NY Pistol Permit Woes

New York is not "shall issue." I would never move, at this point, to a state that is not.

For me, my options right now are (well, my preferences right now are) either Vermont or Arizona. Those are two states in which I would enjoy living, flying, skydiving, sightseeing, snowboarding, kayaking, camping, and gun owning.

Florida just plain sucks for a lot of reasons. About the only good things there are year-round flying, skydiving, kayaking, and inline skating. The geography/topography/flora all SUCK. Flying over Florida is about the boringest flying you can do. It's a good thing I enjoy the actual doing of it, because the scenery blows.

I also hate the street arrangement, the way they're all just squared 90 degree intersections like a city. Bo-ring. I love driving on Long Island, where the roads actually curve and go up and down hills. (Of course, upstate qualifies for that, too.)

I would not move back to Long Island, even though it is "home" for me, because its population has grown too large and too... well, we've covered that. That, and the CCW situation had me carrying "out of permit class" when I lived here. It was a risk that I would not wish to continue taking.

blackmind said:
New York is not "shall issue." I would never move, at this point, to a state that is not.

well, many counites in NY are deemed as "almost shall issue" for a unrestricted permit (and in most cases a permit is issued)

sara toga, broome, nyc, bronx, long island, and rockland are deemed "ltc impossible to obtain" for a unrestricted permit (and even the restricted permit is difficult to obtain).
For that, anyway.

And here's another entry for the "WTF" files, regarding Long Island, at least:

I was at a gas station and noticed a sticker on the door that said they will not sell tobacco products to anyone under NINETEEN years of age, as Suffolk County law stipulates.


So you have turned 18, you can join the military on your own, vote to elect the president, get drafted into the military, you can sign a contract to purchase a $300,000 home... and the county government fascist morons assert that you are not adult enough to decide to smoke.

Governmental control at its most sickening. "We're taking self-determination power away from you because we don't like you smoking. And we'd set the law at THIRTY if we thought you wouldn't burn our legislature down for it."
