NPR's take on the Second Amendment:

After listening to the broadcast and reading the transcript, if I had to point to any one item to show bias, it would be this:
BOB GARFIELD: So if this case is decided in the gun lobby's favor, does that mean that I can get not only a handgun and a machine gun but that Stinger missile launcher that I've had my eyes on for so long?
As we all know, the "gun lobby" had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the side of Heller. The "gun lobby" had nothing to do with this case. It is a fact, that the "gun lobby" tried to sink the case from the start. Ms. Lithwick is not stupid, she knows this but does nothing to correct the assumption of Mr. Garfield. That would not play into her talking points.

Therefore, the inference above, is that the "gun lobby" orchestrated this test case. Whether or not Mr. Garfield knows this, certainly Ms. Lithwick does. It is just disingenuous for her to imply otherwise, or to allow this erroneous idea to be furthered.

Now. Can anyone point to a NPR broadcast that presents the other side? I certainly have heard of none, but that alone does not constitute proof. Anyone?... Bueller?...

Sorry PBP, but barring a rebuttal argument aired by NPR, I believe that the above proves the point that NPR is, in fact, biased against the individual right component of the 2A.
I tune into NPR on Saturday at 10AM EST. When Car Talk is over I change the channel. It is not even programmed as a favorite.

The Dredd Scott decision mentioned that RKBA was a right
and that if Dredd Scott won then blacks could own guns.

The NRA had an article a while back about how many times it (RKBA)
has been recognized.

Oh, and I listen to Glen Beck and Savage Nation, not Rush.
who is seth sutter?? other than copenhagen.....
and the name seth sutter is supposed to mean something?? by the way im Jesse Rechtzigel.

Not sure as to why you care, but that is my Actual name.

Sgt Lloyd S. Sutter/USMC
BOB GARFIELD: On March 19th the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that likely will determine an issue that has been settled in the court since 1939 We've got to keep pushing the big lie. Stay on propaganda message #1

BOB GARFIELD: Well, let's not litigate this one, ...because it's not going our way.

DAHLIA LITHWICK:...the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals...went and said, the gun ban is unconstitutional because the Second Amendment provides a personal right to bear arms. And this was really a shocker....the total opposite of our agenda.

BOB GARFIELD: Well, for some of our listeners, the Limbaugh mouthbreathers the shocker will be that this came as a shocker, because we have so often heard the Second Amendment guaranteed right to bear arms that many of us have come to believe no proof mind you, just a "belief" that that is a matter of settled law must stay on message #2

DAHLIA LITHWICK: And what the court pronounced is actually the opposite of what you just said and most people believe. no proof, just a belief -- stay on message #3 The court said, no, it's not a personal right to pack heat. must stay on message #4 (overlooking the double negative, ed.)

So the question really for the courts has been settled. This is a right that goes to militias. If your National Guard wants to assert a Second Amendment right, that's fine, but you as Joe, guy on the street, do not have a right that flows from the Second Amendment. stay on message #5

And that's the really interesting part is that the American public has a whole different, and, as you suggest, almost antithetical notion of what the law says. stay on message #6

BOB GARFIELD: Is it because of lobbying by so-called gun rights organizations they have no validity that have led us to believe lied to us that this is still an open question? must stay on message #7

DAHLIA LITHWICK: This was very, very much influenced by the gun lobby. And the NRA, you know, it's not an accident that on that side of their building, their national headquarters, they only have the second half of that clause I read to you. stay on message #8

Now, I will say one thing that has changed in the last few decades that really made this interesting is that the legal academics who, you know, we all sort of think of pointy-headed guys in their ivory tower – it doesn't matter – silly intellectual types -- no common sense but liberal Constitutional scholars started to argue very strenuously for the NRA position on the Second Amendment.

There should be a strong individual right to bear arms enshrined in the Second Amendment for the same reason that we believe there should be strong individual rights protected by the First and Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Oh $h*t, did I really say that?

And so suddenly the academy was all hopped up about it, they are actually reviewing the constitutional meaning -- we are in full panic here

BOB GARFIELD: So if this case is decided in the gun lobby's favor, not the "peoples", just the gun lobby's does that mean that I can get not only a handgun and a machine gun but that Stinger missile launcher that I've had my eyes on for so long? see how unreasonable this is listeners, be very afraid

DAHLIA LITHWICK: [LAUGHS] You and me, both - I don't think so, Bob. I think that the key to this case really is going to be the definition of what is a, quote, "reasonable" regulation on guns. And even though the court didn't talk about that reasonableness factor very much, it's an important part of this test. damage control

So what the court's going to do now is go back and look at, okay, assume that there's a fundamental Second Amendment right, a personal individual right to bear arms. Even notwithstanding that, what would be reasonable regulations? damage control

BOB GARFIELD: As you look at the media coverage of the gun issue as a public policy matter our anti-gun spin of the last many decades, do you think, you know, we as a group have done a good job explaining the stakes guns = mahem in the streets or have we somehow used a shorthand that obscures the issue? we were off message?

