Obama - God Help Us


New member
"He supports closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. He also supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."
- This is a quote taken from Obama's official website stating his stance on gun control. Under his "issues" he doesn't even have gun control listed so that goes to show how concerned he is about our rights. His stance on gun owner's rights is buried under the topic of "Urban" and clearly shows he has no respect for the second amendment.
And he chooses Biden, a career politician that has nothing of value in his entire congressional portfolio, except, of course, being a gun-grabber, and runs on the platform of change? If America votes this putz in it deserves him.
- This is a quote taken from Obama's official website stating his stance on gun control. Under his "issues" he doesn't even have gun control listed so that goes to show how concerned he is about our rights. His stance on gun owner's rights is buried under the topic of "Urban" and clearly shows he has no respect for the second amendment.

Actually he does....you have to go to the "other issues" link....there youll get this nice pdf file....take a look at what it says....."Hes not a hunter but respects the rights of gun owners and will stand up for 2nd amendment rights".

WOW!!!! You coulda knocked me over with a feather!!!:p Obama will stand up for the 2nd amendment??? Since when???

Once again this election is between one party who wants my privacy rights and another party who wants my gun rights, and probably my privacy too. One candidate is pretty words and no substance, the other is a crotchety old man who was never all that intelligent even when all of his facilities were working..and no substance.

McCain during the republican debates showed me his true character. The man is a disgrace. Huckabee would have had my support in a huge way, but McCain will not. I am not sure I could bring myself to vote for Obama, but I am certain I can not vote for McCain. Once again my party is resorting to scaring the people about the other guy instead of putting forth a man we can all stand behind. I'm sick of it, I'm disgusted by it and this republican is either voting the other way or not voting at all. I am desperately hoping the presidential debates show me a different side of one of them, because at present they both make me sick...McCain just makes me more sick.
actually i was impressed watching the debates on tv. McCain had direct to the point, no nonsense answers. Obama had turn his head at a angle, close his eyes, wandering miss-directed ramblings. i dont always like everbodys' thoughts but i want to hear them straight up. bobn
Obama will stand up for the 2nd amendment???

Indeed he will: His interpretation of the 2nd amendment, which is no obstacle to any gun control law, ever.

That's his mode of operation: He tries to appear to agree with you, with everyone, with the fact that he doesn't really agree with you hidden in the fine print. I like to think it's eventually going to catch up with him...
vote for me

Obama tries to say what we want to hear, which is not necessarly what his true past stance has been. He is clearly anti-gun there is no question about this. The only thing I can say good for McCain is that he is not anti-gun or at least he has not been in the past. NRA Mag. had A interesting interview with McCain A couple of months back. One thing for sure each will try to take A middle of the road stance when it comes to some of the issues that are A problem for them with the voters. A thing that amazes me is that every election there will be persons who have held high ranking political positions for years and have done little or nothing of merit and now its" if you vote for me I'll solve all of the Nations problems".
Obama and Biden represents change i can believe in. :barf:

change is not a VP who was in DC for 30 years.

Nothing Obama wants to do is new and fresh. it's all old, failed socialist ideas.

These 2 are an anti-gunners wet dream though.
Once again this election is between one party who wants my privacy rights and another party who wants my gun rights, and probably my privacy too. One candidate is pretty words and no substance, the other is a crotchety old man who was never all that intelligent even when all of his facilities were working..and no substance.

Great summary.

I can't vote for either and I've promised myself that I won't vote for the lessor of two evils this time.
While McCain is seen as supporting Bush, perhaps Obama will make George's dream come true and get an AWB bill to his desk so he can sign it!!

Cynical old me. McCain might choose Mitt - another AWB fan (oh, did he change his mind when clued in - very believable from Richy Rich boy).
I would bet there are going to be enough true crises situations in the next four years that they simply don't have time to address gun bans. When people don't have medical coverage, can't afford to properly educate their children, can't afford the gas to get to work, being "anti-gun" is going to be a waste of time and money that few can afford, and people just won't want to hear about it. It's going to be a back-burner issue.

