

New member
If you want to keep your gun rights AND your guns, you better be a PAID UP member of the NRA. If you are too cheap to join the NRA and MAINTAIN this membership, than you have only yourself to blame when Hillary takes away your guns. And you better be sending in an extra $20 bill here and there throughout the year also. Right now, the only organization with real political strength to fight for our gun rights is the NRA. Either support the NRA or be ready to turn in your guns. Hillary, Chuckie, Teddy, Al, Nancy, both Johnny boys, Bill, Corzine, Rosie, Rebecca, and a bunch more anti-American left wing Socialists have Gun Control at the top of their lists. :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
Amen to that - you ain't whistlin' Dixie, Junior! Gun owners (who own guns that would have been banned by now but for the NRA) who enjoy the protection of the NRA and/or GOA and/or SAF and/or JPFO but don't pay dues to any of them, or at least SOME group doing positive things for the RKBA, are nothing more than worthless dead weights, IMO. Unless they're young and uninformed (don't know better). "I don't want to be on some list" is the most common putrid excuse for this parasitic behavior.
Sheesh! :rolleyes: Talk about fearmongering.

There are plenty of pro-freedom organizations out there. NRA is by far the largest and most effective, but some disagree with their tactics and even think they compromise too much. I believe that everyone should be a member of *some* pro-freedom organization, but it doesn't necessarily have to be NRA.

That said, I've been a NRA member for seven years and counting...


P.S. I've seen a lot less gun-control on the democrat agenda of late due to their losses since 2000. We have to keep up the pressure though.
NRA? Sure, if the Goal is Compromise!

The NRA-ILA (their PAC) is not interested in restoring lost liberties. They are interested in compromise, and are well-known as "easy to work with" by all of the politicians in Washington, including the ones you list here. Despite the Board membership of some like Ted Nugent--who's about as pro-rights as anyone on Earth--the organization as a whole is corrupt, and has allowed our rights to be compromised one by one, always giving the insufficient explanation of "it's not good, but hey--it could be worse!"

No thanks. I don't want mandatory trigger locks. I don't want the NFA, GCA, import bans, or restrictions AT ALL. And I'm tired of the NRA, who is supposed to be on our side, telling me that these things are "reasonable." They aren't.

There is another option!

We need organizations that will work toward repealing all laws which have infringed our liberty, and those, my friend, start with the GOA and go downhill from there.

The NRA has four million members, yeah. So get out there, everyone, and join the GOA to swell it to a like proportion! Hey, it won't let you down, like the NRA has. And it already has over 300,000 members--far from being the insignificant fringe group that the good ol' boys would like you to believe.
I don't particularly agree with everything the NRA does, but they are the main players covering our @sses. Their lobbying efforts have helped the gunowners a lot more than they have hurt. They are a well respected lobby and anti-gun politicians know it. I make sure I give them my annual membership fees.
The NRA compromises. They even back politicans with questionable voting histories as far as gun rights goes.
There are other groups who also back gun rights. The NRA is the best known, but not the only one.
At best, the NRA is interested in maintaining the status quo. Take the offensive and make laws even more favorable for gun owners.
The NRA has gone out of its way to alienate Pink Pistol members. Why? Every vote counts. Why bother to spend the energy in a debate that has nothing to do with gun rights?

So pick a group that backs gun rights. The basic arguement of backing only the NRA is the same that keeps us in this stupid two party system.
"There is another option!"

GOA might grow faster if it presented a "why not join us too" attitude instead of a bash-the-NRA attitude.

NRA Endowment Member
Of course the NRA is into compromise - they need gun legislation like a fish needs water. Without the constant threat of new legislation, how many members would they have?
I'm not a member and I'm not going to become one until they show me they know where the line in the sand is.
Membership... NRA (Life), GOA, SAF, CCRKBA, SCSA. All current and active. :)

Each occationally offer reduced Life Memberships and/or easy payments. Combined I think the annual membership total is about $125. Put down the Starbucks for a week and stand up.
Each occationally offer reduced Life Memberships and/or easy payments. Combined I think the annual membership total is about $125. Put down the Starbucks for a week and stand up.

