No wonder the Democrats Fear Sarah Palin.

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I think that part of the problem leftists have with people of faith is that they don't know any. They are cardboard cutouts, cartoon figures to the intelligentsia of both coasts. Many committed Democrats cannot believe that anyone can really BELIEVE that stuff..out there in fly-over country.
Back on topic...the real reason is she's exactly what she said she was in the speech:

"A pitbull with lipstick."
I think a lot of it is do to a misunderstanding of her. They just do not know anything about her and they do not seem to anxious to learn. Closed mindedness is rampant on both ends of the spectrum.

As I have said, the only issues I agree with are the misgivings concerning her religious convictions. That aside I actually see mostly positive things when I look into her.

I disagree with her positions that stem from her religious beliefs (abortion, creationism, etc.) but agree on most other things.

The vast majority of American citizens profess to be Christian, believe in Jesus Christ, His Father, or a "higher being".

This has been noted time and time again.
It would seem that those who don't , are in the Minority.

To the OP,

They don't "fear" Sara Palin, she disgusts them---there is a difference.
They can not nor will not relate to anything that does not agree with THEIR stance on life--- they are the BIGOTS, not people like SARA.
You see, no matter what someone believes about anything, there will always be others that don't hold the same views.
Be it firearms, hunting, the environment, ATV usage:), etc., there will always be an argument when often times, a simple discussion should do.

Some people, those in that 14% or so, are screaming against religion because it interferes with what THEY want to believe and do in their lives.
Religion gets in the way--not in a physical way, but more in a mental way---people who do not want to agree with the majority will try to drown it out and scream BIGOT!! when all they have to do is just live their lives in peace and not try to force THEIR beliefs on the majority of American Citizens.
We see it in our politics, small highly vocal groups can sometimes get some of what they want, even at the expense of the majority---not because the majority is wrong, but because the minority is so loud and persistent.
Sara is hated by some for what she represents--BUT, thankfully she represents many of us and most closely resembles middle America, average America--and that is why she is so popular.
That is why some on the far left, are already back tracking and changing their statements---their hatred is backfiring and making many people love Sara more. COOL.

Religion while embraced by the majority, is a stick in the eye to those that don't believe or more importantly don't want any kind of restraints in their lives---which, have lead the rest of us to pick up the pieces in the form of unwanted pregnancies, taxpayer funded abortions, terrible diseases, lost productivity and a drain on our society.
Morality is a bad word to the far left.

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