NYPD cop kills man in taxi

Don't NYPD cops have a choice of several DAO 9mm pistols? As I recall, although Glocks are the most popular make, SIGs and S&Ws are also on the "approved" list.
rule 4.

Rule Four.

Rule Four!!


"Never put your finger in the trigger guard until the moment in which you are ready to shoot."


While we're at it, how about Rule 2???


(rule 4)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
The Glocks that NYPD uses have the NY2 trigger spring which replaces the stock coil spring. The trigger pull is around 12LBS.
Our policerm Glocks have a safety on the trigger itself. I understand there have been many minor and near misses on the NSW Police service Glock Conversion(from antique 38SPL S&W revolvers) Courses recently, also much band-aid applications from "biting" slides on IA drills!
Wouldn't have a 'plastic fantastic' myself, prefer a forged steel M1911 !

***Big Bunny***
I live in NYC and there have been many news stories of police accidently firing their guns. Even back in the early 80's when the officers could only carry revolvers there were many accidents. The S&W model 10's that officers receive now have been modified to be DAO to help prevent this. There have been many incidents of accidential friendly fire. When the big move to semiauto's took place in the 80's, there was alot of contraversy because so many officers have such poor gun handling and maintanence practices.
No disrespect intended, but, this really goes back to the range officers and OIC in the police academy who should have beaten safety into their heads if necessary. ESPECIALLY if they never had fired a weapon before. I know my Sheriff would have one of us by the B@ll$ and prosecute criminally if we did something so STUPID and easily avoidable.

As longpath so eloquently said" RULE FREAKING FOUR ! "

You are... What you do... When it counts.
The Masao

[This message has been edited by shades6848 (edited September 06, 1999).]
On one of the real video shows, I saw the
following. A big cop had a guy on the ground.
Another cop walks up with a Beretta 92
in her hand (no gender bashing - I know
stupid men aplenty).

She is not running and the guy seems under
control. As she walks up, Boom. The gun was
pointing down and the round bounced away maybe
two feet from the two on the ground.

The ground cop said something quite evil to
the ND cop who stalked away.

So if you can ND walking, you certainly can
in a struggle.
This reminds me of the story I read a long time ago in,I think, American Rifleman. Seems this LEO (cant remember where) shot a hole through the roof of his car. His explanation? He droped a bullet in the floorboard and it went off........yeah right, whatever. I think I could have thought of a better lie than that.LMAO!

Luke 22:36.....RKBA!.....m16

[This message has been edited by m16a2223 (edited September 07, 1999).]