Obama finally forced to resign!

For once, I almost feel bad for the guy. What a heart-rending thing to have to ex-communicate yourself from a church you have attended for so long.

Still don't like him; don't trust him; don't want him as Presidink, as Popeye would say. But I do feel bad for him on a personal level.
But I do feel bad for him on a personal level.

He has brought all of this "personal level" stuff on himself. He has known Rev, Wright for 20+ years, and never had a problem with him. He has known Rev. Pfleger for years, and has done favors for him in the past.

The "chickens are finally coming home to roost" for Obama, and it is gonna cause him some more grief........and rightfully so.
In the previous 20 years he never heard anything that affected his church attendance. Why is he suddenly changing his tune now? Pure political BS. So much for his loyalty factor.
There won't be a "winner" this November. There will just be someone who has lost the least. And the nation loses no matter who has the most votes when the smoke clears.
He only resigned as a political move. He was a member of that church for 20 years! His only motive in resigning is to distance himself from those that are hurting his chances for office.

20 years to catch on that Rev. Wright was preaching hate? I'm not an Obama fan, but this was a political move only.

The only miscalculation here is called fed up with George Bush. The reason the Dems win is because George has been such a failure as a President and he represents the Reps. The Dems vote Dem...the Reps vote Rep...and then what all elections turn on the Middle of the road independent voters vote Dem this time. Pretty simply really. They simply want change and because they percieve it to be with the Dems, Obama, then he wins. Not only that but a lot of young voters simply can not identify with McCain.
Obama resigns church

He's been in that church for 20 years. Therefore, he wouldn't leave the church unless he had to.

<<(2) Obama is a racist, but figured that anti-white racism would be tolerated by the public and that the could play the race card and get a free pass.

Either way, he isn't presidential material.>>


How could someone who listens to that kind of stuff for 20 years (in a church, no less) be trusted to lead the United States?

We need a leader who promotes our country with largess, not one who supports that kind of vitriol.
I think that Obama's continual gaffes such as apparently not knowing that Illinois has a border with Kentucky will be his undoing.

He is slowly being revealed as one who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer despite his academic credentials.
Maybe this election will convince candidates to stop 'proclaiming' their faith and put their 'pastors' out to pasture.

Almost every candidate has been nailed by some religious crackpot or set of beliefs. The current president was certainly well-served ;) by a faith based view that got him to go down the drain in Iraq.

I don't want to hear their 'beliefs', I want them to do the job.

Those who have to hear 'their beliefs' need to think more about the job the guy or gal has to do.

Shut up about 'faith', already.
No, I think Obama has seen the error in judgement he made in the past and truly wants to change it. He isn't the only person to go to church for 20 years and never listen to what the preacher said. I think it is a good thing Obama has rejected racism publicly. Too bad other politicians won't follow suit.

If he did go to church for 20 years and didn't listen, then he is an even bigger hypocrite than he is a liar. It means the only reason he went to church was to get the "christian" ticket punched on his game card.

So he is either a racist and liar or a racist and hypocrite. The only thing he is rejecting is anything that hurts his campaign.

1960 was almost half a century ago.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ------George Santayana
I am suprised this even bothers most people, considering all the lies and hipocrisy we have seen from the Bush Administration. Some of this is simply thinly veiled racism.

That said, I am not a supporter of Obama. There are plenty of good reasons not to support him, without resorting to attacks on religion or race. The Republicans should fight him on the issues, not race and religion.
Who cares. I have plenty to dislike obama on without his whackjob pastor and his terrorist best friend. Vote Paul or Barr in november :)
In the science fiction and fantasy literary genres, Obama is what's known as a "shape-shifter."

I've never bought into Obama as a "man of faith." People of faith, whether you agree with them or not, tend to sound like it, even if their conduct doesn't match up so well with the ideas of their faith. But I've noticed that when Obama talks about being a devout Christian, he tends to hurry through his words as if lingering in that realm makes him uncomfortable. Also, the devout Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Muslims I've met in my years would never say that people "cling to" religion out of frustration and bitterness. Why? Because for them, their religion is important to them, to making their lives better, and to getting beyond the occasional frustrations and bitterness that crop up in life.