DAHLIA LITHWICK: I think that where we failed is explaining the lay of the land. yes, we were off message I think that we've gotten very, very involved in the Brady versus NRA horserace and his winning, I still can't bring myself to utter his name on vote counting d@mn democracy! and his winning on fundraising and who is responsible for Al Gore, you know, losing the 2000 election in his home state of Tennessee. d@mn NRA disrupting the political process -- denying the will of the people

But I think the legal question, the Constitutional question, you know, here's what the courts have held for decades and this has not wavered. stay on message #9 I think that's where we sort of fell asleep at the switch, because it seems to me, as you said, that when you look at the polls, most Americans have no idea what the state of the law was. stay on message #10, we elite opinion shapers must work harder to tell those fools what to think

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Just the usual NPR left wing garbage. They are always in tune. Left wing garbage no matter what the topic.

Unless they are begging for money.
FireMax said:
NPR is hopelessly liberal. I have overheard people in public talk about listening to NPR, and I immediately assume (probably correctly) that they are liberal.

You'd be wrong. As wrong as someone who believes that you are a right-wing wacko anti-government conspiracy theorist because you have guns. Making judgments about someone based on one thing they choose for entertainment is a rather narrow minded way to form opinions of people. I listen to NPR all the time. I know they have a liberal bias in their news but they also have some excellent programs that are fun and entertaining to listen to regardless of your political leanings e.g.Car Talk, This American Life, A Prairie Home Companion, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and What do You Know. Science Friday is always educational and there are number of excellent local programs here in KC like the Walt Bodine show. I've found out about a lot of excellent restaurants thanks to them. A couple of great local shows are music related and their archives are worth checking out if you want to hear some great music. One is Chuck Haddock's Fish Fry which is "A public radio party in your living room, as Chuck Haddock serves up the best in blues, r&b, soul, jumpin' jazz and zydeco."
Another is Cyprus Avenue with Bill Shapiro. "The world of popular music from gospel to rock - from country to reggae - from a different point of view. Hosted by Bill Shapiro since 1978 on KCUR." He picks a theme or artist each week and takes you through the history of the music. It's always excellent and educational. I've been turned on to a number of great groups thanks to him and gained a deeper appreciation for a lot of others I've listened to for years Yet another great music program is American Routes, "Blues, roots rock, ragtime, jazz, gospel, soul, zydeco and beyond."

The show Intelligence Squared is excellent. It's an Oxford Style debate with a moderator and three panelists for an argument and three against. They have taken on some excellent topics and the archives are worth a listen. There are some excellent, well reasoned arguments on the issues on both sides. There are also some bs arguments from both sides.

If you are of the opinion that NPR is just one long flood of liberal ideology pouring out of the radio you couldn't be more wrong and you are missing some great radio.
If you are of the opinion that NPR is just one long flood of liberal ideology pouring out of the radio you couldn't be more wrong and you are missing some great radio.

I agree. In the end they are more open to intelligent debate then any other media outlet.

I listened to the piece and it seems like a far and balanced piece that simply states the facts as they are. Heller is the first real challenge to the "collective right" reading the the 2nd. That is not liberal or conservative that is legal fact.

Sometimes we listen to things with out own bias and hear what we want to hear not what is being said.
I listened to the piece and it seems like a far and balanced piece that simply states the facts as they are. Heller is the first real challenge to the "collective right" reading the the 2nd. That is not liberal or conservative that is legal fact.

Sometimes we listen to things with out own bias and hear what we want to hear not what is being said.
Today 11:44 AM

There you go, rellascout! Are you and Playboy related? Heller is the only challenge asserting an individual right that the Supreme Court has ever heard. The collective right readings you refer to were not made by the Supreme Court and were never made at all until after 1939. You have the precedents attributed backwards. The collective reading is the newer reading, historically speaking, and is being challenged by Heller.

Nearly every post here and every comment posted, so far, on the linked NPR site has pointed out one or more ways in which that particular On the Media segment is wretchedly skewed and imbalanced, regardless of how wonderful some of the other NPR broadcasts might be.

(Copenhagen, read the comments posted at the linked site and you'll discover why Seth's identity is relevant.)
There you go, rellascout! Are you and Playboy related? Heller is the only challenge asserting an individual right that the Supreme Court has ever heard. The collective right readings you refer to were not made by the Supreme Court and were never made at all until after 1939. You have the precedents attributed backwards. The collective reading is the newer reading, historically speaking, and is being challenged by Heller.

Let me understand this correctly. You are stating that the Supreme Court in US Vs Miller did not rule that the 2nd is a collective right?

I disagree with their reading but it clearly establishes the right own and bear arms within the context of the Militia, affirming a collective right not and individual one.

Currently I believe that the average Joe on the street believes it is a individual right but the courts have not affirmed that IMHO.
Having reviewed the transcript again, I am less inclined to think this was a spontaneous conversation as much as it was scripted.

