NY Handgun Permit

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all,

My childhood friend lives in NYC, Flatbush Ave. in BK to be exact. Its seedy to say the least and she is not thrilled with her neighbors. She is single, little and dosent have a car so most of her travel is done via the hoof. So, we were talking today via google chat, and she mentioned how on her next visit up she would like to pick up a handgun. She said she wanted to do it here so I could go with her and help her pick somehting out. Problem is, I dont think it will be that easy. According to what I read, NY state law requires city residents to apply for a permit to own a handgun (:barf::barf::barf:) So, if one of the powdered wiggs should so happen to deem her fit to defend herself, could she buy her gun in VA and take it back to NYC? I imagine they have some sort standered firmarms have to meet like Mass. and CA unfortunetly do......Basically I'm trying to avoid drivng up to NYC, I hate it there. It smells like pee, everywhere, even in Manhattan. There, I said it. Anybody ever had to deal with this BS?
Yes she needs permission from the city to have a gun. She cannot take possession of it in VA it must be shipped to an FFL in her home state. I'm sure there are more hoops to jump in NYC but I don't know them. Last I heard getting permission to have a pistol in your house in NYC was rather difficult. to actually carry it requires that you be connected to the power structure.
Nope, dont do it, tell her its not worth it if she gets caught. and what if she gets caught with an illegal handgun? it'll be an automatic 3 years in jail!!!

and if she happens to use the gun for self defense, provided that she can shoot straight, she'll still be in hot water anyway. Here, you really dont have a right to defend yourself....

I admit living in anti-gun NYC sucks..... the people who we vote to be in office are pansies....

My advice would be for her to apply for the NYC residence/target pistol permit, wait the 4-8 months for approval, then she can get her gun and keep it at home, for self protection at home. Let me remind you that a personal interview with an officer at 1 police plaza (NYPD headquarters) is required at the 3-4 month mark during the application process. During this interview you will be asked questions about why do you want to own a gun, how often do you go shooting etc etc.... the cop wants to talk with you to get an idea of the kind of person you are. After that point if the cop decides that you sound normal and responsible, you will then be able to get your license.

In additon, licensed NYC residents are restricted to making 1 handgun purchase per month, and each time you purchase a pistol, you must bring it back to police headquarters for the gun to be registered and inspected.....

read this for more info, trust me its worth the read on the NYC pistol permit application process:

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Reason enough why I will never live there. What kind of bastardized distortion of ideas can people possibly have there to allow this kind of garbage and still call themselves American?
NYC has its own laws above and beyond the rest of NY State. Even a Ruger 10/22 is ILLEGAL there. Do not buy her a gun and give it to her. If she wants one she can go through the hassle of getting a permit for one in her home but a carry permit is near impossible for "normal" people. Howard Stern, Donald Trump, Ron Lauder and those who are connected or rich can get one but odds are she never will.
Wow, I knew it was bad but i had no idea. What a hassel. I cant understand how someone could deny a women her right to defend herself. Looks like shes gonna have to go with plan b, a big dog. Does NYC have laws the require licencing big dogs?

Whatta sh*t hole that place is.

Thanks for the info fella's.
Let's not get carried away here. Don't blame the NYC politicians for the situation. It's the people of NYC who want this kind of politicians. The people of NYC repeatedly vote on them, even though they have many other choices. Don't forget that.
At MOST, your friend will only be able to get a permit for her house. She would be able to transport her handgun to and from a shooting range and it would have to be unloaded and locked in a case. A premise permit in NYC is only valid in NYC- it is NOT valid upstate. I believe the only exception to it being valid upstate is if you are hunting- I am not 100% sure on that though.

You mentioned that she lived by Flatbush... :eek: .. I have had the misfortune of driving the entire length of that Avenue a few times. Parts of that Avenue look like a warzone!

I've said this before on here. The easiest path to a NYC carry permit is to take the NYPD or NYC Corrections test!:D

I know this is easier said than done... but just move.. even if it's upstate. Is is pretty easy to get a carry permit up there.
^^ correction.....

With a NYC residence/Target permit, it will be valid thruout the entire state of NY.

NY (non-nyc) residence/target/carry permits are not honored in NYC....

sucks huh?

and yes the easiest way to a unrestricted carry permit in NYC is to become an NYPD officer... that is if you get hired...
With a NYC residence/Target permit, it will be valid thruout the entire state of NY.

WRONG!!!!! A NYC carry permit is valid statewide. As a retired cop, my grandfather has a NYC carry permit and carries statewide often.

A premise permit in NYC is valid ONLY in NYC. It is only valid upstate under a few circumstances (hunting is one of them).
I agree with you that a NYC carry permit is valid statewide.....I'm not disagreeing with you here......

But I stand by my position that out of NYC, NYS permits are not honored in NYC....
a NYC carry permit is valid statewide


NYS permits are not honored in NYC

Correct again.

I don;t have the energy or the determination the go throuth the NYC Admin. Code and the NYPD Pistol Permit rules right now.. Maybe tomorrow I will sift through them and find the section that covers the topic that we were discussing. The NRA gun law page did not really touch on this area.
well, a PREMISE permit is good for the place (premise).

if it is a NYC Premise permit, then the Premise is in NYC and therefore wont concern NYS.

I understand, it is ok to bring the gun locked in box with ammo seperate of shooting ranges and the such, and I have been upstate to shooting ranges with my premise permit and they never said anything.
§ 5-23 Types of Handgun Licenses. (a) Premises License -- Residence or Business. This
is a restricted handgun license, issued for the protection of a business or residence
(1) The handguns listed on this license may not be removed from the
address specified on the license except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(2) The possession of the handgun for protection is restricted to the inside
of the premises which address is specified on the license.
(3) To maintain proficiency in the use of the handgun, the licensee may
transport her/his handgun(s) directly to and from an authorized small arms range/shooting
club, unloaded, in a locked container, the ammunition to be carried separately.
(4) A licensee may transport her/his handgun(s) directly to and from an
authorized area designated by the New York State Fish and Wildlife Law and in compliance with all pertinent hunting regulations, unloaded, in a locked container, the ammunition to be carried separately, after the licensee has requested and received a "Police Department -- City of New York Hunting Authorization" Amendment attached to her/his license.

As far as I know, the only 'authorized' shooting ranged by NYPD are in NYC. The only time you may take the gun outside of the city is if you get a hunting approval from the NYPD during hunting season.

Talk about big brother breathing down your neck... ehh? I'm glad I don't live in NYC. I will be working there an as LEO in a few months-- but not for the NYPD though.