Northern Illinois University shooting?

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It saddens me greatly to see more people suffer at the hands of crazed lunatics who care neither for laws nor human life.
Various sources report up to 18 injured by a male with a pistol and a shotgun. This one says the shooter is no longer a threat. John

By The Chronicle News Group
Comments (No comments posted.)

DeKALB – Three to four victims of an apparent shooting at Northern Illinois University have arrived at Kishwaukee Community Hospital, the hospital reported on its Web site. The victims suffered head wounds, the hospital reported.

The university reported on its Web site just after 4:15 p.m. that the gunman was “no longer a threat.”

“Campus police report that the immediate danger has passed,” the Web site reported. “The gunman is no longer a threat. The DeKalb campus is closed tomorrow. Students can go to any residence hall for counseling.”

The shooting happened just after 3 p.m., reportedly in Cole Hall, a lecture hall at the heart of campus.

It was unclear how many people were injured in the shooting, but radio dispatchers reported at least two injuries shortly after 3 p.m.

Dispatchers, heard over a police scanner, reported a white male shooter with a shotgun and a pistol.

At 3:20 p.m., the university posted a campus alert on its Web site warning people on campus to take cover.

“There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus,” the alert states. “Get to a safe area and take precautions until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all buildings in that vicinity.”

A Daily Chronicle photographer on the scene reported seeing five apparently wounded people going by on stretchers.

At least two people are reported down in DuSable Hall, and one person had blood on the back of the head, according to eyewitness reports. It could not be confirmed if it was from a gunshot.

Police have established a perimeter around Cole Hall, and 15 to 20 emergency vehicles were in the area. Rescue crews from

People near campus were seen praying, talking on cell phones, and crying.
You know, I really want to blame someone when this crap happens. It’s the parents and they need to be held accountable. Yeah, yeah; I don’t care how old he was, his parents did a crappy job and they should pay!

Go ahead... pile on. Meanwhile, if one of my kids does this, I swear I'll fall on my sword!
Now both sides can jump up and down to make political hay, while the media throws gas on the flames.

WildmixingmetaphorsAlaska TM
I went to school there and always thought that this would happen there. Nothing to stop it. Sickening and sad.
Until they pass a law allowing on campus concealed carry for those with a permit they are sitting ducks I'm afraid. Imagine the people that would be saved from these wacko's if only more students would/could carry on campus, they should have a right to protect themselves. Unfortunatley there's going to have to be more deaths before they get it.
I work at another university in Illinois -- is this the time I should write to my legislators and tell them I don't feel safe, and wish I could equip myself for my own defense?

Gun laws are already so screwy in Illinois, and with the destined media attention, this may just pass the ban that's been up for votes several times. Last time it failed by only a few votes. Might be time to order me that semi-automatic rifle so I can amnesty it...

On the more compassionate note -- my Dad often visits that campus for various reasons, and I hope he wasn't anywhere near. My heart goes out to the victims and their families -- and I sure hope that someone in media and politics allows the one side of this issue that has a solution to speak up.

The funny thing is, I gaurantee you all you will hear from these morons is how we need stricter gun laws and all these shootings could be avoided if guns that have magazines and so forth were outlawed. You want people safer allow every student with a permit to carry on campus. If nothing else teachers should at least have the right to carry. How in the hell are these students suppose to be protected when nobody has a gun but the nut who is pissed off at the world.
This is in B.H. Obama's home state. If he gets the White House, he'll remember this, and his pet monkey Dick Durbin will remember this too.

Some of 2009's first pieces of legislation will be AWB's, auto-handgun bans, power level restrictions on revolvers, shotgun tubular magazine restrictions and ammunition registration.

None of which will have prevented today's wretched and tragic situation.
Well it is now reported that five people including the gun men are dead. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those that where murdered. May the shooter rot in hell.
Thank God all of the faculty, students, and visitors were disarmed for their own safety. No telling what would have happened if one of the aforementioned had been armed.:rolleyes:
Why don't we live in a world of practical thinking instead of emotion, where they would come on the intercom and say "There is a shooter on campus, all men are encouraged to load their firearms."

Ez there, my latest and next to latest both are accomplished shots in their own right, both decent people with good moral judgment and I do like females so they are.

Perhaps - "There is a shooter on campus, protect yourselves" Because in a practical world, the people would already have their defense tools ready.

My heart goes out to the injured and the people who care about them.
My sympathies are with the victims and their families and friends.

But you do have to wonder how something like this can happen in a gun-free zone. Isn't the premise of a gun-free zone is that it prevents gun crimes? And aren't there laws against murdering people, no matter how it's done?

How is it possible that a crazed whackjob would take a gun to a gun-free zone and hunt down defenseless people? I mean, it's against the law!
To a crazy person there are no laws, gun free zones don't mean chit to them. That's why we need to do away with "gun free" zones and allow innocent people with permits to carry and protect themselves in these areas. It's really a pretty simple concept, but unfortunatley some law makers just don't get it.
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