This isn't a fill-in color story on the Westminster Kennel Club, it is a major policy piece. The gun issue is Top 5 in the Secular Progressive religion and the wording is NPR boilerplate.
Originally Posted by FireMax
NPR is hopelessly liberal. I have overheard people in public talk about listening to NPR, and I immediately assume (probably correctly) that they are liberal.
You'd be wrong. As wrong as someone who believes that you are a right-wing wacko anti-government conspiracy theorist because you have guns. Making judgments about someone based on one thing they choose for entertainment is a rather narrow minded way to form opinions of people. I listen to NPR all the time. I know they have a liberal bias in their news but they also have some excellent programs that are fun and entertaining to listen to regardless of your political leanings e.g.Car Talk, This American Life, A Prairie Home Companion, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and What do You Know. Science Friday is always educational and there are number of excellent local programs here in KC like the Walt Bodine show. I've found out about a lot of excellent restaurants thanks to them. A couple of great local shows are music related and their archives are worth checking out if you want to hear some great music. One is Chuck Haddock's Fish Fry which is "A public radio party in your living room, as Chuck Haddock serves up the best in blues, r&b, soul, jumpin' jazz and zydeco."
Another is Cyprus Avenue with Bill Shapiro. "The world of popular music from gospel to rock - from country to reggae - from a different point of view. Hosted by Bill Shapiro since 1978 on KCUR." He picks a theme or artist each week and takes you through the history of the music. It's always excellent and educational. I've been turned on to a number of great groups thanks to him and gained a deeper appreciation for a lot of others I've listened to for years Yet another great music program is American Routes, "Blues, roots rock, ragtime, jazz, gospel, soul, zydeco and beyond."

The show Intelligence Squared is excellent. It's an Oxford Style debate with a moderator and three panelists for an argument and three against. They have taken on some excellent topics and the archives are worth a listen. There are some excellent, well reasoned arguments on the issues on both sides. There are also some bs arguments from both sides.

If you are of the opinion that NPR is just one long flood of liberal ideology pouring out of the radio you couldn't be more wrong and you are missing some great radio.

Wuchak, I was with you right up until the last line. I listen to NPR almost exclusively, but it ranges all the way from liberal orthodoxy to pressing the left edge of that orthodoxy. I remember Carl Cassel (sp?), his voice unable to conceal disdain, refering to a supreme court nominee as "that honduran immigrant lawyer", and Peter Overby has done some egregiously political hit pieces with no arguable news value. Terri Gross' unethical treatment of Bill O'Reilly is a matter of record.

NPR is much better than other radio. This is a shocking indictment of other radio, not necessarily a recommendation of NPR.
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Wuchak said:
I know they have a liberal bias in their news but they also have some excellent programs that are fun and entertaining to listen to regardless of your political leanings e.g.Car Talk,

Hmm, when I call Click and Clack for advice on how to chip and mod my Grand Cherokee SRT-8 for 500 WHP, they never put me on...
I like NPR!

I listen to all kinds of stuff on it! NO OPERA!

A lot of the programs are up my alley!

Are they Biased! YOU BET!:D

Do I send them Money? YEA RIGHT!:mad:

I have no Idea who said this but it's true! " Know Thine Enemy "

NPR is much better than other radio. This is a shocking indictment of other radio, not necessarily a recommendation of NPR.


I like NPR!

I listen to all kinds of stuff on it! NO OPERA!

A lot of the programs are up my alley!

Are they Biased! YOU BET!

Do I send them Money? YEA RIGHT!

I have no Idea who said this but it's true! " Know Thine Enemy "

Agree with both of you.
Let me understand this correctly. You are stating that the Supreme Court in US Vs Miller did not rule that the 2nd is a collective right?...

Correct. Miller did not directly rule on individual v collective, it ruled that a sawed of shotgun was not a standard issue military weapon and, therefore, unqualified for ownership under individual rights. Here's what the Court wrote:

The Court cannot take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon. (Source)

Given the court's language, it is reasonable to make the inference that the Court sees the right to keep and bear arms as an individual right.

...Currently I believe that the average Joe on the street believes it is a individual right but the courts have not affirmed that IMHO.

Also correct on both counts and it's not a matter of opinion, yours or mine. Public polls overwhelmingly affirm the individual right interpretation (for over 200 years) but the Supreme Court has not ruled directly on either individual right, collective right, or both. That's what's now underway and, in context, is why the NPR segment is propaganda favoring only the (presumed) collective right.
They certainly did not find it a "collective right," whatever a term like that could possibly mean. In essence, they said that the people were to keep arms to promote the militia, but we don't know what arms promote the militia today and nobody's briefed us, so we can't say if a SOS would be the kind that people would keep to promote the militia.

Excerpted from Miller:
The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators. These show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. 'A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline.' And further, that ordinarily when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.
In essence, they said that the people were to keep arms to promote the militia, but we don't know what arms promote the militia today and nobody's briefed us, so we can't say if a SOS would be the kind that people would keep to promote the militia. ________________________________________

I was brought up thinking WE are the Malitia!