NYC and Police Harassment (Update)

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New member
Due to inappropriate postings, several of the posts in my previous thread (NYC and Police Harassment) were removed and the thread was closed by the administrator. However, many who posted appropriate responses wanted to know the results.

The DA dismissed the charges prior to the court hearing date on the basis that the evidence (the knife) was inadmissible (due to an illegal search?). However, the knife was 3 3/8 inches long, under the 4 inch or larger stipulation of 10-133-B, so if a hearing had occurred, the knife would have been found "legal" under 10-133-B which I was being charged with and the charges would have been dismissed anyway.

Please, stay on topic with any responses.

to Webleymkv and others

Regarding the status of my guns and license

I had to forward an "Original Certificate of Disposition" from the court showing that the charges were dismissed and the reason for the dismissal to an Investigator at the Pistol License Bureau.

When I spoke with her, she assured both my attorney and me that she would immediately sign for reinstatement of my license and return of my guns to my possession when she received the document.

However, she told me that two of her superiors also had to review the documentation and would have to agree with her decision, and the paperwork would first go to one, then the other. As a result, she indicated that it could take "some time" for me to receive whatever document I will be getting (I forget the name) that will allow me get my license back and retrieve my guns from "safekeeping".

In all honesty, I have to say that my dealings with NYPD's handgun licensing division have always been on a professional level. It's hard to explain, but even when they explained to me that I had to surrender my guns due to protocol, they implied that it was frustrating for both them and me to have to go through such a lengthy procedure over so minute a thing as a summons for knife possession.

I know that those in gun friendly states might have nothing but negative things to say, but I've found the attitude of the pistol licensing division to be supportive of those who have a license. I honestly think that they realize that getting a pistol permit of any type in NYC is extremely difficult, but once someone obtains it, they've passed so many stringent criteria that they should be looked upon with respect.

I hope that the police who gave me the summons for both the fuzzy dice and the knife leave me alone and let me do my job from now on.

I know that those in gun friendly states might have nothing but negative things to say, but I've found the attitude of the pistol licensing division to be supportive of those who have a license. I honestly think that they realize that getting a pistol permit of any type in NYC is extremely difficult, but once someone obtains it, they've passed so many stringent criteria that they should be looked upon with respect.

Oh I wouldn't disparage the folks working at the licensing division, they're just trying to do their jobs. I might, however, have a few choice things to say about the politicians that pass such draconian laws.
I might, however, have a few choice things to say about the politicians that pass such draconian laws.

The politicians that passed such draconian laws are DEAD. Have been for decades.

Problem is that most of these laws have been in effect since as early as the 30's. I hear people blaming Giuliani for the anti-gun attitude. Seriously? The mans grandparents were children when these laws were passed. Sure, getting them repelled takes effort from the modern leaders which we surely don't have, but it's not like they created most of these laws. In fact, several of them including the OPs knife law, have been improved over the years.
Thanks for the update Bubsy,

you are to be commended for your diligence... hopefully that paper work won't get stuck on one of the two other folks desk for too long... Is there any way to 'kiss up' to the first person and ask them to kind of push it on through?
I might, however, have a few choice things to say about the politicians that pass such draconian laws.

The politicians that passed such draconian laws are DEAD. Have been for decades.

I wasn't really referring to Giuliani, any specific law, or even necessarily New York. While some laws may have been on the books for 70-80 years, many others have not. Assault Weapon bans and the like are a fairly recent development of say the last 30 years or so and many of the politicians that passed those are not only still alive, but still in office. Also, as you noted, I might also have some choice things to say about the current politicians that refuse to support repealing or amending such draconian laws. Likewise, the politicians who allow "creative interpretation" of laws and harrassment by certain LEO's are also partly to blame.
Webleymkv said:
I wasn't really referring to Giuliani, any specific law, or even necessarily New York.

I should have broken up my rant a little.:o It wasn't entirely directed at you. You're right in many ways and many places, some laws in NY have actually improved though. Particularly, but not exclusively, outside the city.
a couple of updates..

an attorney from the company that manufacturers the knife sent me a legal statement that the knife is legal to carry in New York City and does not violate the city ordinance 10-133B nor the NY CLS Penal Section 265. I have forwarded that to my attorney who will now petition the DA to return the knife to me. "Evidence" is held for 120 days after the hearing where the outcome is determined so I have until June 1st to get it returned to me.

Handguns are held for safekeeping for one year from the date they are vouchered so I have until 12/2/10 to have then returned to me. I'll keep you posted.

Handguns are held for safekeeping for one year from the date they are vouchered

Sorry to see this. Does mean you may not purchase another handgun to carry for self defense while the vouchered weapons are being held?
I think this means he has one year to be cleared before they will destroy the guns. Once he is cleared he should be able to get the guns back. I dont think it means that they will hold his guns for one year even if he is cleared previously.
Sorry if I've mislead anyone. Hey Joe is correct. The guns are held for up to 1 year . But once I receive a notice from the pistol license division that my license has been reinstated, I can get the license then get a notice to release the handguns to me.

To Cow Towner. Each time I want to purchase a gun, NYC laws require me to petition the handgun licensing division to purchase an additional gun to be registered on my license. Once I petition them, it usually takes 12-16 weeks to get a purchase permit. But.. since my license is still officially suspended, I am not able to make any purchases nor make a request to purchase an additional handgun. But I have my eye on a Sig Sauer Mosquito 22 as my next gun.

but, let's not get off topic here.

Man, we need to get 'off topic' if just for a second.

I love Sigs but why would you want to buy such a problematic gun?

then again I think in a recent post a lot of folks defended the Mosqueto...

I admire your sticking with it.... your whole city/state system seems to be driven to defeat you as a gun owner...
I hope that the police who gave me the summons for both the fuzzy dice and the knife leave me alone and let me do my job from now on.

I hope you don't use the same tone if you have further dealings with these Coppers. You are after all a guest in their playground.
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