Obama Declares War on America’s Gun Owners With Supreme Court Pick

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Imagine if we did not resist.

I think there is value to resistance of Sotomayor's confirmation. This really gives us a chance to give voice to our opposition to anti-gun control nominations. We know that the Dem's from many western states do support the 2A rights, so this is not just a solid block of liberals voting to install an anti-gun rights justice.

If we just roll over and say this is just another liberal replacing another liberal, then it will make it easier for Obama to make more moves against gun rights.
Just sent this to Sen. Harry Reid, NV

Dear Senator,

I am writing to convey a deep concern about the nomination of Judge Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice. This nominee's long-held position that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to firearms ownership is as absurd as it is well-known. She has said publicly that there is no fundamental right to own a gun. This is completely at odds with the United States Supreme Court's recent Heller vs D.C. decision. Even the dissenting justices in Heller acknowledged that 2A protects an individual right to self defense, not necessarily connected to militia service.

With critical '2A' cases hanging in the balance over the next few terms of the SCOTUS, including the fundamental question of whether the 2nd Amendment is incorporated against the States, confirming Sotomayor spells disaster for the Second Amendment rights that you have helped to protect for many years.

I am writing to urge you to do everything in your power to block this nomination, so that a suitable nominee, grounded in the original intent of the founders may be brought forth.


Permission to copy and use in part or in whole hereby granted. You may want to delete this if your representative is anti-gun: that you have helped to protect for many years.
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Wouldn't it be nice to see the GOP Senators go after her big time on gun rights? That would not have anything to do with her being of any certain race or of any particular gender. They could really hit her hard and use Heller as their brickbats. As a matter of fact, they should clearly bring up the fact that gun control laws were first implemented as a means to control freed blacks in southern states. How does her being of a racial minority affect her thinking with that fact in mind? How does her belief that the second ammendment does not protect an individual right square with the Heller decision, where even the dissenters acknowledged the individual right to self defense? She has a lot to answer for and it would not require any encroachments on her gender or race. Liberals probably understand her weaknesses and this is why they are warning the GOP to tread lightly on attacking a latin woman. That's the scare tactic. If you go after her, we will point out how you are being anti hispanic and anti woman. If the GOP Senators fall for those horse apples, they deserve to lose even more seats in the next go-round.
I find it very interesting when I look at how democrats got control of the congress and the white house. First of all, they had to find some pro second amendment democrats to run in rural and southern states to win seats in those states. They bit the bullet (pun intended) and won those seats, giving them a majority.

Obama had to soften his anti gun stance so much as to finally come out and say that he supported an individual right to keep and bear arms. His words and actions in his past were 180 degrees out of phase with that stance. To get elected, he had to move towards a pro gun rights position, whether he's being 100% honest about that or not.

However, for his first USSC nominee, he nominates a woman who doesn't believe there is a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms. This may be the one big issue that she gets grilled on, and rightly so. It would be so ironic if that issue caused her to fail. What are pro gun rights Senators from Red and rural states going to do about voting for her once her record on the Second Ammendment is exposed and highlighted during the hearings? Will they suck it up and follow suit with Obama and nominate her anyway? This could be interesting to watch as the political game gets underway. The Second Ammendment issue carries no danger as to being labeled a racist or woman hater if they go after her on it. As a matter of fact, gun control laws were first passed with an intention to keep freed blacks unarmed in the south, post civil war. This has some interesting dynamics involved and could be worth a tub of popcorn to watch.
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They would love for us to believe her confirmation is a foregone conclusion. If we prevent it, it will send a huge message that the tide has turned on the public's tolerance for infringement.

She is on one hand, experienced and credentialed. On the other, an unapologetic, unrepentant, agenda wielding judicial activist, who (as in the case of the NYC fireman denied promotion based on race) doesn't even bother to contrive a plausible judicial basis for a ruling.
All her appointment would do is maintain the status quo. That's not exactly a bad thing at the moment. President Obama is losing a pawn and gaining a pawn (speaking in chess terms).

It would be nice to gain a more 2nd amendment friendly justice on the court, but that's not going to happen. Frankly, I think her other opinions are more alarming than her 2nd amendment opinions.

What do we gain with her appointment, as far as the second amendment goes? Nothing.

What do we lose? Nothing.

The Republican Party is not going to be able to stop her appointment any more that the Democrats were able to stop President Bush's two appointments to the SCOTUS.

The entire process will be nothing more than political grandstanding by both parties without anything really being gained or lost.

Our energy, in my opinion, should be focused on pushing legislation that expands our rights and fighting that which seeks to limit them rather than burning ourselves out in a fight that we probably can't win, and don't really need to win.

If, later down the road, we stand to lose a justice that is friendly to our view then we should dig in for a long fight because that is when it will really matter.
If, later down the road, we stand to lose a justice that is friendly to our view then we should dig in for a long fight because that is when it will really matter.

If we wait until an anti is nominated to replace a pro-Second Heller vote, we will already be behind the power curve when that fight comes.

