Noise Control

Dump truck frame, 12" wide x 3/8 thick,doubled up, very hard steel. When I build a dump truck, usually the frames are to long, and you have to cut to length. I've got quite a pile of frame material. If you can find a company that installs dump boxes, they could probably fix you up. A scrap yard, for Internationals, or any straight framed truck, would have some also.:)
I'd get "soundproof" type walls and those "soundproof" curtains.
Personally, I have a friend who lives out in the country gladly giving me an acre of land to shoot stuff on.
Evergreen trees planted around your shooting area will absorb some of the sound and muffle it for your neighbor, but they'd have to be mature / big enough to extend above your shooting level.

Walls covered with foam insulation would help a lot too, but might not be too nice to look at.

Hello, you could try this "trick" Build up a 4 ft burm on either side of the largest culvert pipe you can get without alot of $$ and shoot down range thru it. If its wide enough 3 ft dia u should be able to change rifle angles to multiple targets easily.
The more eatrh that touches the Concrete or steel pipe the less noise. This at least sends most sound to an isolated spot on your property. Jamie