O/U vs SxS Shotgun

"I remember when that happened - it was 10 years ago? Yikes..........."

If you're mentioning my comment about my 311, I bought it in June 2011. So yep, almost exactly 10 years ago.

I've not shot it nearly enough, but the time I've spent shooting it has been incredibly enjoyable. It's a great handling little shotgun.

One thing I have looked at has been to have choke tubes installed, but it looks like it's very iffy whether the barrels are thick enough or not.
Mike - talk to Briley; they'll be able to tell you whether or not it can be done - you might have to go with their thin walls; or, if the standard IC/M is too tight, you could always have a good smith open them up to what you want.
"Mike - talk to Briley"

The guy I talked to at Briley was on the fence whether it was possible or not.

Maybe I should have talked to another guy at Briley.
Originally Posted by FITASC View Post
There are many clay competitions designed specifically for SxS guns - lots of fun.
I'm unfamiliar with them but interested, what are they and where do they shoot them?

Some of the biggest would be the Southern SxS and The Vintagers
Many of the larger NSCA sporting clay big blasts also have SxS events.
Perazzi makes a nice one as does CSMC; but both are pricey. AyA makes a SxS designed for pigeon shooting so it would hold up to the rigors of clay competition. That said many of these events are not multi-day, multi-hundred target competitions so any decent quality field gun should suffice.
Depends on use. I use an O/U for clay games and a SxS Coach Gun when shooting Cowboy action. I tried using the SxS once for Trap and for some reason I kept mentally trying to adjust my aim as the tube was offset. I shot like crap that way. Definitely prefer the O/U for anything Clay.
cross dominant

My Dad was cross dominant, the issue never diagnosed until his later years. Resultantly, he did all his shooting off his right/strong arm side, but his left eye was trying to point the gun. He struggled with shotgun shooting, especially on flushing/jumped game. He had a Stevens 311/16ga for a while, and complained bitterly that the SXS was nearly impossible for him to shoot, and seemed as if he was looking down a 2x4. I guess so!:eek:. Dad replace it with a Stevens pump.

The affliction (cross dominance) skipped me, but bamaboy has the jinx. I diagnosed it early, and he shoots long guns from his off/left side, with his left master eye running the show...and he does quite well.

He "borrowed" my O/U Lanber back in dove season, .....and still has it!:rolleyes:
Here in Michigan just in my area alone there are three SxS events. Freeland in April, Lapeer [ mine ] in May, and Grand Blanc in June. Capitol City also has one, but not sure of the date. All of these are one day events with plenty of shooting. At mine we offer a Pigeon Ring [ 360 degree rotating machine you can't see about 25 yards if front of you ] , Duck Towers, Long Bird, 50 bird SCs, trap, skeet, 5-stand, Flurry, - you name it we'll try and throw it. All the SxS events I've ever attended are more of a fun event than a serious event. We even have a black powder class for a small plaque.
The eye dominant thing - my master eye wants to shift back and forth so I wear a small dot to block out the off eye from seeing the muzzles. It's a small piece of blurry scotch tape so it's not real noticeable. It's been on my shooting glasses for about 18 years, so I don't even notice it. If I forget to change from my regular glasses to the shooting glasses I can't hit anything.
OK,one more time,then I will let it go.
This tip supposedly came from one of the upper crust British Wingshooting schools...Where the made Churchills,Purdeys,Boss,Holland and Holland..And people pay the price of an airplane or Lamborghini for a side by side.

What does the spot on the glasses,or the vaseline do? It somewhat occludes the the eye that is trying to be dominant. Agreed?
Thats he job we want to do.

I absolutely hate having anything on my glasses.It can literally make me feel ill
I stop having fun. None of those solutions are acceptable to me.

Assume right handed for the following.

My right eye is centered over the barrels,looking down the barrels.

My left eye is looking ,along the barrels,just to the left of centered over the barrels.

...if I allow my left thumb to stick up in a relaxed and natural position to the left of the barrels,what happens? It occludes my left eye!!Just like some crap on my glasses!!It works! My problem is solved!! I have clean glasses!!

You may do as you prefer. I,myself,am delighted to be free of crap on my glasses.

Even though you have had crap on your glasses for 20 years,perhaps you,too can be free of crap on your glasses ! You have a thumb!

You might have to risk learning something new.

In any case,I'm happy to share.I'm happy it works for me!! You may do whatever works for you. I'm still happy.

I hope if you are coaching a beginner,you will give them the option of trying this method before you put crap on their glasses.

Left hand index finger,under the barrels,extended generally in the drection of the target.Not as a pointer,not directly at the target.Its not a rigid thing.

Allow the thmb to naturally raise up skyward,so it occludes the left eye.

Mission accomplished! No crap on the glasses!

Don't knock it till you give it a serious chance,and how you have done it for 20 years changes nothing.

