NRA membership

As an endowment member of the NRA, I find it quite offensive how non-members throw rocks at the NRA. The anti-gunners are now using the tactic of saying the NRA has only 2.8 million members out of 65 million gun owners. They say that's over 62 million gun owners that don't agree with the NRA. So the NRA only represents a small portion of gun owners (the extremists) and the rest of the gun owners agree with the anti-gunners.

Join the NRA!!!
Floyd2U, I'm a Life member, so you won't mind me chucking a boulder or two. Keep your head down!

The NRA has sold all gun owners down the river too many times to relate them all here. The leadership has shown a complete lack of spine, and a willingness to collaborate; hell, they've even threatened changing their ratings on pro-gun candidates who were for Vermont carry instead of a permit system. To my mind, they are not fighting for me.

When they start treating the 2nd as an unalienable right, and start supporting any candidate from any party who is pro-2nd, then I'll get off their back and be a vociferous supporter once again. Until then, my money's with JPFO.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
I don't always agree with the leadership of the NRA. Yes, I think the NRA sometimes compromises before putting up a real fight, but I'm not going to quit the NRA. I vote in every NRA election for the best no-compromise board members. The NRA is getting its teeth back, but we need more no-compromise members to vote in every NRA election. And if gun owners don't join, who will? It's hard to change an organization from the outside...

Join the NRA!!!
1) I truly believe that the primary mission or goal of every organization is its continued existence.

2) The secondary goal of every organization is to gain influence, power, money, etc.

3) So, if many of us withdraw our support from the Republican Party and begin to support the Libertarians, the Republicans will try to recover that lost support.

4) I maintain my NRA membership so the NRA can count me a another digit in its power base - its membership.

5) However, my donations will go to JPFO, GOA or to whomever I feel will cause the greatest block to my enemies. Also, I hope that by losing enough support, the NRA WILL get its teeth back and stop its policy of appeasement and compromise.

6) I also engage in the other support measures of reading daily newspapers, writing (& e-mailing) people and organizations, trying to convert other to our movement, buying ammunition to take others shooting, etc. etc.

7) I believe we are morally obligated to try every peaceful means, in addition to the ballot box, before we threaten to use force.
hello all,
I am a NRA recruiter I just got home from a gun show this weekend. The main reasons I heard this weekend for not joining:
Is they just did not want to or I am not a "Joiner". These people could care less they are just riding on our memberships.
But overwhelmingly the most common response when asked if they would like to start a membership was: No, I am already a member. or I just joined or I just renewed last month.
Folks if as many people that said they are members were in the NRA would have so many members it would not ever to worry about being short members.
I am not saying all of these people are lying, this was a small gun show (only 300 tables) I find it unlikelythat they were all being truthful.
I'm the NRA
i said it before, i'll say it again, and keep on sayimg it...JOIN THE NRA!!!!
it's a numbers game to washington.. and it's a dam' shame that we can't spend 35 bucks to get a point across to washington.
if you like the other guys viewpoint more, thats ok too. but join nra and give us a chance at jamming some of this down washington's throat.
are your guns and your rights worth the cost of a box or two of ammo?the anti's think
they are winning us prove them wrong.
To increase the pressure on non-members, the annual membership is $25 right now it was $35. I dont know how long the price will be $25 and according to everyone at the NRA they dont know either, so I thinkit will be $25 for awhile.
Also the NRA has memberships starting at $10. Yes $10 and you to can be a Member of the NRA. The membership for $10 is called the "Liberty Membership". To join call 1-800-NRA-3888.
As I see it there is no reason not to join.

p.s. Those of you that say the NRA compromises too much just remember: A tree that does give a little will be blow over with the wind eventually.

[This message has been edited by 2nd_amendment (edited July 12, 1999).]