NY Times: "The Rise of the Armed Left"

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An interesting article on how political events have pushed a rise in gun ownership on the left

To keep this forum-safe, I will avoid talking about any political position. But I will say that I know quite a few liberals who have taken to owning guns in times in which they have felt persecuted because of their circumstances. It is less common now, but in the 1980s gay-bashing by gangs of young men was a real thing, and I had some gay friends arm themselves specifically in response to the perceived threat. And, although it is 40 years ago now, in my opinion, the Black Panthers arming themselves were the closest in recent times to embodying the purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

It is interesting how this goes - folks on the right arming themselves against some perceived Muslim invasion threat, and folks on the left arming themselves because of a perceived Nazi/White Nationalist threat. (This board and THR are pretty good, but some gun boards are full of folks talking about Muslim invaders).

I actually find it refreshing that the left sees the need to take the initiative to protect themselves, because part of some left-leaning philosophy has historically been a pacifism (that I, as a liberal, find contemptible).

One of the NRA's big failings is not to be reaching out across the aisle. They frame themselves as pretty right wing - articles about Socialism, etc., that really have no place in advocating gun ownership. But maybe their interest is in the continued political conflict rather than actually convincing folks from different philosophies.

But, folks, let's keep it clean!
Agree, and Yes, I are one(middle-left leaning liberal)..not because of the white nationalist 'threat'(altho in some places, that is real), but because lots of crazies out there with lots of ill intent and a lot are armed..with family, grand daughters, I feel better being armed.

Lohman466 above gets it.
We make an error, especially in politics, by believing that we can know sometimes stance on one issue by his or her stance on another.

For instance someone may believe in single payer healthcare, free expression of sexuality an gender, a balanced budget, and the individual right to firearm ownership.

I expect there are far more people who are not in lock-step with the platforms of either major party than there are that are. A "progressive democrat" is not necessarily against the individual right to own firearms. a "conservative republican" will not necessarily defend it. These labels are FAR too encompassing.
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As far as daily life goes, I'm mostly conservative but I still have a liberal view of several things. Most of the people I know personally are the same. That said, I've become a one-issue voter and I vet candidates based on their views and policy history with regard to gun rights.

There are a lot of liberal gun owners out there and I still believe that if we didn't have the support of congressional members who are democratic gun owners, we would not have the rights we do now. The vocal liberal media and liberal screamers are, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the exception rather than the rule.

Of course, a lot of people are voting straight ticket which is an uneducated and irresponsible way to vote. Nevertheless, lately, I've been hearing Democrat radio ads telling voters that they SHOULD vote straight ticket, top to bottom, "for the children." As if the Democrats are the only people out there who think education is important. The irony, of course, is in this uneducated approach to voting. As a result, the temptation to vote straight ticket Republican is hard to resist.

/Soapbox before I go too far with this.

Well Guys , Coming from NY where the gun laws are strict , that's fine but even here you give an inch they want to take a mile . As far as the WIDE line in the sad , that's the same mind set , a line is a line . I've been to war an saw what man can do to man . It's getting to the point with even friends with views so set , it's past the point of talking . Like I said before , Pick a side there's NO middle ground , things are getting ugly. Keep this Country Safe no place on earth like America , it can go south very quickly, just keep listening to Hollywood and bleeding hearts.
As far as daily life goes, I'm mostly conservative but I still have a liberal view of several things. Most of the people I know personally are the same. That said, I've become a one-issue voter and I vet candidates based on their views and policy history with regard to gun rights.

There are a lot of liberal gun owners out there and I still believe that if we didn't have the support of congressional members who are democratic gun owners, we would not have the rights we do now. The vocal liberal media and liberal screamers are, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the exception rather than the rule.

Of course, a lot of people are voting straight ticket which is an uneducated and irresponsible way to vote. Nevertheless, lately, I've been hearing Democrat radio ads telling voters that they SHOULD vote straight ticket, top to bottom, "for the children." As if the Democrats are the only people out there who think education is important. The irony, of course, is in this uneducated approach to voting. As a result, the temptation to vote straight ticket Republican is hard to resist.

/Soapbox before I go too far with this.

No doubt I'll get a time out for this but trump just said at one of his 'rallies' that if you "love your children and care about their future, vote republican"..so it goes both ways.
No doubt I'll get a time out for this but trump just said at one of his 'rallies' that if you "love your children and care about their future, vote republican"..so it goes both ways.
Well, crap. I didn't hear that one. Goes to show, however, that the left has no exclusive claim to craziness.

I'd call myself a "Reagan Republican", which in the current environment leaves me looking for D's who support 2A rights. Not too hard in Wyoming really.

I like most of what the NRA does, but I won't pay them dues because of the partisan message and the stupid things Lil Wayne spews. If they booted him and dropped the extreme partisanship they could sign up a lot more members. I think that's the whole point of the SRA: many people simply don't like the NRA's messaging.
That's Hollywood BS , I started with jane fonda and the list goes on , lowest for of humanity .They just like to hear themselves talk . My way of getting back on those , I don't watch anything their in . Talk is over , Pick a Side.
CW, I just posted that as a look at what the other side is saying now. I don't believe that crap either. Actors live in a fantasy world and sometimes they believe they're the action figure they portray. I'm just amazed at the rhetoric coming the the left, progressive, socialist, what ever they call themselves now but they want to blame Trump for everything they messed up.
10-4 on Jane Fonda lower than whale excrement.
That's why I put her in lower case , we're on the same page . It's nice to know there are level headed people out there , Tuesday we'll see where this Countries Going . Be Well .

oh enough of the line is drawn in the sand, the blood will flow in the streets. you are starting to sound like anti gun people who say the same about open carry and constitutional carry anywhere it is being discussed. there will be an election tuesday. 99.99% of the people will live with the results whether they are happy or not and prepare for the next one. the .01 % of the people who are fanatics will do what they were going to do eventually anyway. there will be no civil war. enough of the histrionics.
I live with election results... I don’t (can’t) have a U.S. flag on my porch anymore; because some people don’t live with elections.
A lot of rhetoric may not be real, but I assure you the fires and vandalism is.
Well, if you were a person of the leftward persuasion and you saw a guy elected president (and leader of the executive branch) who was, according to your echo-chamber of choice, "Hitler" and a neo-nazi.... arming would make some logical sense.

The fact that the left side of the aisle still wants to ban X, Y and Z items of self-defense tells me that they really think that potentially crazy gov't is a flash in the political pan and not "the right side of history."
Joey suits you better , I'm not living in a fantasy or paranoid world . This is the last time I will respond to you . Lost cause , your on the other side of that line in the sand , Be Well.

The flage is flying in front of my home and always will . Respect is what's lacking in this country these days . Let's see what happens down the road .

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