not very sporting Minigun vs Hogs

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Certainly looks like a canned hunt to me with the hogs being released right of screen. And, as far as canned hunts go, this one looks pretty distasteful.

I understand how invasive these things are and I have no problem with eradication but this isn't a hunt I'd sign up for.
I don't like seeing that. The guys doing it should remember the cliches of the anti-gunners when they tried to tag "assault weapons" with being operated to do what that minigun did. It's only validating their propaganda.
I guess that the thing to remember is that for a guy whose pasture has been torn up or whose crop has been destroyed, extreme anger is the norm. Maybe even hatred. The ensuing desire is for maximum killing, eradication. He's not interested in any ethics or morals, and doesn't consider it hunting in the sense that we here use the word.

Pest control, as with roaches or rats. As with gophers or armadillos on a golf course.
I am still in a quandary... In my years amongst the wild/feral hog stocks... I never found a trait that makes these pigs resemble released runners... 'Cept that these are, in fact, runnin'....

Seems many have never seen a sounder of pigs take to flight....

Be it a single... a pair... a few or a snot load... when they run they basically take flight in similar direction just like these did etc...

When in groups and spooked, critters seem to take off generally together. Deer, cows, horses, javelinas, goats...They're not like a covey of quail. :)
I disagree. It looks like they are releasing captured hogs. All the hogs seem to originate from about the same spot. Yes, I have seen sounders run. I have also seen sounders bolt in the a myriad of directions when been shot at by hunters.

Not only that, but with all the folks standing around, it does not look like these guys are at a choke point in the middle of the field. You can tell by the shadows and voices that there are quite a few people standing around to watch and that the camera is careful to not show where the pigs come from. Not only that, but the pigs materialize just as the shooter gets ready.

It is legal, but I am not sure that it is really eradication in the intended sense of the word if you capture them and then release them again.

I am curious about the structures in the distance. I failed to notice anything of a proper backstop.
Who cares, its nasty vermin. Let them and those things will out breed roaches. Heck if I thought shooting one in the ass with a pellet would cause it to get gangrene and die somewhere I'd do it. And for you bleeding hearts, I've shot the dang things to wound them so they'd call back the others with distress squeals, you can get a couple more that way.
I know plenty of ranchers that swear by a .22lr in the cab of the truck or on the tractor....

One told me he just has to count "kills" a week later with the circling buzzards....

Ah, timing. I was just on the phone with a coin-dealer buddy, and he veered off into fulminating against hogs on his farm, tearing up the place.

Hogs on your place? It's just like taking out your billfold and tossing money on the ground and walking off and leaving it. Not many folks think that's a good thing to do. Serious resentment against the notion.

You hit somebody in the billfold and he's quite likely to find great enjoyment in revenge. He won't care how a hog gets dead, as long as it's dead.
Looks fun, but on the other hand. Don't like canned hunts and seems a bit like cruelty to animals. If you're gonna kill things seems like the right thing to do is eat it or give it to someone who will. Didn't show what these fellas were doing afterwards but they spent alot of money and probably didn't mess with them afterwards. Atleast give them to a drop off place and feed the homeless, poor or prisoners. IMO.
farmerboy, there are all manner of regulations with which to comply before doing a charitable thing with dead hogs. For many hog shooters, it's just more hassle than is worthwhile.
yes everyone has their own opinions and thats what makes us different and who we are but I sure cant say i am or have been perfect but i guess Im saying Id try to give the hog to somebody less fortunate maybe in town or something.. Maybe just me but I have killed hogs and took them to town and found someone who wanted them but understand everytime is not so simple.
We don't call them ditch meat for nothing. Might process a smaller one but not those big rank boars. Besides, its cheaper to buy pork than it is to process it. Buzzards, worms and maggots gotta eat too.
I doubt that there is disagreement here that miniguns are not at all sporting. I hope that it's realized that for many who have had to deal with damage from feral hogs that fairness, ethics, clean kill, etc., are just not part of the equation.

Let's leave it at that...
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