NY Introduces Insurance Bill

Of course this only works with registration so they can enforce these provisions

Exactly and that is the conundrum, the catch 22.

I would not per se oppose universal checks and licensing if the anti gun movement did not exist. But knowing those anti second amendment lobbies exist and are selling the big lie so well, and knowing these checks and licensing can be used for future strategies of greatly increasing costs as well as facilitating confiscation, both of which are stated strategies and goals of the anti second amendment lobby, they need to be opposed.

It is no different than the issue of studies of gun violence. I doubt any of us are per se against this. Legit studies could be used to help gun owners and the general public be safer in their habits and uses. I'd like to know best practices for minimizing danger. but thee studies have time and time again be shown to be false. they were used for trigger locks, which are known to do nothing positive. their sole purpose is to limit rights.

The problem with the universal schemes is that they are a stated step in confiscation. Even DOJ documents note that this is needed to effectively achieve confiscation should that be legislated.
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yet another point to consider...

As a motorist, I am required not only to have insurance to cover myself and my vehicle, but I am also required to have insurance to cover the un- or under insured motorist. AND I have had to use it, twice, once for a driver with a license and no insurance, and once to cover damages from a driver with no license or insurance.

If they are going to require gun owners to carry insurance, then they darn well better require the NON GUN OWNERS to carry insurance as well.

Requiring insurance, especially 1 million dollars worth is the sneaky back door way to get people to give up guns. We lost a gun show at the county fairgrounds a couple years back, due to the asst. DA (and I have no idea where his authority comes from) requiring ALL vendors at the show to carry $1million liability for the duration of the show (3 days).

ALL vendors. Not just the gun sellers, but the hot dog guy, the t-shirt guy, and the little old ladies selling doillies. At the time, the cost was around $80 for the three days, but that amount was equal or greater than the proift of many vendors. No vendors, no show. That simple.
One of the commonly overlooked issues in the car-gun-insurance comparison is this: The driver of a car is required to have insurance if he operates the car on the public streets or roads. Not that I have done in-depth research, but I do not know of states requiring insurance simply to own a car. By contrast, all of the gun insurance legislation that I've seen requires insurance simply to own a gun, even if you never fire a shot, much less fire a shot on a public range.
One of the commonly overlooked issues in the car-gun-insurance comparison is this: The driver of a car is required to have insurance if he operates the car on the public streets or roads. Not that I have done in-depth research, but I do not know of states requiring insurance simply to own a car.

Along the same lines, most (all?) states don't even require registration, if the car is not going to be driven on public roads (such as racecars, cars that you buy as "donor cars" solely for the parts, etcetera). Some race-only cars don't even have titles, are sold with only a bill of sale, and *can't* be registered for road use.
Exactly, ScottRiqui. Whenever I hear the "let's-register-all-firearms-like-we-do-cars," I want to point out that if we treated firearms like we treat cars, then:
1) there would be no minimum age to purchase;
2) there would be no background check;
3) there would be no registration, unless used on public grounds;
4) getting a license to operate one would be good in every State and city in the Union.
Pure Racism

OK, I don't think it's racist, but if some community leaders view it they may very well take that position. Rightly or wrongly insurance in minority community's tends to be higher, if available at all. In regards to having a gun some people living in high crime areas that may really need a gun may be prohibited because of this legislation. If I lived in NY, I'd send emails to all minority leaders pointing this out. It might be helpful to have some opposition from the left fighting this. Just a thought.
I would point out that the right to keep and bear arms is specifically protected by the Bill of Rights, while the right to operate a specific type of vehicle on government-owned roadways is not.

I see the comparison often, but it's really not apt.
The left will sell it's very own soul if the 2nd Amendment is at stake. Don't expect any consideration in regards to race or civil rights, they don't exist as far as gun control is concerned. The end justifies all means.