest guy in the state out of his cabin out in the hills.

No offense to any of our friends posting from a cabin out in the hills, of course.
I'm sick of it, I'm disgusted by it and this republican is either voting the other way or not voting at all.
Then please don't vote! The one thing I'm sick of and disgusted by, is voters that say their candidate doesn't kowtow to their each and every belief. So they're going to take their ball and go home by voting a candidate with which they have nothing in common. You will never, repeat NEVER agree with each and every thing a particular candidate stands for. You best chance is to come fairly close and consider yourself lucky to find that, especially in this day and age when centrism seems to be the new standard.

I'm gonna vote for Obama. That'll teach the republicans to screw with me!:rolleyes: That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
I watched McCain on Leno and he comes across as very intelligent. He seems quite confident and well informed. Also a good sense of humor. He gets my vote. What's the alternative? There isn't one. He may not be the most perfect 2nd amendment candidate, but we could do a lot worse.
Obama is the poster boy of all that is wrong, and all that could flush this country down the toilet. McCain isn't perfect....i don't like him much, but Reagan wasn't "Reagan" at first...it took 8 years
If Obama is elected president I will cry. I will honest to God cry. And then I will move. I love America, but I refuse to live in a terminally ill country.
If Obama is elected president I will cry. I will honest to God cry. And then I will move. I love America, but I refuse to live in a terminally ill country.


I mean, I hear a lot of "OMG if McCain wins I'm totally moving" claims from Obama supporters, too. But at least in their case they have plenty of western nations with generally progressive/socialist leanings and decent standards of living [EDIT: you've even got three English-speaking ones to choose from, right off the top of my head, with the UK/Canada/Australia]. We all know that most of them still won't actually go through with it, but hey at least they have realistic options.

But where does somebody who thinks America has become too liberal go?
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We must vote!!!!!!!

This November I will be the 1st person at my polling place in Central Florida to place a vote against OBAMA/BIDEN.It will be for McCAIN/PALEN.The thought of this left wing liberal team running MY country boils my blood.I'm a conservative BLACK AMERICAN Navy Vet(NAM ERA) Past Law enforcement former NYS State Correction officer;and I'm a retired union railroad worker.I've seen Biden crap on our rights for years.OBAMA leans left on all issures.He will find out you have to be everyones President.Please I ask all of you to respond to the NRA plea for funds to fight anti gun laws.The other side has funds from many wealthy organizations that hate us and our 2nd amendment rights.We can beat this BUM if we go out in mass and vote.God bless America;and save us from the LEFT.I will be at my polling place at 0500 Election Day Get up early group lets make a Statement Coast to Coast in support of ours rights ;and what we believe in.
Obama's Foreign Policy experience

Sarah Palin certainly has MORE executive experience than Obama has. She's been a City Counsel member, Mayor and a State Governor.
And Obamas foreign policy "experience" consists of a 7 day trip to the Middle East in 2008. He had his picture taken with foreign leaders and calls himself a policy expert.
Obama's background is a joke.
I don't think Obama's background is a joke, I think it's down right frightening. His association with extremists and his socialistic views on 'change' are scarey to say the least.