Non corrosive Black Powder

Bore Butter

I agree with Nodakmarine about Bore butter.. It is good stuff... season the barrel etc.. Longer between cleanings.. use it for cleaning, and then use it as a rust preventative..

I guess I am old fashioned.. I still use BP..

I use a Shiloh and Trapdoor.. with many different loads..

I use a duplex load and find that it blows all of black powder "soot" out of the barrel and you can do like the pink bunny and just keep shooting and shooting

I also use paper patch bullets and a paper wad and grease wad over the powder..

Most fun is shooting at a full size iron buffalo at a 1000 yds..

First time I tried I was in a sitting postion.. Fired.. waited.. took rifle from shoulder and into my lap.. thought I had missed... Wong!!!

Timed the next one.. 7 seconds from firing to hearing the gong..

Use 500 grners in the Trapdoor and 530 paper patches in the Shiloh.. A feller called them flying telephone poles..

Love that black powder... *G*