Not that we're being stigmatized, or anything....

Long Path

New member
This on MSNBC today, about the monster in LA:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>.
In Metaline Falls, one of his former employers said Furrow seemed highly capable of violence. “He had quite a collection (of guns), the way he talked,” said Dan Villers, Furrow’s former boss. “He reloaded all his own shells, he had quite a bit of ammunition on hand.” [/quote]

Now the hobbiest reloader is stigmatized as having a high propensity toward violence?

Of course we *all* know that having "quite a collection of guns" is a high potential for violence!

Does this mean that having a '68 GTO with a 454 is to be equated with having a "high potential" for road rage? All the worse if you rebuilt it yourself....
some anti-gun co-workers picked an argument with me yesterday. I asked them if they felt that having a gun in their hand would make them dangerous and they said "yep".
"Ummm, What?" A piece of metal gives you a propensity for violence? Holy S*** that's scary!!! You could arm me with a .50 BMG, M60, Hell, even an Abrams tank, and I am no more prone to violence than I am sitting in front of this computer!

These people are freaks.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Heard a news report on a local station a day or so ago. Someone had been arrested and their home was searched. Authorities then "found over a handgun and over 100 rounds of ammunition."

Can you imagine the reaction if a competitive shooter was to be searched???? "Authorities stated he had over 500 rounds of ammuntion in his truck." .... for today's match! Sheesh.

Now, how much ammo you have makes you prone to violence. I need some Pepto... :(

Luckily, we have some good LOE's in my area. I was traveling in a remote area and my speed was a bit high. LOE stopped me. I handed over my DL and my CHL. "Sir do you have a gun on you now?" Yes officer, I am on my way home from a match and have a couple in the range bag." Ok just leave them there. So, what did you shoot and how'd you do in the match??" At least with that particular LOE, we are still on the good guys side.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Well, let's check out the LOCKED ammo cabinet in my home:

100 rounds .45ACP 230gr FMJ
20 rounds .45ACP 165gr Cor-Bon
200 12-ga #8 shotshells
20 12-ga #00 shotshells
10 12-ga sabot slugs
500 rounds 9mm 147gr FMJ

And until Wednesday, 4000 rounds .22LR, which I gave to the guy who bought my 10/22.

So does possession of this ammunition make me evil? Of course not (some would say I'm evil regardless ;) ). Possession of 100 rolls of film doesn't make one a pornographer, and possession of several cars doesn't make one more susceptible to road rage.

Not to belabor the obvious, but possession of firearms doesn't make one more prone to violence.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Thats not very much Coin....I'm disappointed.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, since I sold most of my guns earlier this week, and provided the ammo with them...

I'm working on building up the inventory. Promise. Of course, I'll have a couple of cases of 9mm for the TFL West thing. :)

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I had a supervisor get a mild freakout over me getting ammo delivered to work. I told her that before she came here, I taught co-workers to shoot and will teach her if she likes. Doing that is not exactly how a psycho interested in unarmed and helpless victims would go about business. It made sense to her.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited August 13, 1999).]
Ummm, I have over a thousand rds of 9mm and 45acp, and a couple hundred rds of .308. I must be some kind of homicidal freak, I suppose. I know that tin cans, paper targets , and the occasional melon have a warrant out for my arrest. But above that, y'all can rest easy.
Reminds me of when I was in highschool. Fortunately, I graduated well before this "Zero Tolerance" BS. I had this old '76 Chevy pickup (Ol' Yeller) with a toolbox on the back. I came draggin' in real late one Sunday night from a hunting trip. As tired as I was I only grabbed my guns and clothes out of the truck, leaving a "bucket o' bullets" of .22 (550 rds) several boxes of 12 guage dove-load, and a box or 2 of .270 in the toolbox. The next day at school, I was called out of class at about 9:00 am. The Drug Dogs had done one of their random checks that day, and had found something in my truck. I had to go out to the parking lot and allow the dog handlers to search my truck (my choices were to let them check it, refuse & have them call my Father - who the truck legally belonged to, and if he refused then a police officer would be called, and a search warrant would be pursued. I knew there were no firearms, drugs or alcohol in the truck, and back then ('89 I think) noone got into trouble for carrying ammo to school. They searched the truck, and I got to spend half the day watching the handlers work the dogs, watching them count out the ammo (700+ rounds) and let them clean out all the empty beer cans and cigarette boxes (umm... those must have been Dad's) out of the truck. The ammo was turned over to the Vice Principal until the school day ended. FWIW, I never got into any real trouble in school, however about once a month or so it would be necessary for the VP to call me in his office & "Reign me in" ;). So basically I got the garbage cleaned out of my truck, missed half a day of boring classes, and that was it. That afternoon when I got home, I put the rest of my ammo from the house in the tool box of the truck. About once a month I'd get a half day, or more when I had more ammo for them to count, out of school, got the garbage cleaned out of my truck, and got to see some really cool dogs work. 2 of my runnin' buddies followed suite, so it turned into a kind of game. My record was over 1600 rounds of ammo. None of the Principals or anyone ever gave us any greif over it, because we were basically good kids, very involved in FFA, and never got into any real trouble

Now I hear about a friends step-son getting suspended for three days for carrying a .45 casing with a bullet seated ( no primer, no powder) hanging from a key-chain.

