Non-gun lighter side: Do you name your vehicles?

Futo Inu

New member
I just got a pretty nice (for me), new (to me) pickup - finally got that "urban" 4x4 - useful for going over curbs when stuck in traffic! Trying to think of a good name for her. We've had the thread over naming guns, so....

Thats my John Deere model 40-U tractor. It was dead at a farm auction lot. I was 15 and Dad and I were shopping for some farm equipment....I saw the ol thing and fell in love. Dad bought it for me and it took us about 10 months to rebuild it and it runs like a champ.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Have had quite a few vehicles over my life, but named only a few very special ones. First was a 59 international pickup. Used Caltrans. Called it 'Big Orange'. Put over 150k miles on it before the engine was getting ready to blow. Second was a 52 military jeep named 'Willy'. Willy and I went every where, especially places that either no one had gone before or were afraid to go. Nothing could stop us. Since 'Willy' I don't think I have named one.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Longhair, that (scratch) piercing shriek (scratch) you hear is me (scratchscratch), venting my envy (claw claw scratch). If your purty new (scratch dig itch claw scratch) truck is missing (scratch) tomorrow morning, you know where to look (scratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratch AAAAAARGH!!!).


Spooky. I know how you're feeling. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

No, I haven't named my Ranger. Not much point since I will have to kiss it goodbye soon, anyway. I had an F-150 that I wanted to name, but never came up with one. I may if ever I get another that I'm really attached to.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
I don't have any names for our vehicles, but my wife calls my '94 F-350 XLT 4x4, w/12KLB winch, 460 CID, and steel shell the "Steel Phallus" with a touch of scorn. Go figure...
But of course one name's one's vehicles!

For no known reason, I've always "color-coded" mine. The Toyota 4WD PU is the White Rat. The old 4Runner is the Grey Goat. My Case backhoe is The Yellow Peril. The dumptruck is Big Blue. And the desert sun on a putrid shade of sorta-orange has led to the name of Pink Panther for my little Fat Alice road grader--probably the only Mary Kay road grader in captivity :).
I get back 'n forth in my '73 'cuda with a bored-out & built '71 440-6bbl, which I aptly named "Mule".
Yaahh mule, yaahh!!.......Whoa mule! ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Rust Brown 87 Chevy Caprice=The Battle Cruiser. I hum the star destroyer song from Star Wars when I drive.

Little Red 86 Subaru GL=Pepe. My wife named it.
1980 4WD battleship gray, heavy duty 3/4 ton (with multiple scratches and lotsa burnt orange--read "rust") with camper--"The Beast" because it's so hard to turn and see from with the camper in traffic. A great veHickle! Alternative designation, "Hay wagon" (they have no springs) or "TR" because it's a rough rider!

Any Broncho--"The Bronk."
The Rock's 72 Olds 442 has been named things that The Rock can't say on UPN. The Rock just calls it The Olds. The Rock's '99 SVT Contour doesn't have a name yet. Any suggestions?
Well, my sexist roots are showing through, but with one or exceptions, ALL my cars have been called "Nellie". (Come on, Nellie, you can do it, old girl)

Had an FJ55 LandCruiser that for some reason we always called "The Truck" (or The Twuck, as my daughter used to call it) -- probably 'cause of the non-existent ride and handling qualities.

My F-I-L has an older model Mazda rotary that I promptly christened "BOB" (Bucket Of Bolts). He was offended -- but I didn't have the heart to tell him I was going to call it "Hoss" (Heap of Silver Sh*t) ;)

Fred, took my Sedan Deville Concours over the curb on the grass and back on the roadway yesterday! You need a good eye for ground clearance here My F150 was at home! Neither has a name nor do any of my firearms. I did have a Rambler station wagon back in the 60's that was named White Fang by a friend though. The seats let down and there was room in the way back for an ice chest!
I was in deep depression when that car gave it up and I swore I would never have a named vehicle again.
LOL Hank
The only names I give mine are the temporary ones I call them when they make me mad.

My wife used to have a full size Buick station wagon. The thing was huge! we often refered to it as the "Land Yacht" or the "Momma-mobile". :) Unfortunatly, it was stolen. :(
The first car I ever owned was a 77 Mercury Monarch. I named it the Beast cause if the devil was car, he'd be that one. The most cantankerous car I've owned. Put 3 carbs on it myself and the one that was on it wasn't the original. Kept ol' man Wager busy at the junkyard getting parts. One thing about it though, I learned a thing or three about cars.

Okay. I'll 'fess up.

I call my car (Ford Crown Vic) the "Gray Ghost".
The local deputies call it "The Silver Bullet". :o

Our old Crown Vic we called "Whitey". No imagination there.

We called our old Mercury Grand Marquis "elephant" because it was gray and had a big trunk. (Honest! :D)

Our pickup was "Convoy" because (back in the days of the stupid "Drive 55, Arrive Alive" speed limit) we usually ended up between semi's running about 70!

To go off thread for a moment...

When our girls were little, we named our guns so we could refer to them in public (or in time of need) less obtrusively. And, after all, they ARE part of the family!

Big John (1911), Little Star (Star PD), Mr. Shorty (.44 Spec. Remember Marty Robbins?), Beauty (Weatherby .30-06), Mr. Green Jeans (my 12ga pump with a bright green barrel), etc.

As the girls grew older they named my new Glock "Bobbit". There were many borderline crude comments which, of course, TFLers would find inappropriate! (Or, by now, trite! :D)

Now, we use those names out of nostalgia. :)

Hmm. I just noticed. We didn't name the BB gun. Apparently because we believed there would be no need for a "code".

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 04, 1999).]