NRA Says We Must Stop the Decline of Hunting

Here in Maryland...deer management by the DNR has been a travesty of sorts.
Some being: That the Maryland DNR is in cahoots with the automobile insurance industry, that wants the Maryland deer herd wiped-out, due to so many deer collision insurance claims. Plus...the farmers are granted to many deer crop damage permits, then they lease out the land to deer hunters; so that the local deer herd is decimated --- other than large suburban areas where deer hunting is limited or prohibited.

This 'travesty' is accomplished by early muzzleloader seasons {before the deer rut}, that limits the chances of deer to breed, with the ultimate goal of large reductions with the deer population in Maryland.
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I bought my kids lifetime hunting licenses when they were born.I knew the state would price them out one day. Licenses keep going up because government is inefficient. Got to take money from us to pay the rabbit sheriff to aggravate us. I break no game laws but have had several hunts ruined by the rabbit sheriff checking my license.

I've never seen the price of resident general hunting licenses(deer, turkey, small game) as being pricey, nor exorbitant, especially when compared to the price of equipment and other related hunting costs. It's access to decent places to hunt that has gotten so pricey. Recreational land around here is $3-5000 an acre. Most of the good stuff is already gone. Large farms have been broken up into 40-80 acre parcels so folks with deep pockets can have their own piece of heaven. Then they post the property or complain to the sheriff if you shoot. "OMG! They're shooting at us and our miniature ponies!". Public land is underfunded for the most part. I'm lucky, I have several large parcels of public that are not always over-run. Many other areas are not so lucky. Look at Texas and other states where you either hunt "ranches" or have to lease area to hunt.

As for the "bunny police", it's never been a problem for me when they check my license. Nice to know they are around. Much of what the do for prevention is done by showing their presence. I guarantee you tho, for everytime they checked your license, they probably checked you out another ten times without you knowing it. Most DNRs/F&Gs are very efficient and do a great job with the limited funds they have. Like some cops, some wardens can be jerks, but they are not the norm. At least not around here. Seems the more they deal with poachers/slob hunters tho, the more they check the licenses of us law abiding citizens.

The perspective of what hunting really is has changed a lot. Instead of folks going to the closest woodlot and taking any game they see for food, we have turned into shooters, content only that we have shot something bigger than someone else. Go to any gun/hunting forum and your see folks with pictures of themselves, dressed in the latest L.L. Bean safari wear, posed with a huge dead cow or exotic, shot at a high fence ranch. This was after they had wine and steak at the clubhouse, then rode in posh pickup to the heated blind, situated at the feeding station, where the animal had come to eat it's whole life before being deemed "large enough". It doesn't matter how much outdoormanship or skill the hunter has. It matters not how much scouting and research he didn't do, only that he had enough to cover the price tag of the animal he shoots.....and he takes great pride in that.
"...deer meat kind of tastes like..." It's all about what Bambi has been eating and how his carcass was handled in the field. It'll be exactly the same with a hog. A hog that'll eat absolutely anything.
"...larger urban centers and folks are moving there..." That started happening 100 years ago. Current city people are retiring and moving out of urban areas. That causes a lack of available hunting land. Lot of 'em buy a small farm or acreage and deny access to hunters. And like disseminator says, urban sprawl has made the drive to suitable hunting areas much longer. Takes at least a half hour to get out of TO now. Took 5 minutes in the 60's.
As for the "bunny police", it's never been a problem for me when they check my license. Nice to know they are around. Much of what the do for prevention is done by showing their presence. I guarantee you tho, for everytime they checked your license, they probably checked you out another ten times without you knowing it. Most DNRs/F&Gs are very efficient and do a great job with the limited funds they have. Like some cops, some wardens can be jerks, but they are not the norm. At least not around here. Seems the more they deal with poachers/slob hunters tho, the more they check the licenses of us law abiding citizens.
My biggest gripe with the rabbit sheriff around here is that he is lazy. He puts no real effort into catching violators (my neighbor who baits, spotlights, hunts out of season). Old rabbit sheriff just drives around in his truck and 4 wheeler and checks people he can drive to. I only get checked when I forget and leave the gate open. He aint walking far, Old pot belly getting the best of him. He is nice enough, just borderline worthless.
I've only been around hunters drinking once. My old boss won a trip to a dove hunting outfitter with lodging. Went out in the morning and came back to lunch when. Many began drinking. There was maybe a score of people. So when we went back out in the afternoon I chose to hunt in the woods for rabbits as I didn't want to be around drunk people swinging shotguns around! 2 rabbits were better than nothing.

