Northern Illinois University shooting?

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I don't think lawmakers can be reached on this one. Has to be grassroots. Law makers see the light when they feel the heat of an informed constituency.
Floyd R Turbo would be proud

No doubt Floyd would ask some of our posters to stand beside him as he proclaims carrying a gun is the solution to every problem.

Given the number of students on campus who are under the influence of something I'm not sure a well armed student body is a good solution. :D

I find it amusing the people who believe they are going to get support for gun owners by proclaiming arming everyone is going to be the solution. If anything those statements make it even more difficult to retain support by politicians for our cause. Political support is image dependent. When you promote an image of irresponsibility it gets harder not easier to to present an image of responsible gun owners.

Arm the anti-gun owners with statements from our own ranks indicating teenagers should be allowed to carry weapons to school and your not helping gun owners. (A recent posting on this board.) You probably will have more parents turning out at the public meeting to support banning guns on campus.

Publish letters to the editor that rather than explaining the right to self defence is reasonable and necessary but professes that college students packing on campus could have stoped the BG and your going to be on the wrong team. Parents are not going to be accepting the visions of gunfights taking place on campus.
I find it amusing the people who believe they are going to get support for gun owners by proclaiming arming everyone is going to be the solution ... Arm the anti-gun owners with statements from our own ranks indicating teenagers should be allowed to carry weapons to school and your not helping gun owners.

I'm not a teenager, and I'm not saying everyone should be armed. I'd like me to be armed -- that's true. I'm staff at a university. Fortunately for me, I'm not often around the common areas where these things seem to happen.

Being an Illinois resident, I'd be happy with incremental improvement -- maybe start with some of the carry laws other states have. I think the solution is multidimensional. We need better gun laws for those who get caught in the gunfire. We also need more consistent enforcement of reasonable restrictions (like mental illness).

We also need media reform, so they don't all get their glory. I keep seeing the media report the notes these kids write, life stories, weeks of fame, debates on TV, etc. I wish the collective news media could take one for the team and try not breaking the story.

People commit premeditated murder all the time, firearms or no, and it's only ever reported locally (with some exceptions). School shootings are all the rage today, and maybe some of the popularity fuels it.

I hate that it happens at all -- but I sure wish I had some responsible recourse. What else are they going to do? Metal detectors? Random strip searches? Bans don't work -- they already exist.

Until they pass a law allowing on campus concealed carry for those with a permit they are sitting ducks I'm afraid.

Here in Illinois, they could start with concealed carry *anywhere*.

At least it happened in an anti gun state and a place where guns are already banned.

On an emotional note, I'm saddened that this happened at all. My heart goes out to those affected, and they will be in my prayers.

On a less emotional note... for the last several years a few antis in the state legislature have been trying to pass a ban in Illinois. Last time it failed by 1-3 votes (can't remember the exact number off-hand). The new one they're trying to get through in the next session or two will exceed the restrictions of the federal ban from last century.

I expect this will add urgency and swap a vote or two over and we'll get it here. It'll result in an evil-black-rifle ban, magazine restriction, and restriction on "military" rifles (including the SKS, since it was, like, used in a military and stuff). At least it provides a 90-day amnesty period, so I could buy an EBR in time... I wish I could find the link to the bill -- it's a scary read!

Friend's out there, she said they put her on lockdown, the shooting was a few buildings away. This just shows, Illinois needs more gun laws, keeping them out of the hands of the law-abiding just doesn't seem to work. :confused:

There seem to be more copycat shooters of late. And the trend's gonna continue until people refuse to be victims.
Allowing private citizens to carry will not be a cure all or a sure fire preventative, but it will even the odds.
I recall an article in the New York Times a while back, it was a story about
people who carry inspite of NYCs Socialist inspired gun laws. They quoted
one businessman who said:
"Let me ask you this-when was the last you heard of a precinct house being held up?"
teenagers should be allowed to carry weapons to school

Toybox, mind telling me how a teenager can be allowed to carry a concealed firearm when the minimum age is 21 in most states?

So let's hear it, what do you propose.
Nowhere, never. Illinois and Wisconsin are the only two states which expressly prohibit any carrying of firearms, open or concealed, period. Only Daley and Oprah's bodyguards get guns. Criminals have no interest in anyone else.
I'm guessing that by the time the shooters name is released in the next few hours-days,we're gonna be hearing the words:Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors again.
People,stop drugging your children.Don't rely on a pill to do your job.
Man, that is a tragedy in itself. Thank god I live in Tennessee where people can protect themselves. The crime rate up there must be ungodly, I truly feel sorry for innocent people who don't even have their state government on their side. Maybe if enough people die they'll change their carry laws. We can only hope for their sake.
Prayers go out to the families of the students involved.

I am absolutely FURIOUS right now. This keeps happening, and repeating, and WHY? Because I cannot carry my gun on campus! Because some retard in political power thinks that I'm a danger to myself. Because someone is afraid of guns, and they think guns are magically going to kill people.

Take away the guns, and what do you have? Sheep for the slaughter.

Nowhere, never. Illinois and Wisconsin are the only two states which expressly prohibit any carrying of firearms, open or concealed, period. Only Daley and Oprah's bodyguards get guns. Criminals have no interest in anyone else.
You forgot that the police are all the protection any commoner needs.
This is exactly why gun bans don't work. I hope all the anti-gun people are proud of themselves for their accomplishments. There are families of 18 victims who were not able to defend themselves, that I'm sure would love to thank them for promoting gun-free zones. They work so well don't they?
Well, there are "no guns in Chicago" and yet the total number of murders has rivaled that of LA in the past. LA of course being three times the size of Chicago, on an ocean coast, and less than 150 miles from an international border. Then again, Chicago's on Lake Michigan and around a 500 mile drive to Canada... that's got to explain it!

No, I hate to take this topic on such a tangent, but I am just glad I'm out of Illinois. The cries to end the madness by banning guns that must be on CLTV right now would have me pulling out bushels of hair.
I find it amusing the people who believe they are going to get support for gun owners by proclaiming arming everyone is going to be the solution...Publish letters to the editor that rather than explaining the right to self defence is reasonable and necessary but professes that college students packing on campus could have stoped the BG and your going to be on the wrong team.

Fortunately, your opinions don't square with anything even remotely resembling reality.

Here in Virginia in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings, we gun owners were able to point to the attempted mass shooting at Appalachian College of Law that was stopped almost immediately by students using their own handguns. That information was very useful in stopping nearly all new gun control legislation introduced in this year’s session of the Virginia legislature. Gun control legislation that was introduced as a so-called response to the Virginia tech shootings.

The arguments you scoff at are indeed effective at stopping new gun control legislation, at least in States where some semblance of second amendment rights still exist.

It's your type of defeatist mindset, and not pro-gun arguments, that embolden the antis.
School Shootings

There's a scenario people haven't thought of yet...

An armed gunman walks into a school to shoot it up. He opens a door, raises his weapon, and 30 students immediately turn him into Swiss cheese because they're allowed to carry on campus. It'd make someone think twice. Campus "insecurity" these days seems more focused on rules and regs than actual threats to the students. (Let's see that mentality performed by our military personell: "You wanna blow up the base? Ok. Our guys won't carry a gun while you're in here.") But even an unarmed individual with some wits could disarm, subdue, and even eliminate such a threat before even a few people were injured. Apparently, hiding under a rickety desk or in a closet is more socially acceptable than saving lives and defending one's right to live.
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