Right, because a limit on ammunition is going to prevent terrorist attacks.The San Bernardino shooters had 6,000 rounds of ammunition. We need this legislation so that cannot happen here
So for my Ruger No. 1, I could buy two cartridges every 90 days, or a total of 8 every year......
It will likely pass.
So some mass shooters have had stockpiles of thousands of rounds of ammunition. How many rounds were actually fired in each episode? 50? 100? I'm not going to go back looking for statistics, but I'd guess probably 150 to 200 rounds, taops, for any of the mass shooters in the past fifteen or twenty years.Adams, a former police officer with the NYPD who figured in the passage of the NY Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act, said there was a “a responsibility to put public safety first, in the face of the blood-soaked carnage of mass shootings, made possible by the calculated and unrestricted stockpiling of thousands of deadly ammunition rounds.”
It's not just that. It costs money for lawyers to challenge this stuff in court. I've never gotten hard confirmation, but I strongly suspect that's part of it: pass one law after another and wear us down through attrition.After a few years that is, and then they'll make a new version and do it all over again, meanwhile leaving all the legal gun owners in perpetual limbo/confusion.
There's already a "grey" market for ammo in NY.
The "Safe" Act includes a requirement for background checks on ammo purchases. A requirement for which there is no and never will be any provision for actually accomplishing. They've even very very quietly voted to suspend the requirement.
But the damage is done, nobody will ship ammo into NY anymore, which is what they really wanted anyway.