However my old boss and any other people he brought out saved drinking for the evening when things were done.
I'm twenty three and I've stopped deer hunting because it is not practical. For the amount of money one must invest on licenses, proper clothing for the weather, ammunition, etc you can buy beef from the supermarket and still save money.
I've stopped hunting deer because as neither myself nor my family have land, I have to hunt the public lands around a major metropolitan area, which cannot support the number of "hunters" in the area. The deer on the public lands are never more than a couple years old, and to see one you must deal with every asshat in the woods. I recall scouting one season around a clearing the size of a couple football fields, lined around all edges like the civil war with tree stands. 10 + stands for such a small area. You go out into the woods for solitude and to test your knowlodge and luck against an animal, and are yelled at by Bubba in his ladder stand, with his 870 and in all his 300lb, glory, with his coffee can full of cigarettte butts and cliff bar wrappers, when you walk anywhere near their stand on the way to yours.

Is hunting on the decline? No. It's more popular than ever.

So I've left the club. If I want to enjoy the woods nowadays I just go for a hike.

Just my experience and 2 cents.
If there are any young kids in my area wanting to go hunting i'm all for it. I have been hunting for about 30 years now and started when I was 7. As a teen money for a license was well spent as we barely had any. I remember between the 3 families we would shoot around 12 deer to fill the freezer. That would get us through the winter till fish became our main meal.

Now I make some money and have 4 weeks of paid vacation so I take 1 week to fish with my dad and another to deer hunt with him. Doing it this way it's not just about the deer but spending time with family. Yeah my out of state license may cost $265 for two deer, small game and all species fish but that's my major expense. Staying with my parents is free, food is cheap, and time is priceless. In the long run it's cheaper than my other vacations.

When I was in college I had to give up hunting to get decent grades but my parents still would drop off fish and deer meat.

Now fall is upon us I duck hunt once a week and pheasant hunt 2-3 because the public grounds are close. If a lot of people in the woods bothers you weekdays are great but bowhunting for deer is even better than a sea of orange.

I'll be out pheasant hunting tomorrow with a 88 year old Air Corps veteran and he loves being out even if he doesn't shoot anything.
I just heard about a deer hunting participant, that sets his tree climber stand about 30 yards from his other hunting participants hunting cabin. Another participant comes out the door of the 'spot-o-pot/latrine,' next to the hunting cabin...then spots the hunter, up in the tree, not more than 30 yards away from him. Then the same tree stand hunter -- while still up in the tree -- complains about the noise coming from the portable generator, next to the cabin, when some of the other hunters start it up.:D
I went to the scrap yard yesterday to get some cash to finance my son and I this season. $130 worth of scrap. It was gone after 3 boxes of ammo (60 rounds), 1 basic resident adult hunting license, and 1 junior license. That may not be much to many people, but for me that's a week's worth of groceries. My scrap money is typically my firearm fund so as not to dip into the grocery or bill money.
I went to the scrap yard yesterday to get some cash to finance my son and I this season. $130 worth of scrap. It was gone after 3 boxes of ammo (60 rounds), 1 basic resident adult hunting license, and 1 junior license. That may not be much to many people, but for me that's a week's worth of groceries. My scrap money is typically my firearm fund so as not to dip into the grocery or bill money.
That is a shame. Hunting should be affordable. This is the backwoods USA, not an African safari. Gun and ammo prices are what they are, but the government should quit dipping their hand in our pockets.
A combo (hunting/fishing) license in TX runs $50-60 (reduced for seniors and veterans) which I don't feel is too expensive. However most hunting areas are leased which is all too often far too expensive for me. And game processing is a bit much at roughly $150-200.

Now the place my old boss leases also has/had $100 day hunting for deer. One could easily get two deer (AM/PM) if one chose to do that much work.
but the government should quit dipping their hand in our pockets.
It's what's ending freedom. With every level of government hungry for more and more revenue, all the while having the power to create new taxes, we are steadily being reduced to the status of, "subject", rather than, "citizen". Thus, the role of the government to be the servant of the people has changed to be our master. If you make enough money, the system seems to work fine. But for those who can't, those people become more and more disenfranchised from the pursuit of happiness. I think it costs too much money for a fishing license that I hardly have the time to use. I went Deer hunting yesterday and it's the only day I will hunt this season. Didn't get a Deer, but I need to work. As a self-employed Tree Service contractor, I am licensed, bonded, insured, taxed, and regulated beyond what any American ought to have to deal with. When I do my taxes it cleans me out, every time. The only solution seems to be to make more money. But I have my limitations. So I don't really hunt anymore. I buy a hunting and fishing license and deer-tag every year and tell myself that this year will be different and I will devote some time for what I want to do. Then life and taxes interfere once again. Does it make me resentful? At times, very much so.
I contemplated a response to this thread for a couple days, as my thoughts on this topic are complex.

