NYC cops kill teen holding hairbrush, firing 20 shots...

Well it scares me! On the adverts looking for troops here in N.M. for the State Police, they show black garbed troops! Those are not Police , They are solders! Whats with the black mask on the face!?????? Gives me the Willies! Every time I see a Black Car I Start thinking OOOOOOH ****!
The kid jumped out of a window, would not obey police commands (ten witnesses confrim this), and then reached inside his sweatshirt. The fact that it turned out he was reaching for a hairbrush doesn't change the secnario: I'd've drilled him too. We need to remember the same standards for self-defence we extoll so often on this forum apply to the police as well, if not more so, since they really are targets for the wackos.
It seems a little over kill. I lose jobs to off duty cops all the time because of the perception of them being less of a liabiltiy and knowing what their doing. Thiers perception and their is a reality.
Think about this:... How many of you practice your shooting techniques? How fast have you become from your practicing? How long, approximately, would it take you to shoot and/or possibly kill 5 people? My guess is that most of us could put two rounds each into 5 targets in less than 20 seconds. Now, if you were one of those potential targets, possibly even a police officer, how long would YOU wait before you shot ANYBODY coming at you with a possible gun? Race has nothing to do with this shooting issue at all. The name of the game is survival. Keep in mind that some of the officers involved in this shooting were probably also black BUT the socialist/liberal/media won't tell you that. After all, they've GOT to control the news to further their unpopular agenda or make-up news to make their livings.
I agree, IM burned out by people who brake the law and cry race when they are called on the mat about their condut. As a victim of discrimination as most of have been at one time or another I treat every one fair. I may not like you as a person but I'll treat you fair. That's just me. Most poeple have no comcept of self accountability any more. Everybody wants to be the "Man" until it's time to step up and be a Man, then boys step back. It is what it is.