NY Lawmakers Seeking to Severely Restrict Ammo Sales Statewide


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So being a resident of NY, I am especially curious, but what are the real chances of this passing? Does it have any chance of passing? What kind of watered-down bill might be passed? How would they enforce the provisions this bill calls for?
Call your representative and ask their opinion. They often have a better idea.

If it's any consolation, it won't happen in Texas, and you're welcome here.
Unbelievable!! Well, not really... Not here in NY anyway.
They already passed legislation mandating background checks for purchasing ammunition. And while that piece of legislation is still impossible to apply, let alone enforce, they want to pass another law?? I'm starting to wonder... are we paying our legislators on piece-work basis?
One or two people have found no evidence of this bill being actually submitted. According to the article in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle one of the sponsors is a retired NYPD officer.

The republicans have a majority in the state senate, so it won't pass. If it did pass no Sheriff north of NYC will enforce it. You could also expect Albany to become very crowded with a protest. Lawsuits as well.

So someone shooting sporting clays, trap, or sweet would get to shoot less than one competition per year - if they don't practice. I don't want to even think about what this would do to USPSA and IDPA. PA will be selling more ammo and please don't anyone one tell the idiots about r-e-l-o-a-d-i-n-g.
The San Bernardino shooters had 6,000 rounds of ammunition. We need this legislation so that cannot happen here
Right, because a limit on ammunition is going to prevent terrorist attacks.

This has one, and only one, purpose. It has only one intention. That is to make life harder on all gun owners. They got the SAFE Act, and now they're just piling on whatever they think they can get, as opposed to something that might actually do some good.
So for my Ruger No. 1, I could buy two cartridges every 90 days, or a total of 8 every year......

You better buy one of the "High capacity" double rifles. That way you can buy 4 rounds ever 3 months. :confused:
It will likely pass. This is (politically) in the top 5 of the anti-gun capitals of America, after all.

Then, it will be struck down, much like the 7 rounds in a 10 round magazine rules, as arbitrary and capricious.

After a few years that is, and then they'll make a new version and do it all over again, meanwhile leaving all the legal gun owners in perpetual limbo/confusion.

They don't really care if it stands or is or is not constitutional or effective. Throw enough feces at the wall, some of it will stick.
It will likely pass.

I don't think it will get passed by the senate, but I almost hope it does just so it finally reveals the utter ignorance and stupidity of these people. This law would be totally ignored.

At the bottom of the article it says that the sponsors are using it for as a negotiating tool.
I can't mail order ammo anymore in NY for my competition shooting but I can drive ninety miles down the NYS thruway and buy a truckload and bring it back home.....legally. These clowns in Albany should all be kicked out of office just for being STUPID. What a bunch of retards we have running this state and they keep getting voted back in. New York State should be divided in two. There are two very distinct factions in NY. The Western end of the state has nothing in common with New York City and Albany. The "tards" live on the east side and have no interest in the western part of the state.
NoSecondBest, as a "tard" living in the east side of the state[emoji6] I'd have to disagree with you. Even here in the Capitol region of upstate NY, people are much less liberal. I see anti-SAFE ACT signs and repeal obamacare signs, etc all over, but never anything in favor of those "fecal" pieces of legislation. Lots of hunters and outdoors types around here. Other than those in the various cities of course...
The split should be Albany and NYC vs everyone else. I'm sure the politicians have enough free time on their hands to figure out how to draw a border to accomplish that.
The problem is how to ignore the law? Would businesses be willing to mail-order any ammunition to the state beyond what the law states? Would ammo retailers be willing to sell such amounts? Would shooting ranges accept such people shooting such amounts? Hopefully it won't pass. The SAFE Act did pass, but remember it was passed by essentially bypassing the legislative process, as Cuomo signed a state of emergency to eliminate the mandatory two-day review period and then passed it in the dead of night. So they knew that in NY, it could have been seriously hampered if done through the normal legislative process.
Oh, gawd.

Adams, a former police officer with the NYPD who figured in the passage of the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act, said there was a “a responsibility to put public safety first, in the face of the blood-soaked carnage of mass shootings, made possible by the calculated and unrestricted stockpiling of thousands of deadly ammunition rounds.”
So some mass shooters have had stockpiles of thousands of rounds of ammunition. How many rounds were actually fired in each episode? 50? 100? I'm not going to go back looking for statistics, but I'd guess probably 150 to 200 rounds, taops, for any of the mass shooters in the past fifteen or twenty years.

What difference does it make if Johnny Jihad and his blushing bride left thousands of rounds at home in the closet when they went out and shot 100 or so rounds before being killed by the police?

This is just nuts. All this will do is create a massive black (or grey) market for ammo in New York. Where is New York situated? Between Vermont (no gun laws at all) and Pennsylvania -- the state where the schools close on the first day of the hunting season. All this will do is drive sales to other states, and result in people buying in larger quantities so they don't have to drive to VT or PA as often.
There's already a "grey" market for ammo in NY.

The "Safe" Act includes a requirement for background checks on ammo purchases. A requirement for which there is no and never will be any provision for actually accomplishing. They've even very very quietly voted to suspend the requirement.

But the damage is done, nobody will ship ammo into NY anymore, which is what they really wanted anyway.

Most folks just buy it and have no idea there's even a law about it but a lot of folks near the border, just out of spite, cross into PA and buy ammo, just like they do fireworks.
After a few years that is, and then they'll make a new version and do it all over again, meanwhile leaving all the legal gun owners in perpetual limbo/confusion.
It's not just that. It costs money for lawyers to challenge this stuff in court. I've never gotten hard confirmation, but I strongly suspect that's part of it: pass one law after another and wear us down through attrition.
There's already a "grey" market for ammo in NY.

The "Safe" Act includes a requirement for background checks on ammo purchases. A requirement for which there is no and never will be any provision for actually accomplishing. They've even very very quietly voted to suspend the requirement.

But the damage is done, nobody will ship ammo into NY anymore, which is what they really wanted anyway.

What do you mean that no one will ship ammo into NY anymore? Do you mean it is difficult to purchase ammunition over the Internet in NY? I live in NY but have yet to purchase my first gun due to $$$ reasons, however my understanding is that one can purchase ammo from the Internet, just it has to be shipped to an FFL first; has that become more difficult...?