Now what do I do...IPSC question.

RH Factor, it was great to read that you enjoyed your first IPSC shoot. I shoot both IPSC and IDPA and enjoy both, each for slightly different reasons. Here in Appleton WI we have weekly IPSC practice shoots plus monthy matches in Spring and Summer. Nearby in Ripon there are monthly IDPA matches in Spring and Summer. The weekly shoots are casual and provide lots of practice.

From what you have said, you will undoubted like IDPA. Both are fun and will help you learn safety and gun handling skills. Neither are meant to teach gunfight tactics. If you shoot IPSC for long, you will get tempted to buy "more competitive" guns. Nothing wrong with that, but be sure to look before you leap. I've been tempted to get a fancy $2000 Limited gun, but I've stayed happy using my Glocks.
Andy...Trust me I have been tempted....until my wallet slaps the
sh$t out of me and reminds me of other my kids. I have been asking on here and other places about the new Charles Daly guns...alot of people like them...especially for the price. But if I go 1911 style..I have to get one that I can find a high cap (10 rounds) mag for it, and I don't know if I can get that for a Charles Daly. But I am looking forward to next tues. and the next round of league shooting.
Hey RH Factor,
Good to see a local LPSA member on the forum. Any 1911 will take Wilson 10 rounders #47T Bureaucrat(even Charles Dalys)! I have two! I shoot a Kimber Pro CDP and the 10 rounders work great.They run about $32.
We don't shoot those high round single matches that often. They just started doing that here lately. Usely we shoot 2 different courses of fire that consist of ~12rds each.
You don't have to have a 1911 to be competative! 2 of our best shooters use Glocks!! The big guy Corey won the fall league with a Glock! It's all about your speed and accuracy.
All I can say is practice, practice, practice! I dry fire a lot.

See you Tuesday
Have fun!!
(what about all this SNOW!!!)