Nothing like a Laser.......

Now that green LASERs have come down in price I have found them fun to play with on rifles or putting them on a Ransom Rest to return it to the exact same position each time.

Now the LASER Lyte targets with the cartridges are fun. Bring a new dimension to dry firing, esp for me as I can get 27 yard down the hall and across the living room in my house. With these I have been blown away by how good I do firing from the hip at 10 or even 15 yards.... something I never do with live ammo at a range.

I use both lasers and iron sights. I do not shoot exclusively with lasers. I practice using both. I only have a P220, 5906 and a P229 with CT sights.
One thing I learned when I put the first laser sight on one of my guns was how amazingly shaky most of my friends were/are, and how shake free I am. I shoot a lot better with a laser than I do with normal sights on a handgun. On my TP9v2, I can pretty much shoot as well with it one handed with the laser on, as I can with my normal two handed grip with normal sights. With my normal grip, there is almost no wobble of the laser point at 30 feet, maybe a half inch of so.

When friends shoot it, the laser wobbles all over the place, to the point, I usually say something like, "Too much coffee or Red Bull today?". For some reason, I just don't have much shake at all, and I do repairs on radios and computers for friends because they just shake too much anymore. :(
The Laserlyte target looks interesting. Wonder what mechanisim is used to retain/erase the glow of the hit. Also if one must have the money to buy a Ferarri like dakota, to own one. :D

Think I'll tape a cheap laser pointer to my gun to see if I would embarass myself at the range. :D
Yep a laser shows everybody your bad habits, too bad many of the folks using them don't pay any attention to what they show.

A penny on the slide/barrel does the same thing.

A penny will only show you near perfect trigger control IE bulls-eye shooting a laser can show you that as well as pretty good trigger control IE the kind you need for up close and personal defense. It's also an excellent aid in learning to point shoot, and target transition from one to another.
You get what you pay for besides who wants to pick up the damn penny that many times.