Obama/Biden Supporters: Bring on Biden's case for VP

I would submit that perhaps a firearms fourum is not the place to find a Joe Biden supporter who is willing to join you in a childish, pre-determined and tightly restrained debate. Maybe if you start a debate on who is smarter, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh you will get more replies?

Well, danweasel, since you're apparently wet behind the ears here, I'll let you in on a secret: There's actually supporters of Obama on this thread.

So many, that they're extremely quick to trash the other threads throughout different boards on the net, yet I get crickets when I challenge them to an honest opinion of the very person they're voting for.

Also, tell me how this thread is so "tightly restrained". You mean, so restrained that I want an honest, yet direct debates? Or is it so "tightly restrained" that you just want to turn the focus on the title of Biden to "Palin has no experience"? What makes you so sure that I want to start up a childish debate? Wouldn't you think since I clearly stated a rule that I wanted in this thread that actually mirrors this board's rules pertaining to posts. Have you not read TFL's rules when you joined?

I don't care who's smarter between Hannity or Limbaugh. Start your own thread about them if you're so inclined.

I am voting for Sarah, cause she is pretty good looking in that bookish, "Tina Fey" kinda way. Plus, she is a flip-flopping liar just like everybody else. Bridge to nowhere anyone?

That's OK. You can call her a liar. I clearly see that you haven't done the research on the full story of the bridge, just like the not reading the full portion of the OP.
Alright, fellas. Let's get to the task at hand. What has Biden done during his tenure. Somebody has to know something about this guy. I mean, he's been a career polititian just like most other senators.

What has this guy done that makes you think he's worthy of your vote?
How do I type the sound of a cricket chirping in the background?


Granny: Remember what William Jennings Bryan said, "Fight hard, but fight clean"
Jethro: But you ain't fightin' clean, Granny.
Granny: 'Course I ain't! William Jennings Bryan was a Loser!
I would reply, but it is above my pay grade.
Strange, but I have a similar yet opposite position: Voting for Obama/Biden is below my paygrade.

As for Biden as VP specifically, the answer to the topic depends on your perspective. From the DNC's perspective, Biden is perfect: 1) Isn't he the third most liberal senator in the Senate? 2) Obama is a rubber stamp inhabiting an empty suit, and Biden's mission is to watch over and ensure that Obama does as he's told. (When Obama says, "Yes, we can." the "we" he's talking about are his behind-the-scenes puppetmasters, as in "Yes, we can now do anything we want.") Why else would you pick a guy whose own two runs for the nomination have ignominiously crashed and burned?
Because the man is a genius? Joe Biden wanted to partition Iraq into three countries. Seriously...thats astroke right there.

I think that is right up there with his voting to deregulate banks in the finance reform act of 1999...and his vote for bankruptcy bill. Joe Biden really IS looking out for the little guy!
I think one thing he(Biden) did was like Mccain so much he wanted him to run as VP with Slick Willie. But there again, I don`t suppose that would qualify him for the VP seat. I`ll keep thinking:confused:
Hahaha nice move there skip,

Don't turn this into a Palin thing but wait, you know more than me and it was a great idea, eh? It was also a great idea to stop supporting it. I like the gov. just fine as far as "public servants" go. I hate people think that they can tell the difference between one nightsoil for brains politician and another because of what they saw on the news. Political debates and conventions are cheesier than America's next top model. We are supposed to believe that John McCain, or Joe Biden or whoever mean what they say when John can't even pretend to not be reading a teleprompter that someone else programed for him? At least on American Idol the votes are all counted! Zing!

P.S. Don't get me wrong about Uncle Ted's Bridge. We appreciate that you let us keep the money and we damn sure are hell are not going to stop building the approach road to it. It will be the world's most badass boat launch.

Let me see though. Biden huh? Doesn't ring a bell. Wait, I think he ran for prez, right? Isn't that qualification enough?

Oh, and if Biden is the 3rd most liberal guy in the government or whatever (as if that is even a statistic that could be measured) then we as a country might as well start practicing our goose stepping now. Ever hear of Ron Paul? He seemed a bit more liberal to me but hey, like I said, I don't know how to count liberal points very well.