I learned hunting late... my family didn't hunt, but I was hugely interested from reading magazines and was taken on my first hunt in 6th grade. By graduation from high school, I was regularly duck, deer, and hog hunting with friends.

We cut our teeth on public land, as private land in central, east coat Florida seemed to be out of reach unless you were a blood relative. I learned to hike farther than anyone else to get to "untouched" areas... cross gator infested swamps in the process... hunt only the quota hunts for archery and modern gun. But beyond those week-long periods, I avoided the WMAs like the plague as the yahoos would descend in a sea of orange and it just wasn't worth the hassle. After joining the Air Force after college, my friends eventually gave up hunting the regular WMA we used as the cost in stolen stands, confrontations in the woods, and reports of people having their vehicles shot up in the remote areas we frequented made the risk seem too much. Add to that the low deer population, and it was a much celebrated event if any of us took a deer. Hogs were more common and our staple for hunting. The risk/benefit was not there.

Since then, it seems we as a society devolved to respect each other and each other's property even less. You hear it on this board from the landowners in Texas and other places defending their right not to allow any yahoo on their property to hunt, despite taking crop losses from hogs. Dirtbags shooting up landowners equipment, cattle, leaving fences open, etc is what their benevolence is greeted with. I've heard it first hand from farmers where I've been stationed, how they confronted strangers on their own property who claimed to have permission to hunt from Joe Bagadonuts. Problem is, Joe is not the landowner, and although the landowner gave Joe permission, Joe certainly did not have the right to extend that to others and give them copies of the gate key! In this case, the landowner was treated like a trespasser on his own property by the guy who didn't have legal permission to start with.:mad:

Also impacting access are companies like Base Camp Leasing. Private land that could have been available to the average Joe is now tied up in leases beyond the cost of most of the hunting demographic or going unhunted because the markup was too much. I perused these sites for the last 2 bases I was stationed and the costs were ludicrous. $3K/year for 60 acres and 1/2 of it flooded during heavy rains? $9K for 1 week of access to 1K acres? Uh, no thank you.

A local friend where I am currently stationed sought and received permission to hunt a section of land next to a major road last year. There was only about 15 acres of hardwoods in one square, right on the road, the rest of the 100+ acres was beans. He shot a monster buck on there with his bow. Fast forward and someone cued in the landowner to one of these sites. This year when he went back to obtain permission for the new season, they asked for some big $ for hunting permission. He couldn't afford it. All of that money really only got you 15 acres of huntable area!

The stories continue to get worse on public land every year. Stolen game cameras, stands, people using others stands defiantly... A coworker showed me a thread on a local hunting forum whereby posters were declaring that if you leave a game camera or stand in the woods more than 30 days, its public property and they would take it. State law certainly does not support that. But the number of folks who feel justified in that thought abounded on that board. Scary! What makes them think they have the right to take something they did not pay for just because its in the woods beyond an arbitrary timeline they unilaterally determined? It's not like good stands are that cheap! Thieves!

The industry has also warped what success in the field looks like. If you watch the hunting shows and read the hunting rags, you are a failure if you're not shooting B&C bucks! I must be some type of deviant because I am just as happy putting that 3 year old dry doe down as I would be shooting a buck, maybe even more so because I know the meat will be better. I was overjoyed when a friend invited me to Texas to cull hunt some does and spikes off their land a few years ago. Took my oldest down there and got her on her first deer. The fact it was a spike made absolutely no difference. We joyfully trimmed some older does and spikes and loved every minute of it and showed our extreme gratitude to my friend's family. By the industry standard, though, we must certainly be crazed for taking those does and spikes/forks!

The older I've become, the less time I have to hunt/fish. Pre-kids, wife, USAF: in college I bet I spent 2-3 days a week either fishing or hunting. Part of that is why I earned 2.45 GPA on my undergrad!;) Now I'm a father and still on active duty, and my time away from work to spend with the kids and fish/hunt is limited. I don't have the time to deal in the nonsense of having gear stolen, confronting jackwagons in my stands, etc. Not to mention, I want my kids to learn this sport in safety, and not in a sea of orange. I am blessed that I have private land to hunt on, and have taken all of the kids to the woods now for the last 2 seasons. However, when I did not have private access, I simply did not go. Too much hassle, safety concerns, and too little time.

I am not alone in this thought process. This sentiment is echoed by the majority of hunting folks I talk to on my base.

