O.K. -Call Out Your Presidential Candidate


New member
We realistically have McCain on the Republican side and the Obama and Hillary Clinton choices on the Democratic side.


Three choices.

Which one would you trust the most to not go after you gun rights and why?

Your answer may well persuade others here how to vote so please make a serious effort to be straightforward.

Thank you in advance.
I'm not a one-issue voter so I'm still going to write in the candidate I feel most suited for the job. Guns are not the only issue out there nor are they necessarily the most important by a significantly large enough margin to ignore the others.

That being said, I wouldn't trust McCain any more than I'd trust either Democratic candidate.
We realistically have McCain on the Republican side and the Obama and Hillary Clinton choices on the Democratic side.

When the country is going even farther down the tube, I will be able to proudly say I voted for none of the above.
Honestly? Well I am going to vote for McCain as I feel he will do the least amount of damage in his four years than the democrap options... Here I am voting "damage control"... I ain't too happy about that but that is how I see it!
OBAMA wants ban on Concealed Carry

As already mentioned, CNN's election Website says Barak Obama wishes a NATIONWIDE BAN on Concealed Carry Permits (CCW). Obama would only allow an exception for retired police/military. All of our State Concealed Handgun Permits would become void.

That's the way it is in Illinois and OBAMA believes that the way it should be. I guess this is how OBAMA would support the Second Amendment!
I'm a patriotic citizen and have for years urged everyone I know to vote. However, I am shocked and disgusted by the likely GOP nominee, see it as indicative of a turning point in this country, and will stay home this election day for the very first time in my life.

I am also not a one-issue voter, but there are far too many issues between McCain and the conservativism I know.

It's gonna be 4-8 years of absolute hell any way you look at it. Sorry.
Mr.Bleach, If you want to insure more hell upon us than is needed you should stay home or better yet go vote for the DEM of offering... 4 Years of Mccain is wayyyy better than 4 of Osama... I mean Obama or hitlery and their EVIL intentions to spend this nation into NWO servitude...
Someone on this forum very wisely said, on another thread, that when this country inevitably goes to hell, they want the person responsible to have a 'D' next to their name, not an 'R.'

The GOP will not recover from McCain. Add to this the rising number of Hispanic voters, a higher voter turnout of Gen Xers reared on 'celebrate diversity' rhetoric, and we're looking down the barrel of possibly DECADES of Democrats in power.

I don't mean to be a scare-monger, here, just stating the facts as I see them. The shift of this country to the left is pretty plain, and I predict Obama will defeat McCain quite handily, anyway.

It's all Reagan in reverse. Momentum is on the side of liberals. People are disgruntled, and rightfully so, and will thus buy into whatever they view as the alternative. Make that alternative a charismatic, nonwhite, walking bumper sticker, and a landslide is imminent.

I'll just be happy not to hear any more talk of what a 'racist' country America is if Obama gets in. At least THAT'LL all be over, finally...right? :rolleyes:
I don't think I'll re-up again if Barrack or Hillary get their noses into the mess. I'm not trying to hijack this thread, just stating the thoughts it brought to my mind.

It isn't that I'm a McCain supporter either, it's just that I know I can't have my allegiance sworn, in my good conscience, to a person who I view as a mere stepping stone on the fast track to all out tyranny.

It is not that I am racist or sexist either, I would cast my vote for Condoleezza Rice if she were on the ballot.

I may well end up writing in Ron Paul's name on my ballot. I do have to vote for my heart. I do like McCain though, simply because I view him as a very strong man who is capable of leadership and pulling us out of Iraq gracefully rather than embarrassingly. I am a little sketchy on him though because of some of his anti-gun record.
Well I was just checking out McCain's website, and apparently, his views are very pro second amendment. So, that tends to sway me towards him since I like most everything else about the old codger.
I am voting Democrat.

