Now this is pathetic

What is really sad is that Obama don't give a damn about that person. If it it could be proven I would make bets that Obama does not even care about America and niether does his wife. Thing is Obama is from Illinois and like all Illinois politicians/newspapers/media/mayors/governers/etc/... they all play on emotions and lie to get people all worked up over BS that will make them richer and stay in power. Illinois is a nanny state, Obama wants to make the United States into the same thing.
Rush is a Martha Stewart of Talk Radio.

Gonna have to agree with the penguin here. I sincerely hope that Rush Limbaugh is not a primary source of your information on what politicians are up to these days. My Dad listens to Rush kind of a lot, I used to think he was "cool", stickin' it to the politicians and all. Then I realized he was basically on the side of the mega-rich guys against the just-rich guys and my family was not that well off so...

I envy Rush, He convinced on of his fans to buy me a subscription to his magazine when I was in Iraq. Smart guy. On the surface it looks like he is "supporting the troops" but if you think about it for a second... (did you?) then you see that he exploits a popular opinion and people's generosity/ACTUAL support of the GIs and still gets another magazine subscription sold! Rush Limbaugh has a fair amount of money, enough to stay out of jail for popping oxycotin which I am fairly certain would get me in a bit of trouble if I did it. I think he could have just gave the rags away rather than get some decent person to purchase them first.

I still read that magazine though. It's pathetic but hey-it's entertainment.
everyone is entitled to their opinions. I've listened to Rush for a long time. i don't agree 100% with him, but he is almost right on the $ when it comes to politics and yeah, i would listen to him over Olberman and liberal MSM anyday. With Rush at least i can laugh, get the days news (the news the media doesn't like reporting on) and get ****** off at the same time. ;)
Rush is like a stream of bat's pee: He shines out like a shaft of gold when all about is darkness.

That's his genius. He's Bill Buckley for NASCAR dads.