I seen a few posts from members about not voting for Bush or Gore and I have a few thoughts on the subject. Being a Texas citizen of course I'm going to vote for Bush, but there's more to it then that. Bush is a very good man and has alot of good, fresh ideas for this country. He's not the smartest man in the world, but since when did that stop someone from becoming president. My problem with voting third-party this year(side note: I voted for Perot in 96') is that every third party vote hurts Bush, not Gore. Yes, I know Bush has said a couple of things that have p*ssed-off gun owners, the mag ban, the assault weapon ban, etc. But this is way I see it, if that his truly his position on those topics and Gore stays true to form on his positions, which would you rather lose, the right to own an assault weapon or some high-cap mags or the right to own any gun, period? Because like it or not, that is what we are facing and we are going to have to give a little in the short term to keep our rights long-term. To me, not being able to get my hands on a full-auto AK-47 is a small price to pay to make sure I can still legally carry my Glock 30 in the great state of Texas(one of Gore's plans is to make C.C. a violation of federal law, even if your state allows it.), or even own a gun for that matter. Yes, I know that the banning of one thing can lead to the banning all of things, but banning all guns from the hands of private citizens is Gore's only intent(which will make us all criminals cause I'm not turning in my gun to anyone and neither is any other gun owner I know). Even if you don't agree with Bush's stand on high-cap mags, and assault weapons(and for the record I don't) we need to stand behind Bush and vote for him in November. The bottom line is there is much more at stake here then just mags and assault rifles, and we can't afford to lose sight of that. Bush is the best "real" hope we have in helping us retain our gun rights for years to come. The next president will have the opporunity to nominate 3-4 new Supreme Court justices, we need the person with that power on our side. Bush is more that man then Gore will ever be. So please think long and hard before you decide to vote third-party, all of our rights depend on it.
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