Not exactly hunting but as we all get worked up over snakes.....

not sure

Don't know what it is this year, but every one I speak with who lives in the country, or is working afield, is seeing poisonous snakes more this summer, than in any summer in their memory.

Had a rather close call in a picnic area where a toddler wandering about, not really recklessly, but certainly not in hand either, "discovered" a big copperhead!

Bamaboy killed a 42" Timber rattler on our front porch. Chalk up another viper to the old Win 37 .410!

I won't roll the truck over trying to run one down, but if a poisonous snake shows up around the place, I'll kill him.

one should try that rattlesnake dipped in a milk and egg mixture salt and pepper to taste and cook carefully on a charcoal grill. that is all i had the first time i did it. everyone that tried it went back for seconds. one didnt like the idea of snake at all.
Colorado Rattlesnake Season

Season: June 15-Aug. 15
Daily bag limit : 3
Possession limit : 6

If you hunt/kill rattlesnakes in Colorado out of season, mum's the word. This has to be one of the most idiotic regulations I have ever heard of.

As well, you need a small game license.
We have an abundance of copperheads....I kill everyone of those I see and also cottonmouths....I like seeing a canebrake rattler ever so often..which isn't that often....I tried to make this one strike..but he just wanted to get to some cover....


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Don't really have much in the way of dangerous snakes around here. Limited population of timber rattlers, they are a protected species in Mass. Plenty of disease carrying ticks though.
Had a pet redtail boa for years. Thing was actually pretty friendly, long as it was fed on the regular.....
My older brother always had snakes as pets when I was growing up. That and in S. NJ we have very, very few poisonous snakes is why they have never bothered me. I did live in NC for 4 years and during that time I was always on the lookout. The 2 copperheads I saw in the yard (I have kids and dogs) didnt leave the yard alive. We had many black rat snakes, im told that other snakes will not live in the same area as BR snakes. I would never harm a snake that was not dangerous. I wish more people felt the same way.
Both venomous snakes here in Wisconsin are protected by law. Still folks kill them and then are shocked when they are considered poachers/violators. I've lived around rattlesnakes my whole life both here and when I lived in Minnesota. Not only have I never been bitten, nor do I know anyone personally that has ever been bitten. A greater threat to us are bear ticks and the Lyme disease they carry. Rattlesnakes are a major predator of the white footed mouse, a major part of the life cycle of the Lyme bacterium. Makes sense then for us to let them live.
We have the massaga rattlesnake in michigan heard stories of them being all over seen road kill in the southeast side of the state. But luckily never seen alive one they are protected but not wearing bullet proof vest dead snakes tell no lie.
Good luck getting a jury to convict someone of killing a snake. What I am about to say is not racist, its just fact. I work closely with a black game warden. A tree hugger complained to him that their neighbor had killed a non-venomous snake. He laughed at them and said, "This county is half black. That means there is going to be at least two black people on the jury. Aint no way in hell a brother or sister is going to find anyone guilty for killing a snake."
Timber rattler in SC

I can't have pregnant timber rattlers sunning in my backyard. If I see 'em in the wild so be it, but they're not welcome that close to my house!
Remind me never to eat gravy at the home of any of the happy diners contributing to this post. Yeah I know ,"Tastes like chicken !" Well I don't much care for chicken either.