The irony is that what the politicians say and what they do are rarely the same anyway. They "accomplish" about 2% of what they "promise", regardless of how many terms they serve.

It's up to us. If we can get who ever holds office to deal with the real issues, like the economy, energy, etc., then they won't have time to waste on laws that are purely political and serve no real purpose.
Obama's record on gun control is consistent. There's one change he truly does want to make - change the 2nd ammendment rights and outlaw guns using all possible means (in the interest of sensible protection of citizens from illegal guns, of course).
it all plays into his one world govt. dream...his global poverty act crap.

it will be hard to sell america out to the UN if the 2nd amendment and gun owners still exist.
"He supports closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. He also supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."

I'll interpret for those of you that are a little slow:

He wants to register all firearms to make it easier to enforce a total ban.

"Closing the gun show loophole" means registering all firearms to a particular licensed owner, no doubt with intricate and expensive requirements to get a license. How about $10 million in personal liability insurance, a monitored alarm system, and a real safe (not a residential security cabinet). You can't get a real safe for $500 at Academy.

" . . . making guns in this country childproof." means no firearms can function, in other words performing an operation on them similar to the one used to create a DEWAT.

" . . .making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent . . . " means banning anything with a magazine capacity over 2 rounds for now. I'm sure they'll come up with reasons to ban the rest five minutes after they pass the new, "improved" gun ban.

It's easy to understand.
I can't vote for either and I've promised myself that I won't vote for the lessor of two evils this time.

People should always vote. If not, don't ever complain about the government, don't cry about what any elected official does or plans to do. If you complain but didn't voice your opinion in a public election, then in my mind you don't get to have an opinion. The US was built upon the idea that the government represents the people and they are elected in a democratic fashion.
People should always vote. If not, don't ever complain about the government, don't cry about what any elected official does or plans to do. If you complain but didn't voice your opinion in a public election, then in my mind you don't get to have an opinion. The US was built upon the idea that the government represents the people and they are elected in a democratic fashion.

I'm not that excited about McCain either, but not voting for McCain just ensures more left-wing Surpreme Court Justices...Remember the vote to support the 2A was 5 to 4.
I can't vote for either and I've promised myself that I won't vote for the lessor of two evils this time.

and you don't have to either. There are more than just these two men running. Check and see who's on the ballet in your state. Find someone you agree with more closely and vote for them.

I am considering a third party candidate for two reasons:
1) I'm in NY. Obama will win, hands down, no contest. My vote for McCain makes Obama win by one less vote so what's the point.
2) I feel the same way about these guys. I WILL NOT EVER vote for Obama. McCain is not bad but he really doesn't represent my values in a consistent manner and since he CAN'T win in my state, I figure why not find someone else who can't win that DOES matches values more closely and vote for them.
Actually he does....you have to go to the "other issues" link....there youll get this nice pdf file....take a look at what it says....."Hes not a hunter but respects the rights of gun owners and will stand up for 2nd amendment rights".

Now where the heck did I put that can of BS repellent. Obama protecting our second amendment rights is like Colonel Sanders (RIP) babysitting our chickens. Ask Obama if he respected the right of that one gun owner in Illinois who protected his family with a handgun in a Chicago suburb which banned handguns. They tried to get a bill passed where a homeowner couldn't be prosecuted for using a handgun to defend his home even if there was a city ordinance in place against possessing a handgun. Obama voted against it. Some respect for gun rights. He is also a liar. Well, most politicians are, I guess. But he is not going to "change" things for the better. He want's to change into the tired, old, failed, liberal policies which have been tried over and over again. We've been fighting the war on poverty for how long now? How much money have we spent? It's in the trillions of dollars. Yet, we keep hearing about how many americans still live in poverty. I actually heard today on the radio that the poverty rate was lower in Bush's 8 years than it was in Clinton's 8 years. We'll never see that reported in the left wing, er, I mean, mainstream media.