So although the numbers are declining, is that really the root cause, or just a symptom? We can talk the video game generation, but my kids are online and play games, but when the boat comes out or the camo and guns come out, they are arguing over who gets to go with Dad this time. I don't think that is the problem!

I hypothesize that the real problem is multifold: overhunted public land, lack of accessible private land, lack of respect for private property resulting in reduced private land access, a warped definition of success, lack of respect for others hunting public land... Add all this up, and who wants to bother with it!
Hunting lease costs were a lot lower when the US population was some 200 million. Now? We're around 330 million. Economics 101 still applies, and landowners will always cater to the larger billfolds. Costs go up and poor folks go away.
I truly despise the modern "media"

Here in the Northwest the big deal on the news lately is a group of neanderthals who called themselves the kill em all boyz.

It is a group of locals mostly that have been poaching game for several years, both in OR and WA. The game law violations were truly egregious.

Truly disgusting individuals......

My issue? Virtually the entire media machine called this bunch "hunters"

Apparently the liberal media does not know the difference between a hunter and a poacher.
've never seen the price of resident general hunting licenses(deer, turkey, small game) as being pricey, nor exorbitant, especially when compared to the price of equipment and other related hunting costs.

I'm twenty three and I've stopped deer hunting because it is not practical. For the amount of money one must invest on licenses, proper clothing for the weather, ammunition, etc you can buy beef from the supermarket and still save money.

And game processing is a bit much at roughly $150-200.

Most hunting equipment will last for years if maintained- my rifle has been killing deer since 1958 ..... it'll probably outlast me.... cold weather gear I already have, and so does everybody else that lives outside the South .... I already handload my ammo .... I see no sense in dropping north of $1/ shot on worse ammo than I can roll my ownself for 60 cents ... I'll be shooting it anyway- may as well bring back some meat ..... which we butcher ourselves .... The gas to get there, permits, and kids' clothes and boots (because they grow out of that stuff at amazing rates) are the things we have spent the most money on, over time .....
My son and daughter have lost interest in hunting but my daughter's boyfriend has expressed interest. He hasn't hunted before but at least he is comfortable with firearms. I'm hoping to draw a public land hog hunt with him otherwise I might have to pay for a hunt.

I hope my son eventually comes back around. My daughter likes to shoot but turned vegan.

I found myself without a lease for the first time in a long time this year. Clear cutting has deforested a lot of the area where we use to hunt. This year I hunted a small acreage that my sister and BIL own but it had been hunted heavily before I got out there this year.

I think there are a lot of barriers to beginning hunters as well as old farts like me that have hunted most of their life.

Here in Texas there is a lot of competition for public hunting and leases are pricey. I'm not ready to give it up yet but I'm not as enthusiastic as I use to be.
The decline in hunting and outdoorsmanship in general is the result of limited places to practice the sport(s) and a lack of interest amongst the Millennials and Gen Wifi in anything other than the wuh, wuh, wuh.
It’s all about finding a place that hasn’t been hunted out, and not have some loud and clumsy walk up one you
A lot more work then some whom don’t already hunt want to do
The decline in hunting and outdoorsmanship in general is the result of limited places to practice the sport(s)

I don't know about everybody else's situations ..... but where I hunt, there is more game than ever in recorded history ..... and entire townships that used to have at least one family living on each section, most with a passel of kids ...... now completely devoid of people, and not a single house standing ..... there are now campgrounds available in every town in that county with public restrooms and water and electrical hookups, for a "free will donation" ..... it is a long way from major population centers, but I see that as a feature, not a bug.... there are places ..... they are just not convenient to Suburbia.

as for the decline in general outdoorsmanship, I do not think it is restricted to the newest generations ..... I remember camping as a kid in the 1970's..... we did not need electrical hook-ups ..... we were happy if there was a pit toilet and a handpump within walking distance ..... one of the first things us kids got detailed to do was find rocks to make the fire ring...... now the State, or the Feds, or private entitity running the "campground" provides water, sewer, electrical, hot showers ..... some have laundromats for pete's sake ..... every convenience provided for a price ..... for what it costs to "camp", one could rent a house in a small town in this state ..... "outdoorsmanship" always implied learning and practicing outdoor skills .... there is just not a lot of that going on these days ..... I watch these giant land yachts roll in, self level , an old fat guy totters out, hooks up his 50 amp cable, hooks up his water and his sewage, and then spends a few minutes figuring where his portable satellite TV dish gets best reception ..... goes back inside and you won't see him outdoors again until he comes outside to reverse the process when he leaves ..... and the check for my hunting licenses, tags and parks sticker funds this "campground" ......