NRA & Ron Paul - What's the Deal?

No blimp, publius, but how about this for a motto?

Apparently some of Dr. Paul's supporters, like the Congressman, seem to have never actually read the US Constitution and are unaware of concepts such as Article III, and the Commerce Clause.

Show me where any other candidate has correctly identified something that is NOT interstate commerce, and I'll show you where Ron Paul did it.

Far from being unaware of the commerce clause and how it is used to justify federal authority over, as Justice Thomas put it, virtually anything, the fact that Ron Paul is the only candidate who can meet that challenge is the single most important reason I'm voting for him.
Thumper, the picture is pretty funny, but in all seriousness, I think the fact that Ron Paul is the only candidate who seems to interest young people is significant, and the GOP is stupid to suddenly decide that he must be shunned because of his "extreme" views on federal power.
Hey Thump
gotta know
who ya voting for?

Republican Primary: Ron Paul (simply to do my small part to send a Constitutionalist message. He'd make a terrible president.)

General Election: Hopefully, Mike Huckabee or Fred Thompson.

Once Dr. Paul loses the Primary, I'm hoping a lot of the signal to noise ratio around here improves. If Ron goes back on his word and runs a third party campaign, we'll be stuck with more fanboy prattle.

Fruitless for our side...I suspect the biggest fans of a third party Paul campaign are Clinton supporters.

If Paul runs third party, you'll see even more money into his campaign from the left.
The interesting thing about Ron Paul is that he is perfect in every way. A thread can go from "how dare the NRA ignore Ron Paul" to "the NRA is beneath Ron Paul's notice" without missing a beat. Is there even one RP supporter out there who agrees with RP less than 100% at all times?
Is there even one RP supporter out there who agrees with RP less than 100% at all times?

I think the supporters of other candidates see RP supporters through biased eyes. I, for one, support most but not all of what RP has said. I think he is wrong about how we should deal with Iran, but right about most everything else. I am sure there are other things I could think of where we differ. But certainly, I am more in line with his points of view than those of other leading contenders.
A more healthy answer, unregistered.

Go through other's posts, though. Some are self described "desciples."

I'm afraid that level of identification will prove unhealthy for them with Dr. Paul's failures looming closer.
Ron Paul is the most dangerous man in the USA.

He cannot be elected. He CAN elect Hillary if he runs 3rd party.

Even if he could be elected, he would have zero chance of having any of his agendas adopted by Congress.

Ron Paul is NOT pro 2nd Amendment. He is just anti government.

He is a coward that would kiss Obama's butt and kill our military if he could.

RP's economic theories were discredited 150 years ago.

There is no such thing as a pro gun Democrat. The NRA supports Democrats that vote for Nancy Polosi because they give them (NRA) money! NRA can't support Ron Paul because he doesn't give them MONEY and that is their only interest.:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:
He cannot be elected. He CAN elect Hillary if he runs 3rd party.

If any of the nominees ran as a third party, they would draw enough support to guarantee Hillary a victory. Ron Paul is not special in that regard. He has also said, multiple times, that he will NOT run as a third party candidate. He just said it again this week on the CNN debate. How many times must he say it before this straw man argument against him goes away?

Even if he could be elected, he would have zero chance of having any of his agendas adopted by Congress.

I agree, and am FINE with that. Because although he would not get his agenda accomplished, neither would Congress. He would veto things right and left. We would has a state of gridlock that would prevent any legislation coming out of Washington (thats a good thing).

He is a coward that would kiss Obama's butt and kill our military if he could.

Why do you think he is a coward? And why would he kiss Obama's butt? I seriously doubt Ron Paul is a coward. He certainly has been fearlessly standing up to the Republican status quo.
He just said it again this week on the CNN debate. How many times must he say it before this straw man argument against him goes away?

Just as soon as some of his self proclaimed "disciples" stop trying to twist the man's words to tell us that he might run.

See comments here.
Just as soon as some of his self proclaimed "disciples" stop trying to twist the man's words to tell us that he might run.

Oh I see, you are getting your information about the candidate from people posting on internet forums, rather than from the candidate himself. Thats probably not the best way to get your news, but to each his own.

If you'd bothered to read the thread I was just kind enough to point you to, you'd see that I was defending your guy's integrity with video straight from the horse's mouth.

Still has nothing to do with my answer to your question. The argument will go away as soon as Paul's disciples keep hopefully pointing to the possibility.
I read the thread. Actually, I even posted in that thread, if you had taken the time to notice. I have seen Ron Paul deny running as a third party. You made reference to people here saying he would run as a third party. Those people don't know what they are talking about. He isn't going to do that. Arguing with people who are arguing an invalid point makes you look uninformed.
Those people don't know what they are talking about. He isn't going to do that. Arguing with people who are arguing an invalid point makes you look uninformed.

Fascinating. Are you telling me I have an invalid point?