I really don't think that there is a need to have ammo in school (other than to get out of class :)) but that Zero-Tolerance junk does far more harm than good.
I had the ammo-being-delivered-to-work problem too. The evil HR woman was relieving the receptionist when my package arrived. She said "Is that what I think it is?" I picked it up, looked at the return address, and said "Oh, I think this is .357 hunting ammo." I whipped out a Spyderco and opened the box. Funny thing was, it was a single box of 20 rounds; I had had several full cases of ammo delivered previously.... I have me one of them "Private Mail Boxes" now.
Ok lets see, what do I have here;

1000 rds of .45 acp in an unopened case.
4-500 rounds of .45 in assorted boxes
1000 rds of .223 cased plus several hundred in assorted boxes.
Approximately 2-3000 12 ga shotgun shells (Reloads) plus maybee 100 buckshot.
1000 rds of 20 ga assorted
4-500 rds of 28 ga assorted
3-400 rds of 30-06
Several thousand empty hulls
somewhere between 7-9000 shotshell primers
12 lb keg of 700X
5 lb keg of Clays
1 lb of unique
1lb of Green dot.
couple of large boxes of .22 (it goes real fast) maybe 1500 rds.

Uh, am I a danger to society yet?

Mu cousin, a NYPD detective, came over to borrow some tools, when I took him into my reloading room his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Maybe it was the three reloaders lined up on the bench and the buckets of empty hulls on the floor.

"You Shoot ?" he said.

My family already thinks I'm nuts, I think my reputation just got a boost.

I didn't tell him about the glock in my bedroom, a little mystery is a good thing.

Geoff Ross
Now cut that out!
Sara Brady is going to get upset!


Right now the proposed Arsenal licenses which Senator Feinstein should be pushing for, requires an "Arsenal License" for those people who feel they need more than 20 guns and 1000 rounds of
ammunition. We feel that number is too generous, due to the fact that any number of guns constitutes a grave threat to the safety of the community; we suggest Strongly that this license limit be reduced to
possession greater than 5 guns and 250 rounds of ammunition.

It is not unreasonable to require a yearly fee for an Arsenal license to be at least $300, with a cap of $1000. The money collected can be used to defray the immense medical costs directly attributed to these
deadly weapons.

No Arsenal Licensing to be permitted in counties with populations of more than 200,000.

Gee, now I feel inadequate 'cause I ain't "dangerous" enough. ;)

50 rds. .45ACP FMJ
50 rds. .45 Aguila High Power
20 rds. .45 Federal HydraShok
20 rds. 9mm Winchester SXT
20 rds. 9mm Triton Quik-Shok
1 pair lightsabres

I hate playin' "catch up". :D

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
Not as good an inventory as I would like:

.357 550
.38 700+
12ga 120+
.22 800+
8lbs H110 powder
less than 200 primers and 300 .38 brass left... been reloadin fer the TFL Western shoot..

Normally I only have about 200 rounds of each cept .22 on hand.. just enough for a mornin of kill the can. Heck they try cuttin me down to under 200 rounds and 5 guns.. well I'll go through that in a couple of hours.

On the serious side, it's perception. We have to take the attitude when talking to these nuts that there is nothing unusual or not normal about this... it is them who are the nuts who think that there is something wrong with it.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
What they don't realize is that people with little ammo do not waste it on pop cans. They waste enemy personel.

If I have a case of .38, I might burn up half of it at paper targets. Limit me to six rounds, and getting replacement ammo off an ambushed goblin becomes top priority.

All that said -- I do hope we do not get to that stage. Casualties work both ways...

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited August 13, 1999).]
I think that's right. It should be normal to have up to maybe 10,000 rounds of various caliber in the house. Along with the equipment to expend it, and then the components to reload it ... at least twice.
From _The_Peacemaker_:
"I'm not afraid of the man who wants ten nuclear weapons, Colonel. I'm terrified of the man who only wants one."

Likewise, I'm not afraid of the guy with 20 guns and 10,000 rounds. I'm afraid of the guy with one gun and one bullet...and the intent to use them immorally.
Well if 1000 rounds would require an arsenal license I'd be in deep do-do. Heck, I got more than that just in .22 rimfire. Picked up a case of 12 gauge 7 1/2 just today at Wal-mart. They were on sale.

The three great excesses in life:
There's no such thing as too much love, too much money or too much ammo. :)