Now this is pathetic


New member
I heard this audio on Rush a while ago in regards to what is deemed as typical Obama supporters. They lack any sense of what America needs and as you will hear, they seem to be self centered and incapable of taking care of themselves. Top it all off with the very apparent notion that his supporters think he is a god.
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Who gives a crap. Maybe Rush needs to be playing the tapes of the drunken skin heads shouting "Hail Fuhrer Bush" that were on youtube a couple years ago.

Or better yet, play clips from the actual candidates. Like when McCain called christian conseratives "agents of intolerance" or of Bush talking about his private conversations with God where God gave him political advice.

If you find yourself giving credence to the theatrical presentations of the AM radio talking heads you might want to start asking yourself what is wrong with your own thought processes.
Who gives a crap. Maybe Rush needs to be playing the tapes of the drunken skin heads shouting "Hail Fuhrer Bush" that were on youtube a couple years ago.

Or better yet, play clips from the actual candidates. Like when McCain called christian conseratives "agents of intolerance" or of Bush talking about his private conversations with God where God gave him political advice.

If you find yourself giving credence to the theatrical presentations of the AM radio talking heads you might want to start asking yourself what is wrong with your own thought processes.

got links? I don't doubt mccain said that stuff, but this audio is a classic example of people who can cancel out your vote come election day.

AM radio is all conservatives got mediawise, just because you may not agree with it does not mean it does not serve a purpose.
got links? I don't doubt mccain said that stuff, but this audio is a classic example of people who can cancel out your vote come election day.

AM radio is all conservatives got mediawise, just because you may not agree with it does not mean it does not serve a purpose.
Just google McCain and that phrase.

AM radio hosts are not more so than Randy Rhodes is liberal. Do not sully the term "conservative" by falsely associating it with them. They are radicals and have rabidly supported the free spending neo-cons.
so you'd prefer a randy rhodes or a keith olberman?

I'll take a rush limbaugh or glenn beck anyday over the tripe that gets spoon fed to the masses on MSNBC, CNN and the like

lighten up buddy, their on our side (assuming i know what side your on).;)
so you'd prefer a randy rhodes or a keith olberman?

I'll take a rush limbaugh or glenn beck anyday over the tripe that gets spoon fed to the masses on MSNBC, CNN and the like

lighten up buddy, their on our side (assuming i know what side your on).
I do not get spoon fed by either radical side of the issue. If being on a side means I have to listen to the radicals without question and then spread their foolishness like an infection I will chose to not be on either side.

You can let yourself be fooled into think Rush gives a damn about you are conservative issues if you want, but that will only make his job easier.
Entertainers all

When I first heard Rush I thought "Oh conservative raido" After some time being a bit slow myself I have come to the realization it is all SHOW BIZ.
All these personalities are entertainers that have found an audience Glen Beck says he is a comidian comenting on politics Rush says he is an entertainer. It is not a secret, if the liberal view drew the same size audience these schills would be aspouseing that viewpoint. Listen to them but verify and keep a grain of salt handy.
Hee hee. Operation Chaos isn't over. Team Hillary ran out of money, but they never gave up. Condoleeza Rice has more good to say about Obama than Bill Clinton does.

Can Hillary still wrest the nomination from Obama? If the votes from Michigan and Florida are fully counted (as Obama has requested for some reason [sense of invincibility?]) and if Obama doesn't get the nomination in the first round of voting, then it's a free-for-all.

Rush Limbaugh may live to dance on Obama's political grave. Of course, after all the riots, the Dems would lose hard--and not just the Presidency--for having cheated their most reliable constituents.

Maybe a just a weird dream, but so was Obama's presidential run not too long ago. This has been a weird nomination process for the Dems. Can it get weirder? It could!
Playboypenguin said:
Like when McCain called christian conseratives "agents of intolerance"

Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan or Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right. - John McCain

This is the best you have against McCain? You can't be serious. These are sage words IMO.
This is the best you have against McCain? You can't be serious. These are sage words IMO.
I do not hold it against him at all. I completely agree with him. However, there was a huge uproar from the religious right when he made the statement. It was credited by many right wingers as one of the reasons his campaign failed in 2000. So why is it not being replayed and replayed to cause a commotion. At least it is something the candidate himself said. What Rush is doing is desperate and shoddy is just sad and anyone that falls into the trap of being manipulated by it really needs to reevaluate their vetting process.
I'm one of those people who clings to God and guns and I NEVER liked McCain...but i dislike Obama even more. to me, McCain is the anti Obama vote, pure and simple. This is the way i am looking at the election this year.

Rush and Beck may be "entertainment", but much of what Rush (esp.) says is truth. He would not be #1 and the scorn of the media and left if he was not doing damage.
Nice link Black. I've been decidedly anti McCain for years... I find him far to liberal for my likings. And I vowed to never vote for the guy....

but man... Obama scares me so much I'm actually beginning to think I might have to vote for McCain... I can't afford for The Lord Merciful Obamessiah to be elected.
If Ann Coulter can get drunk and vote for McCain, so can you. Or just vote Obama and hope for a backlash. It's a strategic decision. Validate the RINO or ride the dragon.

In the long run, America's going to the same place either way. Still, I see no reason to go quietly.
i have to vote, and obama will not get it, so it leaves McCain. I hope his VP is good though. the man is not exactly young if you catch my drift.
Once one understands the fundamentals of each party there's not much left to decide on......unless you are a sadist, a glutton for punishment and/or just plain hate yourself.