NRA Members

Are you a member of the NRA

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 84.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 15.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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WOW this is wild. I don't know a lot about them but what i have read on the net. And i know that groups of ppl will tell you anything to get you to join but if all you guys feel this strong about them then count me in.
Now do they Offer us the member any kind of ins are help if we loose a gun to theft I think i read that some where that you got ins on all your guns with them as well are maybe i am wrong. But anyways i think i am going to join up more good things will come of my small help to them then bad. Thanks for all the great reply's
Yes I belong and send them extra $ when I can.

Just the mag is worth it; and their Institute For Legislative Action news briefs, tech articles, coverage of the shooting sports, . The "Eddie Eagle" message/progaram, certifying and teaching insrtuctors, shooter safety and hunter ed courses, reloading courses, LEO training, personal protection courses and we are an eight hundred pound gorrila in the state and federal government and there is more;
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I belong only because my shooting club requires it. Personally, I find the NRA to be far too politicized to be of any real use to your average shooter, and I am really tired of the endless stream of crap they send me. FWIW, most of my shooting are similarly disenchanted.
The NRA is the number 1 lobbying group in the US. The others aren't even in the top 100 of all lobbing groups.
If it weren't for the efforts of the NRA, we would be like England today.
Either we hang together and support the NRA, or we will hang separately.
If you don't agree with something the NRA is doing, and you ARE an NRA member, write them a letter with your complaint. But, by all means support them. They are the most effective lobbying group we gun owners have, and they do support our rights. No other country has an organization like the NRA, and you can look at their midevil treatment of gun owners, with the removal of all of their guns, like England, and Germany prior to WW II, and Russia...
If you are not a member of the NRA, you have no vote in how they operate.

not just no, but HELL NO!! when they pull this type of crap, THAT is all they will ever get from me... CRAP !!

"But those who staff the NRA, without consulting the membership, have now made a series of strange and dangerous alliances with the likes of Chuck Schumer, Carolyn McCarthy, and Pat Leahy. And we believe that, if allowed to continue, this will produce anti-gun policies which the NRA staff will bitterly regret."

i believe any one supporting the "nra" is supporting an invitation for confiscation of your guns.
Well i did not mean to start a fuss. I was just asking what ppl thought of the NRA. and the best i can tell there is a lot more that like it then don't. So i am going with them. Thanks to all that posted :):)
tooltimey, so you got a lot of P&M in you. What do you do to preserve your, and your offspring's, right to bear arms. I get sick of people that bitch about everything and have no solutions. You votin' for Hellery too? NRA is the only real voice we have in DC, whether you agree with everything they do or not, at least they do.
Yeah I'm a member of the NRA. Feeding the 800 lb gorilla that makes the miscreants in Congress cringe is a good idea.

Now is the NRA perfect? No. I am not always pleased with their actions, but no other organization for gun rights advocacy is anywhere near as powerful. Plus they offer other benefits, such as accident insurance and member discounts.
tooltimey said:
If you guys can vote out Joaquin Jackson

Working on it, believe me. Working hard on it.

I've known Jackson since my own law enforcement days. First word that comes to mind is "elitist." Second word that comes to mind is "arrogant." Third word that comes to mind is unprintable on this forum.

My old agency had and has zero use for him. He screwed up more operations due to his ego and in the process, got several agents hurt. That is unforgiveable.

His stance on the "five round capacity" magazine for so-called assault weapons pisses me off to no end, and I've let the NRA powers-that-be know in no uncertain terms. I'm fortunate in that I have an insider's track to many of the senior executives due to work I've done for them in the past.

Me and another member are seriously considering offering a six-figure donation to ILA in exchange for Jackson's resignation and notarized promise to ride into the sunset and not come back.

No argument from me on THAT issue, Tooltimey. None whatsoever.

Mach II Sailor said:

i believe any one supporting the "nra" is supporting an invitation for confiscation of your guns.

All that Kool-Aid you're drinking from GOA is bad for your health. Worldnet Daily is hardly a credible, objective source, and when they quote GOA and become a mouthpiece for them, it only further proves the point.

If GOA were the only gun-rights advocacy group in the U.S., we wouldn't even be discussing firearms here--unless we were all cops or soldiers. Because that's the only people who'd have firearms.

Thanks for the comments on J. Jackson. It is really hard to vote for the B of D each year because you really have very little information on them or way of getting information. As such, I usually only vote for the ones that are nominated by the membership rather than the nominating committee.
I kind of think this is all LaPierre's group anyway and if you aren't a 100% LaP supporter your not to likely to get on the B of D and for sure not be President. It seems kind of useless to have a President who only serves one year.
sooooooo, you are denying this is factual truth ??

"But those who staff the NRA, without consulting the membership, have now made a series of strange and dangerous alliances with the likes of Chuck Schumer, Carolyn McCarthy, and Pat Leahy. And we believe that, if allowed to continue, this will produce anti-gun policies which the NRA staff will bitterly regret."

Worldnet Daily is hardly a credible, objective source
so, what do use, ??

FirstFreedom says, You're relying on world net daily for your "news"?
you also use the above as your primary news source ????

the "nra" is THE primary reason full auto weapons cost $12,000 and more !

you "nra" supporters keep drinking their "KoolAid" and you will be wearing this:

I'm moving this to Legal & Political with a note ... those that think they will change another's idea on the usefulness of the NRA, or any other pro-Second Amendment organization, right here in this thread should probably bow out now. Your stated opinions stand as written. We aren't here to right perceived shortcomings of GOA or the NRA in this thread. We aren't here to take confession from those that support the "wrong" champion. And we aren't here to entertain political slogans.

Try to make meaningful, thoughtful contributions to this thread. Your opinion is welcome. How you state that opinion is important. Stating your "opinion" as "fact" is no way to win agreement with your position. Taking a hardline is just another version of chest-thumping. Let's have a civil discussion.

Some of us may want to use the search function and see all the threads posted on this topic over the last few years. It could save some typing.

Merry Christmas.

[Edit: AHA! I see there is an ongoing thread here in L&P titled Why aren't you a member of the NRA?. This one is closed.]
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