No tactics no training

When I first moved from Canada, to Florida (2003) Citizen in 2011.

I was amazed at how nice the average American was, everybody you speak to, smiles and speaks in reply (In my case any way) and fist fights are just for drunks and bad people?

What's with that, having worked in the Clubs in Liverpool UK, part time Thur/Fri/Sat nights (young Family to support. 1960 till 1964 at The Cavern Club, of Beatles fame) if asked when were you last in a fight, some would look at their watch!

I now carry a Glock 19, every day, it is in my ratty old plaid gown pocket now, and an IPhone.

Have not shot anyone yet, but my last physical altercation was in 2004. I was 69 years of age. Did not use fists or feet, just some redirection!

Knowing how to use a gun, yes, that's good, being involved in some straight out and out violent encounters, that's good as well.

Being savvy to street encounters, that's really very good! Excellent!
Heads up, be observant. On your feet, and behind a steering wheel too!
More firearm owners than not, don't shoot their firearms on a routine schedule.

That's nothing surprising to me. I have quite a few armed neighbors, and ALL of them can't recall the last time they went out shooting.

I know that, because I used to offer to take them out shooting. They had had an excuse of some kind or another, as to why it wasn't a good time to do it.
Well lets see .The Police have received more training than most gun owners Plus they have to qualify 1 or 2 times a year . Yet in almost every shooting they throw a lot more lead and many more misses . Than the untrained man or women defending their home or their self on street or in a store.

Watch Police shootings on u tube . Its lets see how fast can empty the mag .

I think most cops should be packing a 6 shot revolver. Not a 15 shot semi auto. Maybe they would learn to hit what they shoot at. They also need to be trained to be a little less trigger happy. To many people now days getting shot That really haven't done anything to get shot .

In other words untrained or little training citizen. Hit better when shooting in self defense than the so called professional LEO . Why is that?

Maybe these citizens that have no or little training should be instructing the police.
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michael t said:
...In other words untrained or little training citizen. Hit better when shooting in self defense than the so called professional LEO . Why is that?
(1) Because you're not necessarily comparing comparable incidents; (2) because there's not a statistically sufficient number of incidents to wash out the underlying differences in the circumstances; (3) because you don't really have actual data and are just drawing conclusions from your assumptions, feelings and guesses.
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I am glad she successfully defended herself in spite of doing nearly everything wrong,

She must have done something right, everyone is still breathing. Maybe less training might result in fewer shootings.


Her nails were done for the staged photos.
Well lets see .The Police have received more training than most gun owners Plus they have to qualify 1 or 2 times a year . Yet in almost every shooting they throw a lot more lead and many more misses . Than the untrained man or women defending their home or their self on street or in a store.

Watch Police shootings on u tube . Its lets see how fast can empty the mag .

I think most cops should be packing a 6 shot revolver. Not a 15 shot semi auto. Maybe they would learn to hit what they shoot at. They also need to be trained to be a little less trigger happy. To many people now days getting shot That really haven't done anything to get shot .

In other words untrained or little training citizen. Hit better when shooting in self defense than the so called professional LEO . Why is that?

Maybe these citizens that have no or little training should be instructing the police.

What you have said is so wrong on so many different levels, I wouldn't even begin to know where to start to offer up a rebuttal.

Having said that, I'll just leave it at that and safely assume you have no idea as to what you are saying.

2123 said:
michael t said:
...In other words untrained or little training citizen. Hit better when shooting in self defense than the so called professional LEO . Why is that...
What you have said is so wrong on so many different levels, I wouldn't even begin to know where to start to offer up a rebuttal.

Having said that, I'll just leave it at that and safely assume you have no idea as to what you are saying....
Well, I think the place to start is to point out that michael t has furnished no actual evidence that what he says is true.
Maybe these citizens that have no or little training should be instructing the police.

Frank, don't take this wrong, but that is what is going to happen. Officers need to be trained on when not to shoot.


The boy that was shot in Walmart last week while purchasing a toy gun, the Fergason MO, shooting of an unarmed teenager, I remember an incident that happen a few years ago where a female police officer in Chicago shot a female passenger in a car for a traffic stop and the victim only had a cell phone in her hands, this and a large number of police shootings of unarmed citizens. (If you want I can do a Google search for you) If it continues as it is going, the public will be crying out for the scalps of all these police offices and their chiefs. You have to remember that the members of the city councils, town and county boards and village trustees are just plain citizens most of whom do not even own guns.

So if you can stop a burglar or a car jacking without having to fire a shot, then I say good for you. Otherwise the public will think we are just a bunch or trigger happy apes that should have our guns taken away. (Bloomberg for one)

So let's teach when not to shoot as well as, when we have no other choice.

Jim243 said:
...don't take this wrong, but that is what is going to happen. Officers need to be trained on when not to shoot.
Well, everyone who carriers a gun needs to know how to assess a situation and make a correct shoot/no shoot decision.

It is impossible to make categorical statements on these matters.

  1. Each situation must be evaluated on its own facts. And each situation needs to be considered from the perspective of the defender at the time. That is the proper, legal standard.

  2. There will be situations in which, in hindsight, shooting might not have been necessary. But the person confronted with what reasonably appears to him at the time to be an imminent lethal threat must make an immediate decision based on what he knows then -- not what might become apparent later in the investigation of the incident. His life is at stake.

  3. And deciding incorrectly that shooting is not appropriate will produce an unsatisfactory outcome. The Tacoma Mall incident is a good example -- an armed private citizen decides not to shoot and suffers life altering wounds.

  4. All of this applies to both LEOs and armed private citizens.

  5. And private citizens with little or no training most likely would be vary poor choices to provide training on the shoot/no shoot problem. People without adequate training are more prone to emotional or panic reactions. The ways to learn to make good shoot/no shoot decisions under stress are simulator and force-on-force training.