Northern Virginians... I think we need a celebratory shoot!

NRA range works for me. Most weeknights are good, most Sundays are good, but the only Saturday I've got open this month is the 23rd.

Friday sounds like a good day. Nov. 22, sooner, or later?

Start at 7 PM? That should allow enough time to fight the weekend traffic after work. The range is open until 10 PM.
A friday shoot at NRA would work for me. If it's this Friday, can't be too late as it's my wife's B-day. :)

I was thinking the same thing.

Friday PM's work for me. This Friday is off, and Thanksgiving weekend is off. Other than that, I'm open.

I may be able to do a friday evening (11/15 is out). Actually the 29th might be good for people staying in town for turkey day. Less traffic etc.
Now, SodaPop, that would be positively tragic if we had to actually sit down and break bread together after a shoot. :D

I'm up for this, but (and, Mike, you understand) more forewarning is better than less. Perhaps the 22d, as Mr. Park suggested?
I hope to make it, however put me down as "a maybe." Nov. 18 is the start of the general firearms deer season. I'll be down in Nelson County a number of days, Nov. 17-19 and Nov. 23-26 and parts of December too.
The 22nd looks good for me.

SodaPop, if you come, I promise not to grab any of your guns that might look like mine and blaze away with it. ;) We always go to a local eatery when we're done, so you can check that requirement off your list.
OK, folks, I'll make an executive decision.

November 22, 7:30 p.m., at the NRA Range in Fairfax!

Mr. James, tell Mrs. James that you're going to either A) a gun turn in so that you can get rid of your horrible, evil, guns, or B) a meeting of the Northern Virginia Democrat-Socialist political action society.

Either one of those two excuses should get you out of the house with no trouble.
SodaPop, if you come, I promise not to grab any of your guns that might look like mine and blaze away with it.

How many times do I have to tell you VA people.... I DON'T SHARE!!

K80Geoff and I might hit the NRA Musuem and make a day out of it.

Geoff, you don't drive a car the same way you drive golf you?:eek:

Don't forget to put the parking break on when we get out.

See, ya have to think of it as a PROCESS...I'll be playing in two courts soon - bankruptcy and divorce. Kidding, really.

Mike Irwin,

How 'bout the Northern Virginia Democratic-Socialist PAC's Great Gun Buy-Back of 2002? It's for the children.