I voted for Ron Paul in the Republican primary. I think he would have been an outstanding President. Many Republican party supporters, especially people on this forum, called me names ranging from lunatic to racist because I supported Ron Paul. They also said RP supporters like me were statistically insignificant, and because of this they don't need us anyway. I don't feel like the Republican party wants me, so I can't want it.
Unregistered, I may not sway yer vote... but I must say that I never called you any names fer supporting RP... i will say we (americans against socialist leadership... Like me) need your vote. I cannot try scare tactics cuz it ain't my style... but you must be aware that neither of the dem options are at all pro 2A. This is only one case in point and socialist type ideals is but another... This election is one of the most important of our nations short history. While I agree the republican party has made mistakes in the last 8 years, the monumental irreversible errors of either Dem offering is not to be overlooked... I am not so happy with my options but feel in my heart that McCain cannot do as much harm as either the gun grabber dems and Hitlery has promised to make us a socialist nation...
a person who I view as a mere stepping stone on the fast track to all out tyranny.

"Yah think 'ya used enough paranoia enough there Butch?"

Folks, regardless of who wins, I don't think the world's gonna end nor are any jack-booted thugs going to kick in your door to drag you off to a military brig (or Guantanamo), to detain you as an "enemy combatant" (whatever that is....) on the president's whim without trial or representation for years after, they warrant-less tapped your phones (or was it a Republican who did that?).

And maybe then I can finish up grad school without wondering if a stop-loss is going to hit my unit and I get to go sling on a ruck and an M4 to go make Haliburton $$$.... Oh I mean defend freedom…yeah….

Smile people! There’s no where to go but up from here as far as leadership is concerned!

P.S.-Although I did pick-up a few extra-mags at the gunshow just in case my fellow liberals turn stupid again.
Excellent replys all.

I urge you all to NOT stay home on election day.

As mentioned on the other posts here,there are candidates that are ready to go at destroying your right to keep and bear arms.

If you stay home on election day,you have just voted in absentia for the candidate that will take away your gun rights and then your liberty.

Please stand up for your rights and vote.

Let no one ever say you did'nt care on election day.

Remember this one fact.

All you have to do is get off your ass and go to the polls and vote,it takes less than a half hour of your time.

Since before there was a United States,every citizen and soldier that died to give you that right deserves your half an hour of honoring their selfless sacrifice.

Your vote is the worth of their sacrifice.

Make it count.
And if you don't vote... DON'T BITCH!
One poster said "smile we can only go up from here..." or something along those sentiments.... WRONGO buddy! We have many rungs on the ladder of freedom to slip down as well as Socialist intentions such as gubment hellff care for all americans... Hell if sliterly has her way we will have foodstamps for anyone willing to fill out the paperwork... I don't know as much about Osama... dern it obama and his intentions beyond being anti 2A but I do understand he is a wasteful spending liberal sow like the rest of the dems are...
And if you don't vote... DON'T BITCH!
One poster said "smile we can only go up from here..." or something along those sentiments.... WRONGO buddy! We have many rungs on the ladder of freedom to slip down as well as Socialist intentions such as gubment hellff care for all americans... Hell if sliterly has her way we will have foodstamps for anyone willing to fill out the paperwork... I don't know as much about Osama... dern it obama and his intentions beyond being anti 2A but I do understand he is a wasteful spending liberal sow like the rest of the dems are...

lol. Please tell me that was sarcasim...... No seriously.....It was right? Okay good, I'm glad it was. Wheew! I knew nobody could be that detached from reality and gleefully ignorant.
In the limited context in which the question has been posed, there is no doubt that McCain is the least likely to go after my gun rights. Since I'm not a one issue voter, I'm not going that way.
Beretta, Yup GAWLLLLYYYY I am just that gleefully ignorant I reckon... Please edge-a-ma-cate me! Where do you see me either sarcastic or stupid? Yes I do make misspellings of their names intentionally but as for our freedoms and socialist possibilities I am IMH(HOMER):oO I am thinking we could face lots of abuses of our rights and have wasteful socialist practices forced on us. Hitlery has promised to try to make healthcare socialist.
Well, I will no longer vote for anyone that actively violates the constitution, so no vote from me for John, Barak or Hillary.