NYC and police harassment

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Glenn Dee..

The license is called a, "Residence Premises" so we're both right.

The Pistol License Handbook states..."In the following instances, the licensee must make an immediate report to the License Division Incident Section
... #4 Arrest, indictment, or conviction in any jurisdiction: summons other than for a traffic infraction]" My situation applies to the last part of that "Summons other than for a traffic infraction" so I had to notify them. The summons was for a violation of a city ordinance 10- 133-B to be exact. What the police gave me fits your definition of UAT. No fingerprints, no trip to the precinct or central bookings... but it still requires me to notify the pistol license division's incident section because it is a summons.

The handbook goes on to say .... " The licensee will be directed to immediately voucher for safekeeing all firearms listed on any license he possesses. After the firearms have been vouchered, the licensee must immediately send his handgun license and a copy of the "voucher" to the License Division's Incident Unit" That is why I had to take the guns to the precinct where I reside. They also physically took the license and told me there was nothing more to do until the court date.

According to NYPD, there is no such thing as a knife being legal if it is under 4 inches long. If that were the case, my knife which has a 3" blade and is shorter than the width of my hand would be legal. I've been told ANY knife is illegal to carry.

The Residence Premises license says I can "transport the firearms unloaded in a locked container directly to and from my premises and an authorized range or shooting club" Ammunition must be carried separately. But they don't restrict me to only going to a range in NYC. The ranges that I take my pistols to happen to be in Nassau County Long Island. Fortunately, once I cross into Nassau County, I'm required to comply with the local laws there. NYPD has never really explained to me how "ammunition carried separately" is defined. If the gun (with a trigger lock) is in a locked gun case and placed in a gym bag, can the ammo be carried in the gym bag too? Or does it have to be in a U Hall Trailer in tow behind the vehicle that the gym bag is in?

As for who stopped me, I didn't know it was the captain until I saw his photo in a local newspaper a few days later for an unrelated situation. I've been working at my job at the same location for 14+ years. The corner where I spoke to the gang members is the main thoroughfare with two grocery stores, a Chinese take out, and a well respected West Indian Restaurant. But you are making a good point here. While the officers who make their rounds have no doubt seen me countless times in the last 14 years speaking with with gang members on the streets, the Captain isn't normally on patrol and probably hasn't seen me before. Maybe the captain was out with some newly hired anti-gang officers or something? Also, the building where I work is located on the dividing line between two police precincts. Most of the gang members I speak with are in the precinct that is East of my building. This incident happened in the precinct that is West of the building. That's unfortunate because the manager of one of the ranges I go to knows people in the precinct that is East (he used to be employed there himself) but doesn't know anyone in the precinct where I was stopped.

After running my drivers' license, registration, and insurance info through their system, and finding out I was completely clean, and knowing I have a DEA card, the officers who stopped me could have just said would you mind if we asked you a few questions? They could have asked me then and there why I had been speaking with the individuals, and I could have explained to them the type of work I do and how I know them, showed them my work ID, and they could have phoned my supervisor for confirmation. My supervisor is writing a letter for the court explaining the work I do, so it will be taken care of on 2/1. The Agency's chief psychiatrist will write a letter too. They didn't need to give me a summons for the knife. They could have just taken it and warned me not to carry one. I still think once they saw the NRA sticker on my vehicle they probably thought I might be transporting guns for the gang members or loaning them weapons. The only guns I ever carry are the 5 listed on that license, and they have their "ballistics shell" or whatever its called and serial numbers on file with the authorities and I only carry them to and from the range. I'm not about to go loaning any guns to anyone.

a quick mention to Orangello... I am "squeaky clean". I think anyone who is successful in obtaining a Residence Premises permit in NYC has to be.

God forbid the cops use some discretion. Besides, if they didn't find the knife they would have found something else to screw you for.
These NYC cops are long overdue for a legal nightmare, and I am going to work my tail off to see it delivered to them. The anti gun laws and mentality needs to be beaten out of them and eradicated from there and it's a goal we can achieve in our lifetime.
Found a link to search New York City Law
In the search for knife, I found essentially what I posted above. In every reference to knife, even with locking blades the knife had to be over 4-inches long to be considered unlawful. The only exceptions was some Taxi Cab regulations that parroted the state standard without the disclaimer on intent to use. If your lawyer has told you different, I would believe him but it looks like from what I have read the police lied to you.
"a quick mention to Orangello... I am "squeaky clean". I think anyone who is successful in obtaining a Residence Premises permit in NYC has to be."

Sorry, i didn't meant to say that your weren't; i was only trying to relate something from my field of employment, public accounting. In many of the functions of a public accountant, like auditing financial statements, the accountant is required not only to be "independent" but to make sure that they also appear independent to anybody who might be even remotely involved. It seems silly, but there are reasons. In other words, sometimes being "squeaky clean" may not be enough; sometimes it may be worth the extra effort to LOOK "squeaky clean" as well. If you have to deal with gangbangers for your work, and a police officer gets curious, it would probably be in your best interest to work your employment & reason for associating with said gangbangers into the conversation as early as possible, even though you aren't really legally required to. Make them feel silly for wondering, basically.

I didn't intend any offense to your character. :)
Truly a shame the B/S one has to put up with in the rotten apple. Glad I moved away in '81.
To make it all better we'll have the gun loving Mayor Blomberg come over a give you a BIG WET sloppy kiss;)
Although I find this thread fascinating (and scary), I do not understand why anyone would be posting things like this before the case is settled. So far, I do not believe that anything the OP has posted could be used by the prosecuting attorney if this was to go to a court trial (Criminal or civil), the chance to get mad and post something you wish you hadn't is tempting.

Please let us know the outcome, but also, please do not post something that could be used against you.

Best of Luck

Uncle Buck
I just stay the hexx out. Id like to make a trip to Maine etc but cant figure out how to get there without NY, NJ, Canada etc
Just once I would like someone to say "I was wrong" in a incident such as this. You shouldn't have had something obstructing your view. You shouldn't have had a illegal knife. You shouldn't have been dressed like a banger.

If you are on legit business a proffering of your ID or business card would have made this incident go away.

You sound like every banger I lock up "crooked police put a case on me"

When they took my license, registration, and insurance card, they found out that my record was completely clean and my lawyer tells me at that point, they had no right to search me or my vehicle.

Wrong, at least in Illinois. I am allowed to search anywhere reasonably within drivers reach for guess what------weapons
Blood's n Crips in NYC?... that must be something new... things must have changed. The predominant gangs in NYC was the Latin Kings, and the Trinitarios. Bloods and Crips in close proximity?... thats kinda weird too. I wonder what county, or what area this was... Firearms are big with NYC street gangs. A lot of high points, lorcins, RG's, but some Glocks, 1911's, smith, colt, n ruger revolvers. A funny thing though... among street toughs... any autoloader thats black, and shoots 9MM is referred to as a glock.
After deleting 14 posts for various ad hominem attacks and being off topic to boot, I just ain't gonna let it slide.

A warning was issued by 44 AMP and was ignored by everyone.

Thread closed and PM's will be sent .... when I get around to it. I'm too ticked off at the moment.
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