NRA & Ron Paul - What's the Deal?


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Time To Move To Gun Owners Of America Which Supports Him
From Sources


Ron Paul has been excluded from the NRA's online list of GOP Candidates! This cannot stand. Either they include Paul or pro-gun rights people should dump the NRA for good and back Gunowners of America.


Here we go again... The strongest supporter of the Second Amendment (Rep. RON PAUL R-Texas) has been ousted from the 2008 Presidential Race by none other than the National Rifle Association...

Check out the <> or just go straight to the NRA's own website and see for yourselves....

This is truly incredible. Please prepare yourselves.

NRA Contact info:

Phone - (800) 392-8683 (during business hours you can speak to a live person)

They totally avoided my questions and responded that they were not endorsing a particular candidate. My question not answered - Why is Ron Paul not listed as a candidate?

Ron Paul is the ONLY Congressman and Presidential Candidate to receive an A+ rating from Gun Owners of America -

DROP YOUR NRA MEMBERSHIP and join second largest Pro-Second Amendment group (soon to be the leading group) in the nation. One who Dr. Paul himself has said is, "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."

Join now... DROP THE NRA.


I've not phoned the NRA, but I have visited the website and sure as leopards are deadly he's not listed... I'll be sure to phone them in the morning. Everyone reading this should, too.
Bill Richardson is on the list. Does that make him a Republican, or should we start complaining that Hillary is not listed?

Two guys with a fax machine strike again, and as usual they are trying to divide gun owners and increase their own bank accounts in the process. :rolleyes: Way to go, GOA.
That makes a little sense, but he has been so vociferous in his support of the Bill of Rights and Constitution why in God's name would they not obtain quotes of his support of the Second Amendment and simply move forward with his name listed???? Whether the "two guys with a fax" are trying to grind axes or not the NRA does itself no favors as there are no other PROVEN supporters of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

My two cents.
Chui- That is a question for the Paul campaign, from what I have seen he is more people centric than elitist centric. I honestly believe that Paul could care less about some symposium in DC when a) his record supports strong 2A and RKBA support and b) he could be at a rally speaking to 5000 or more on his stances and his 2 cents...

crashm1-I don't see what you are trying to reference....granted if you type NRA and Ron Paul into google, the better part of the first page is on negative coverage of Paul by the NRA
I was just saying I found a RP forum it had little to do with the topic which had already been well covered by politicalgeek.
Probably because they care less about the 2A than he does.

Given that the NRA has achieved more results in protecting the RKBA than Paul has, I doubt it.

Spending all your time making ideological stands (unless it involves earmarks for constituents) doesn't achieve much.
Given that the NRA has achieved more results in protecting the RKBA than Paul has, I doubt it.
Excuse me???

The NRA was used by Congress to help pass the AWB. The NRA opposes defunding the BATFE. The NRA believes some gun control laws are good for us. The NRA did NOT support the DC/Parker case. The NRA supports the McCarthy NICS bill that would deprive thousands of veterans their 2A rights.

Spending all your time making ideological stands (unless it involves earmarks for constituents) doesn't achieve much.
It accomplishes much more than does compromising with those who would destroy the 2A.
Taking ideological stands accomplishes nothing?

Tell that to Jesus, Mohammed, Buddah, Plato, Marx, Henry, Thoreau, the list goes on and on.

Idealogues change the world, not just the times.
Forks said:
Why did Ron Paul shun the NRA?

Political payback. People don't say things like that about Ron Paul very much, but surprisingly enough, the 10 term Congressman is a politician, and a human being capable of being angered by betrayal.

The NRA tried to help the TX GOP establishment in the primary election when they went to redistrict Paul out of Congress, then endorsed Paul's Democrat opponent when he defied the odds and won the primary anyway. I think they're endorsing the current challenger for Paul's seat in Congress, a guy named Peden. The NRA got really, really ticked when Paul wouldn't go along with the federal law to prevent lawsuits against gun makers like the one that Rudy Giuliani filed, which is still ongoing. If you keep endorsing a politician's opponents, he might shun you.

Basically, the NRA compromises, Ron Paul doesn't, for the most part. There's something to be said for both approaches, and we shouldn't fight over it. When a particular issue comes up, the compromisers and the purists are going to have it out, but in between issues, slinging insults about the differing approaches does not serve either side. JMO.
As I read through the link it appears that this is a list of candidates that were either present or sent pre-recorded messages to detail there support for 2A and RKBA. Paul, according to this was not present and would not be on the list of candidates that did speak.

Well, sure, he wasn't there: The next question, obviously, is, "Was he invited?".

I'm betting not. The NRA has a record of hostility towards Paul. I think it's because he's more principled on the 2nd amendment than they are; They regard genuinely principled opponents of gun control as dangerous, because they won't cooperate with the sort of tactical compromises the NRA specializes in.

And, of course, they're seriously scared that in a race like this, where the 'viable' candidates are all anti-gun to some extent, we stupid members will flock to an 'obviously doomed' candidate, just because he's pro-gun. So we have to be protected against our own instinct to vote pro-gun.
You have proof that Ron Paul is the strongest supporter of the second amendment or is that just your biased opinion?

Just jumping in here in an amicus fashion - I know this for a fact. And GOA agrees with me. By the way, I was at the Gun Rights Policy Conference last month, and Ron Paul came to speak to us.

Yeah. He's the guy.

Don't get me wrong. Tancredo, Hunter, and Huck are strong too. But splitting hairs, Paul is the strongest.
Oh well if the GOA agrees with you then that seals it for me.....NOT. Again you have just more or less stated your opinion, you offer nothing concrete to back up your statement that Ron Paul is the strongest supporter of the 2A rights. If that is your opinion I have no problem with it, but you appeared to make a statement of fact on something you can't prove.
Personally I don't care if you don't believe it or not. You certainly haven't introduced a single shred of evidence to weaken my assertion.

Hunter, McCain, and Tancredo all voted in favor of the Lawfull Commerce in Firearms Act. This is the law making junk lawsuits against firearms manufacturers difficult to bring.

Huckabee is on record as supporting the Act.

Ron Paul voted against it.

Ron Paul's record of support for the second amendment is shaky. He is well behind other Republican candidates on this issue.