I assure you I don't visit Starbucks. $5 coffee isn't in my budget, I drink Maxwell House and limit that to one cup a day. My only income is a VA disability (Vietnam) - and don't have $125 year in disposable income. Fuel costs are rising a lot faster than my "cost of living" increases. I was a NRA member back in the 80's and early 90's, when I could afford it.
The NRA folds faster than Superman on laundry day. Where were they when klinton got the brady bill and AWB passed? On a smoke break? They don't seem to be helping my Illini neighbors any.

Just giving the NRA money and expecting them to take care of you is the lazy way. Take new people shooting, show them we aren't all crackpots. Grassroots support of our rights, while more time consuming on your end is ultimately more effective.
The NRA folds faster than Superman on laundry day.
:D That's Funny! :D

The NRA was instrumental in getting CCW passed in Ohio two years ago. They are currently championing the "Castle Doctrine" law in dozens of states. The nature of politics is compromise. I don't like it, but that's the way it is.


P.S. rick_reno - Check your PMs, please.
My point is that they realy have not done anything for me in Iowa. The efforts to get laws passed/changed have been by petitions circulating at gun shows/shops.

Until they actively start lobying in my state, for my rights, they will get my money from my cold, dead hands.

Oh, wait, I just found something that they are trying in Iowa. They want to pass a law so non-residents can carry in Iowa. How does that help me?
"The efforts to get laws passed/changed have been by petitions circulating at gun shows/shops."

Well of course it takes a local effort to get things done.

As an example of what's possible, look at what has done.

The NRA has more money and lobbying power behind them than anyone else. GOA is not even close in membership numbers or political clout. I'll keep my money with the NRA. :D
Without the NRA, we would have no gun rights. The GOA and the JPOFO are fringe groups, who do nothing but rant and rave. The NRA targets the sportsmen, which are the largest group of gunowners in the country. Without them, there is no movement of record.

The GOA/JPFO reminds of the homeless guy on the corner. He may be right, he may have good ideas, but mumbling and wearing a signboard does nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Yes. The NRA compromises. I would have liked it if the NRA stood it's ground in my state and said no more compromises, everybody gets to carry, no prohibited places. You know, the GOA ideal of what freedom should be. But they got us concealed carry. Recently, we've expanded castle doctrine, and most recently crossed another prohibited place off the list.

"No compromise" is good in theory. Problem is, the NRA, the GOA, the president of the united states could not get it done that way. Too much grounds has been lost due to apathy.

I like the GOA. I am a life member. I believe in their ideal of no compromise lobbying. But they don't get anything done.

I like the NRA. I am a life member. I wish they could do more, but at least they do something. Maybe if all the gun owners in the U.S. joined up we could fix it.
There are several good pro-gun groups. The NRA is just the most recognizeable of them. I'm an NRA member, but when the Indiana legislature passed the lifetime CCW permit and the Governor signed it, the NRA was NO PLACE TO BE FOUND. Many of us in Indiana took time off to meet with legislators, made phone calls, sent letters and e-mail.........voters have more impact than lobby groups. Only problem is, most voters won't get off their butts and do anything. It's very easy to click a mouse and send a prepared message, but that doesn't carry the same impact that a phone call, visit, or letter.

I think that too many folks feel like it's become "easier" to pay someone else to defend their 2nd Amendment rights through membership(s).
I won't join the NRA. The rights that they've compromised away...MY rights...were not theirs do give up. They were my rights. They were Your rights. They were inalienable rights. We may not be able to stop the tide..but anyone who TAKESK PART in giving up MY not my friend but my enemy.
I won't join the NRA. The rights that they've compromised away...MY rights...were not theirs do give up. They were my rights. They were Your rights. They were inalienable rights. We may not be able to stop the tide..but anyone who TAKESK PART in giving up MY not my friend but my enemy.

And this is exactly why our rights are slowly eroding.:rolleyes:

If we do not stand together, we fall seperately. The NRA has done more for Hunter and Shooter rights than ANY organization. Period. There is no other viable gun onwer organization. The JpFO and GOA are loud and obnoxious, but do nothing but bitch. The NRA has done just fine, IMO.