Sotomayor offers an excellent opportunity to make the Democrats in the Senate who claim to be pro-Second Amendment demonstrate which is more important to them: the Bill of Rights or their party affiliation. Personally, that is information I want to know before we go into mid-term elections in 2010.

Second, Sotomayor cannot be nominated without those pro-gun Democrats. Even in the event they decide their loyalties lie more to the party, they may be able to bring pressure on the Administration to make concessions to the NRA (like remaining neutral on legislation or regulations) in return for the NRA not counting the nomination vote against them. The louder the noise is on this issue, the more they have to look to the NRA or similar organizations in order to build their credentials back up for midterms.

Finally, the harder we make them work to replace an anti-Second Justice on the Supreme Court, the less likely they are to want that fight again in the future.

In terms of the battle analogy you used, Sotomayor is the first in a line of trenches. We don't fire one shot as soon as we see the enemy and retreat to our last line of defense (replacing pro-2nd Justice with anti), we make them fight desperately for every single trench and we only give it up when we can't hold it anymore. Chances are real good we will have to let them have this trench; but we still have the opportunity to make it costly for them.
Excellent, BR, agreed. This is an opportunity to cement the lessons of gun control for politicians and the judiciary who dare take it up. If we sit back and tacitly allow her confirmation, we are missing an opportunity to continue setting a new course. Even if we were to be unsuccessful in opposing it, it still an opportunity to make our voices heard loud and clear.

We should not underestimate the determination and hubris of our Democratic allies, who showed us a lot with their letter to Holder regarding any new gun ban. This nomination NOT a foregone conclusion, unless we say it is.
Value to fighting

If we wait until an anti is nominated to replace a pro-Second Heller vote, we will already be behind the power curve when that fight comes.

Agreed. That's the major point. If we just say this is a done deal and wait for another day, then we lose our opportunity to let Obama know it will always be a fight when it comes to 2A rights. Whether they be Conservative or liberal, we need to flush out the 2A supporters now. We need to know where our non-supporters stand so we can do battle in the future.

Yes, small chance in stopping her nomination, but we will never know unless we try.
Sotomayor is another right wing liberal! Suitor is right wing but not as bad as she! There is little you can say about this other than its another BAD RIGHT WING agenda from Obama and with this less that stellar person (Sotomayor) Obama will push his agenda! We need more than ever to stand up for our rights. I really do not think our founding fathers had this in mind when we began this GREAT NATION!
Make no mistake, this is the push the Democrats like Boxer, Feinstein and Schumer are waiting for not to mention Polocy! Being retire Military I am ashamed of what we are doing in the Government. One of the Primary reasons I retired 13 years ago was I no longer supported President Clinton. I was ashamed of him and when the military had to threaten active duty personnel with court martial for the rampant jokes (About CLinton) it was time to go! I made E-8 but chose to retired and not accept the next rank because of what we (military) had to tolerate from Clinton! Now we have Obama! He is the worst kind of Democrat! Liberal as they come, the only difference is "Like Adolf Hitler" he is a great speaker but hides his agenda, Hitler made no bones about his agenda!
If we as a people do not stand up for what is right to include our Constitution, We will be and possibly are in serious trouble! SotoMayor has been overruled in 10 of her 14 opinions! What do you expect from her if she is part of the Nations Highest Court!
Finally...What do you think Obama or Sotomayor want to do with our gun rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhh... I think right wing liberals are pretty rare.

Years ago....OK many years ago, I was out hunting and I took a shot at a right wing liberal. Those things are harder to hit than a rabbit running through a Briar patch! Not bad eating if you stew them 8 hrs or more to get the wild taste out.
Wow, this thread title is not the least bit melodramatic or reactionary.
How about, "Space Lizard disguised as Obama Declares War on America's Gun Owners with Supreme Court Pick Who Likes to Kick Puppies?"
Sotomayor cannot be nominated without those pro-gun Democrats. Even in the event they decide their loyalties lie more to the party, they may be able to bring pressure on the Administration to make concessions to the NRA
I think there's something here, and I hope you're right.

Of course, many things are up in the air. I don't like most of what I've heard about Sotomayor or her record, but we don't know how much initiative she'll take. This promises to be a bitter confirmation fight, and if nominated, she may not want to make any waves for awhile. Souter himself turned out differently than expected.

She might accept (or find herself forced to accept) a more rational view of the 2A than she previously has. Heck, if Maloney makes it to SCOTUS, she'll have to recluse herself anyhow.
After a hard two days being a crew member in the 2nd Annual Multiclub Regional IDPA match in San Antonio - I return for a big Failure to Do Right!

Hitler! - what the oops!

I said we were to talk about her views on L and CR issues and not do the good ol' l ranting.

I appreciate some of the commentary - Bart, Maestro and Rampage - good comments.

But we are closed - can't recover from a Godwin penalty and the crucial points have been made. I did give it a second chance.

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