Now this is a revolver......

Okay, so I scoff at the term 'knockdown power' but the sight of that cartridge and the amount of exposed lead on the 700 grain (!) bullet...
I'd bet that 460 in the first post is a dream to shoot.

I have a 460V, 5"bbl with comp. While it is a bit punchier than my 629 Classic 6.5", it's nowhere near punishing or unbearable.. at least for me. I mostly shoot 240gr XTP Mags over near max published loads of H110. I had to dial back as I approached max as I was getting pressure signs.. Mine must just have throats on the tighter side of things.

Alot of people talking about the cost of 460 and 500 ammo... Yeah, the Hornady 200gr is about the cheapest factory ammo... But if you roll your own, it's very affordable to shoot these boomers. Yeah, you're dropping alot more powder, but once you have a quantity of brass to work with, you're set. The bullets are not cost prohibitive.

My 460.



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get back to me about week girl after you shoot a cylinder or 2 of these 740 grain monster out of a 460-- yes 740 grain!!!!

740 grain next to 680 grain .452 HC
700 grains??? Holy crap!

yeah, it is a massive bullet and moving at 1200 fps. it has a huge amount of recoil lol. when I first received them, I only put one in the cylinder just in case lol. It still isn't a bad recoil, just a little painful. and the look on peoples faces when I show them at the range is priceless. :D
My shooting buddy and I have had a chance to shoot one of those (S&W 460). Same deal as OP too. The guy was there with some friends and had a very similar setup to the pic. Only difference was that he had a Leupold on his.

We watched him and his buddies shoot it and I was amazed at the fireball the Hornady rounds created in broad daylight. I was especially surprised at the amount of flame coming from they cylinder. I kept waiting for the scope to be cut in half.

He offered us a chance and we took him up on it but he made our offer a little trickier than we'd anticipated. He said, "You have to stand up and shoot it or you're not really a man." (With a smile) My bud and I looked at each other and said, "Ok. No problem." It wasn't either. Ya, huge boom, lots of recoil and a blinding flash but it was doable. What I remember the most was the weight. It felt awkward with the bi-pod legs hanging down and very barrel heavy. Probably a good thing. We shook his hand, thanked him and went back to our little .45s. :)
T_PRO_Z : I can only imagine!!! :D

CommandoX : That’s some funny stuff. That’s what I like most about my local range; you never know who or what you are going to run into. Everyone seems nice and they love their guns.

Peggysue said:
I only have a 4" M500 which is a 50. No can do. Sorry

I looked it up and it appears to be 56 oz; that’s pretty heavy for a 4”. How bad is the recoil on that? Please understand that I’m they guy that whines when I put 4 rounds of 7.62x54 through a M44… LOL
I absolutely HATE it when I'm having a great time shooting my .22 pistols and my .38 wads from my Security-Six, and some guy comes in to the aisle next to me and begins to shoot his .44 Magnum or other hand cannon. Soon I'm flinching all over the place and if he has a huge, expensive auto he starts firing it so fast we're both soon standing ankle deep in his brass! It's like sitting outside at a beachfront restaurant when some clown sits down next to you and lights up a cigar or a pipe!

I don't care what kind of hearing protection you have on, the blasts go right through it. In a half hour you're suffering from battle fatigue. Ten minutes after that, you're on the floor, sobbing and calling for your momma!

Yeah, I love seeing those guys come in!

Stargater, there are a few people here who think that it's just as funny as a dancing poodle to set up their Barrett and watch people leave.
Wait a mo on this. Please explain the use for this type of gun except for being stationary and in a fixed position. Can one carry this for SD? Or is this just for hunting? Holy Moley, I've never seen a revolver that big.
I humbly await an explanation. Really, I am at a total loss about what this is for.
Are you talking about the 600 ne?

I suspect that it is honestly for hunting. The thing costs $17,000 and can blow a rhino off of it's feet, and it has twice as many bullets as a double rifle.

I am absolutely certain that somebody will be happy to carry that thing somewhere hunting cape buffalo.

If you're talking about the tripod mounted artillery piece, I think that he just wanted a benchrest gun.
The owner of the S&W Model 460XVR was going to use it for deer hunting out of his stand that has a prop. Given the accuracies that he was able to produce, that shouldn't be a problem.
I saw one at cabelas, and didn't understand the purpose of the rail on the bottom of the barrel. Now I get it.
200 yard deer killing accuracy?

Considering Hornady advertises that with a 200yrd zero the 200gn 460mag is only 4" high at 150 yards and 4" low at 250 yards I's say yes. For what its worth I used to have a 10.5" PC model and shooting off a rest a 12" steel plate at 300 yards was so easy it became boring.