IMHO, Obama is not a man of faith; he's a calculating politician. Now he's dumping his church because it has become political baggage. It's a calculated move because he's leaving his church but not denouncing it. Why leave something that supposedly has been of paramount importance to you - where you've attended services for 20 years, got baptised and married there, had your children baptized there, and took spiritual guidance there - why leave if there's nothing wrong with it? And why after 20 years is he suddenly anxious to leave? What has happened in the past few months that he wasn't aware of for the past 20 years?

In fact, if he expects to successfully negotiate with Iran and North Korea - places he's never been to before - why doesn't he remain in his church and try to talk them onto a better path?

Obama is a complete phony who is hoping his lack of a political track record will allow him to fly under the radar.
Some of this is simply thinly veiled racism.

It never fails......

If you don't like Obama, you're a racist.

If you don't like Hillary, you're a chauvinist.

Guess what, I'd vote Condoleezza Rice for president in a heartbeat!
If you don't like Obama, you're a racist.

Huh? I don't like Obama, and will not vote for him. But I do believe a lot of the attacks made upon him regarding his religion are thinly veiled attempts to discriminate against him based on race and/or religion. Most moderates will feel the same way. It will only hurt Republicans to keep bringing up his religion.
But I do believe a lot of the attacks made upon him regarding his religion are thinly veiled attempts to discriminate against him based on race and/or religion

Obama is being criticized for his deliberate, long term association with shrill racists like the "Reverand" Wright.

Obama's Church is based, as the "Reverand" Wright has explicitly stated many times, on Black Liberation Theology. This "Theology" is vehemently racist, and is an anti-white, anti-semetic counterpart to similar white racist groups like Christian Identity, the Covenant, Sword, and Arm of the Lord, Aryan Nations, etc.

Obama's Church is every bit as racist as is the Klan, Aryan Nations, Nation of Islam, and etc.

You're attempting to counter criticism of Obama's deliberate, twenty year association with this kind of racisim by saying that the critics are racist for doing so.

Your "logic" is at best, more than a little tortured.
if obama wins it will be a step in the wrong direction for ALL of us. especially NRA members... Not only that any gun owner will regret ever voting for him if they want to keep certain freedoms like the right to carry concealed. you have to be stupid to vote for him if you are a CWP holder.
Obama finally decided to cut his losses, and toss Trinity United Church of Christ under the bus. He has officially resigned from the Church, an will have no further relationship with it.

He wasn't forced to resign. He chose to bid farewell on his own.

He also didn't throw the church under the bus; the pastors performed their sermons on their own. They're responsible for their own behavior and if a member doesn't like it, he/she is free to leave. Just because Obama is a candidate doesn't make him any better than anybody else.

Now Obama has called this church his "family" for the later part of his life. How can he now turn on those that he was the closest to, and instead reject them??

Because I think he believes sitting in the oval office is more important than being a member of that church. He either:

1. Agrees with most of the messages of the sermons/philosophy of the church and doesn't want this to come to light on potential voters or;

2. He grossly exaggerated his statements on how close he was to Wright and how much of a mentor he was to him.

Interestingly, Obama decided to just have his campaign staff issue a press release about this, instead of him having a press conference, as he has had on so many other issues.

That's because he doesn't have the marbles to address anything of personal controversy himself.

Of course, if he did that, then some reporters might of had some embarrassing questions to ask him about it.

That I agree with. And this is the reason why he had his staff do the dirty work.
Obama did the right thing. This will widen his victory over McCain in November.

On the contrary, I think since there's really not much difference overall between these two candidates the deciding factor is who's going to look the sharpest in the debates...

There's been a slow, yet steady rise in questions that moderators have been demanding direct answers to their questions in the past couple of years. McCain isn't perfect, but Obama is unable to answer any hard, direct questions. Again, McCain isn't much better. But he has given specific plans to some issues at hand. Obama will crumble under pressure.

He's a great speaker. So is Tony Robbins. All talk with no content to back up what was just said. Case in point: Hope/Change. Hope for what? A better America? DUH! Everybody that's a good citizen wants a better America. Change? What change? All talk with no specifics.