There.I'm done
Depends on the use. A SXS is a better upland hunting gun particularly in heavy brush. They traditionally have a bit shorter barrels and come up quicker for snap shots at game that are mostly running, or flying directly away from the hunter. I like how a SXS balances a lot better and since they don't have to be broken so far they are a little faster to reload.

O/U's traditionally have longer barrels and tend to be a little heavier. They are better for the clays games and longer range passing shots when hunting waterfowl.

If I'm using a double I like a SXS. It does some things you can't do with a repeater. And the things an O/U do well I feel a pump or automatic does even better.

One does not close one eye to aim; that's a rifle.

If you're closing an eye shooting any type of firearm you're doing it wrong. If you're having trouble with cross eye dominance learn to shoot from the other side.
Man, did someones cage get rattled. Having something on my shooting glasses doesn't make me ill. I'm a little more manly than that. Number two, I haven't had some crap on my glasses for twenty years, just a piece of tape. Third, I have a idea where you can stick your thumb, but I won't say it here. Fourth, When I coach anyone, I'll damn well do as I please - it's none of your business. Fifth, and most important, I never made a post crapping all over what you do or thought like you did to me. In the future, please show others the respect you fell you'd deserve, Thank you, have a good day.
For a knock around shotgun I’d rather have a sxs. Baikal, stevens, whatever $300 old used thing because it just is what it is, an old heavy blunderbus.

For a really nice shooting shotgun, over and under all day. Don’t pay less than $1200 for it and just buy the 686. Buying some Turkish gun is for experts, noobie won’t understand why he has to spend months without his cheap over and under at the gunsmiths to make it right.

Win the lotto bragging rights hunting shotgun? Sxs all the way. $4000 and up. Don’t pay less unless collecting is part of the hobby.

Win the lotto shotgun games- over and under. $12,000 and up. Kolar isn’t far from me, I just don’t shoot enough clay to justify it but a premium shotgun is worth it if money isn’t an issue.

Me? My latest is a Fabarms L4 hunter semi auto. It’s got the quality of an over and under costing twice as much or a sxs costing 4x as much. I don’t love it yet, but it’s getting there. It certainly hits where I look and shoots soft.

What have I come to love? My Ithaca 37. The more kids butcher perfectly nice old pump guns or buy ugly black ones, the more precious anything in walnut becomes.
Man, did someones cage get rattled. Having something on my shooting glasses doesn't make me ill. I'm a little more manly than that. Number two, I haven't had some crap on my glasses for twenty years, just a piece of tape. Third, I have a idea where you can stick your thumb, but I won't say it here. Fourth, When I coach anyone, I'll damn well do as I please - it's none of your business. Fifth, and most important, I never made a post crapping all over what you do or thought like you did to me. In the future, please show others the respect you fell you'd deserve, Thank you, have a good day.

Posts 13,14,15 were quite friendly and respectful.

But then it seemed the idea of putting crap on glasses was being aggressively pushed.

You do whatever makes you happy. I really don't care. You seem to not tolerate someone doing things differently.

I use it,it works,my glasses are uncluttered. Just thought I'd share. Do whatever makes you happy. I'm not a control freak.

IMO,its you you are getting you cage rattled. I never addressed you.

Oh,Bladesmith,one more thing . Quoting you:

I'm a little more manly than that.

End quote
Really? I'm thinking anyone who talks like that is projecting his own weakness /insecurities

And FWIW some of the toughest people I know ,as far as enduring and pushing on,are Women.How about a single Mom with two jobs and taking classes?

Your comment is disrespectful misogyny.

I can,and will respect that your experience may be whatever it is. Even if you are insecure about your manhood.

I have every right to express my experience without your personal attack.

I have no problem with you putting tape on your glasses. I could not care less. Carry on.

Something unfortunate that happens here is that when an idea is offered that does not pat another person on the back,because its different,its like launching a clay bird.Out of reflex.it has to be shot down.

Bladesmith,since you already know everything,and can't possibly learn anything new,please explain your reasoning why occluding the eye with tape works but occluding the eye with the thumb is unworthy of consideration?

But please,keep using the tape. I'm happy. Just curious.
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Left hand index finger,under the barrels,extended generally in the drection of the target.Not as a pointer,not directly at the target.Its not a rigid thing.

I put my non-trigger pointer finger alongside the barrels not underneath just like I would if simply pointing my finger at something.
Fine by me.
I'm not telling anyone how to shoot.

I told a shotgun man my Master Eye had gone ambidextrous.
He suggested I try what I described. It worked for me.

Good faith ,good will,I shared it here.

I had already been told all the stuff about glasses. Even tried it some.
It didn't work well for me. Maybe because I'm walking hunting birds.

No one said "Hmmm. Interesting. I might try that"