NYC and Police Harassment (Update)

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I hear you Wagon man. The DA agreed that the knife is legal to carry. He also agreed that the search was illegal. If a similar situation happens again, I'll first discuss the matter with the precinct captain. If that doesn't resolve the matter, there is always the local newspaper and the state senator who has ties to the agency I work for.

You are after all a guest in their playground.
Say what? I don't think i understood your characterization of these public servants correctly, errant in their ways or not. There is certainly no reason to give them any unnecessary grief or guff when dealing with them, but it is OUR playground, and they are hired security to see to it that conduct is civil as prescribed & agreed upon by the voting public.

From previous descriptions of the situation, these do seem like officers who would be easier to avoid than dislodge for what is arguably substandard work, IMO. If that was a close approximation of your meaning, i apologize for the diatribe on your choice of words.
Glad things are getting sorted out for you. So what can you do to ensure those errant officers get remedial training?

Yeah, I know, long shot, but why the hell not try?
Say what? I don't think i understood your characterization of these public servants correctly

Let me clarify then. If you are an outsider i.e. a social worker making an PERIODIC visit you SHOULD be on your best behavior with the denizens of the milieu of both sides of the law. IIRC this started when the OP was stopped because he was not professionally dressed and was a little disrespectful to the Coppers. I also recall that he didn't ID himself as a social worker until after the arrest.

If you want to push the issue then don't complain when the issue pushes back.
Quick note...

I want to thank everyone for staying on topic and above board in this thread.

However, I want to remind everyone that pejorative name calling is NOT allowed here at TFL and will be dealt with in a variety of ways, up to and including revocation of posting rights.

If your post has disappeared, consider that a warning.
If you are an outsider i.e. a social worker making an PERIODIC visit you SHOULD be on your best behavior with the denizens of the milieu of both sides of the law. IIRC this started when the OP was stopped because he was not professionally dressed and was a little disrespectful to the Coppers.

Unbelievable. And this is probable cause on which planet?
IIRC this started when the OP was stopped because he was not professionally dressed and was a little disrespectful to the Coppers. I also recall that he didn't ID himself as a social worker until after the arrest
Jeans and a sweatshirt is as proffesionally dressed as he needs to be. He does not Work on wall street and dressing like that in the proffesion he is in would be "career suicide" at the least. I don't recall anything about disrespectfulness to the coppers only that they were persistant in asking for weapons...He should not have to State his proffession if it is irrellavant to the stop either, that is begging for "proffessional courtesy" that should not be needed, which could be misconstrued as projecting guilt.
Busby, glad your dillegence in following the law and patience in dealing with this has paid off in your being in the right so far. Alls well that ends well.
Jeans and a sweatshirt is as proffesionally dressed as he needs to be. He does not Work on wall street and dressing like that in the proffesion he is in would be "career suicide" at the least. I don't recall anything about disrespectfulness to the coppers only that they were persistant in asking for weapons...He should not have to State his proffession if it is irrellavant to the stop either, that is begging for "proffessional courtesy" that should not be needed, which could be misconstrued as projecting guilt.

You are of course correct. However, the real world has a way of intruding on our righteous ideas. Letting the Copper know that you are not a yuppie looking to score dope or a "date" would go a long way to staving off problems. It isn't looking for "PC" it is situation awareness. Judging from my memory of the OP he was talking to some "less than savory" characters and might have been less than polite to the Coppers. Which, to this inner city Copper would set off my RS alarms. I have noticed albeit anecdotally that the younger social worker types get a little "stockholmy" in their work.
If your post has disappeared, consider that a warning.
My mistake, sorry.

IIRC, what i was trying to convey is that if i was in an area with or an interaction/interrogation with LEO's known for AGGRESSIVELY looking for PC or RS to stop and search people (stretching that 4th amendment according to SOME opinions), i would do my best to avoid their radar to begin with by blending in or to let them know that i work for the same city/side they do if contact was unavoidable. Just as when if in a gang-controlled area, i would want to make sure i was not mistaken for a LEO or other out-of-place type of person by those who could pose a hazard to me or my property.

At my previous job, i tried to make sure that nobody saw my lil badge (spec agent/tax auditor :rolleyes: ) in the neighborhood i lived in; there were a couple of times i accidentally grabbed it rather than my wallet (same size & shape) at the convenience store or left it semi-visible in my car when picking up a friend, uncomfortable to say the least.
"Busby, glad your dillegence in following the law and patience in dealing with this has paid off in your being in the right so far. Alls well that ends well."

I think he will need a lot more patience still. I would not be surprised to see a thread about a year from now, lamenting that he hasn't gotten his guns yet ...

It hasn't ended yet!
IIRC, what i was trying to convey is that if i was in an area with or an interaction/interrogation with LEO's known for AGGRESSIVELY looking for PC or RS to stop and search people (stretching that 4th amendment according to SOME opinions.

Or in other words doing their jobs.
Or in other words doing their jobs.
Another very popular opinion, not one i share, but a very popular opinion nonetheless.

That is one of the great things about this country that hasn't gotten too messed up yet, we can all agree, disagree, or agree to disagree without much fear of reprisal.
to: Dave P

Although it took my neighbor, a retired NYC Detective almost 2 years to get his revolver returned to him over a trivial matter, I highly doubt that it will take very long to get my license reinstated and my guns returned to my possession. The inspector who I had been speaking with already approved the reinstatement and return and it is just a matter of her two superiors signing off in agreement. As I stated in a previous post, I've always had a professional relationship with the gun licensing division of NYPD and my experience in this matter is no exception. My neighbor, the retired NYPD detective, had suggested that I not even notify the gun licensing division of the summons and, if I followed his advice, they would not have even known about the summons because it was dismissed and sealed in a few weeks. But I chose to follow the laws set forth in the Gun License Manual.

I'm confident that I'll have my guns returned to me in a timely manner. They are held in "safekeeping" for one year. If they are not returned to me by 12/2/10, then I have grounds for a lawsuit which I will easily win since on 2/1/10 the case was dismissed. But I hope it doesn't come down to that since I want my guns back.

To Glenn Dee..

suspicious of what? Do you know how difficult it is to get a pistol permit in NYC and renew that permit? I think I was investigated by the NYPD, the CIA, the FBI, and the TSA to get the permit. I think I can safely say that anyone who gets a pistol permit in NYC is one of the highest law abiding citizens in the nation.

but.. the fact remains that search was illegal which is why the DA dismissed the charges even though the knife was perfectly legal to carry in NY.

"it is just a matter of her two superiors signing off" Good luck with that paper shuffle. Bet it gets misplaced at least once!

"I'll have my guns returned to me in a timely manner. They are held in "safekeeping" for one year." That fits the definition of an oxymoron!

Good luck in your endeavor - you will need it.
Or in other words doing their jobs.
While I have been on the wrong end of gestapo tactics and can feel for anybody else in that situation, I also read the papers online from most places I have lived over the years. In some places, the crime has stayed about what I would expect and in others it has risen dramatically. So, while some cops can be overzealous for all the wrong reasons, I do thank the ones that do, in fact, do their jobs.
might have been less than polite to the Coppers
Politness is a subjective opinion that could only be judged from the officers at the scene at the time. The original poster never inferrd that he was less then cordial with the officers, only that he did not state his occupation until asked.
Less then polite is therefore imaginary.
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