No more AR-15's.. Say it ain't so!!!


New member
I went to a gunshop today in CA and they said that after this month, AR-15's are no longer available for sale! I know some kind of crime or gun bill passed, but I had previously though I had till the end of the year to save up for an AR-15. Guess I might have to go credit... Can anyone confirm what the gun dealer told me? And also, if it is true, could I order one before the ban and receive it after the ban has passed?

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules
Not true here in Louisiana. We have our share of dumb laws here but outlawing black guns is not one of them. Don't know about out there in Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. Recommend you evacuate to any state where manhood is still legal.

Life is hopelessly complex for those who have no principles.
I think somone is feeding you a line of BS. Turner's is advertising the Armalite M15A2 today (no price).

SB23 just went to commitee. Here's the full history to date:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>BILL NUMBER : S.B. No. 23
AUTHOR : Perata
TOPIC : Firearms: assault weapons.

June 14 To Com. on PUB. S.
June 1 In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk.
June 1 Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 23. Noes 13. Page 1492.) To
May 28 From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 9. Noes 4. Page 1446.) Read
second time. To third reading.
May 20 Set for hearing May 27.
May 10 Placed on APPR. suspense file.
Apr. 28 Set for hearing May 10.
Apr. 19 Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Apr. 8 Set for hearing April 19.
Apr. 6 Read second time. Amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
Apr. 5 From committee: Do pass as amended, but first amend, and re-refer
to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 4. Noes 0. Page 467.)
Mar. 16 From committee with author's amendments. Read second time.
Amended. Re-referred to committee.
Mar. 4 Set for hearing March 23.
Jan. 7 To Com. on PUB. S.
Dec. 8 From print. May be acted upon on or after January 7.
Dec. 7 Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To
print. (Corrected January 22. ) [/quote]

This hasn't even passed yet, though it's almost certain to.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited June 18, 1999).]
At least two SoCal dealers have Armalite AR15's on sale this week. Don't know how many - if any are in stock but you can still place orders. On the other hand Bushmaster AR's are strictly a 60 day waiting list at this point.
why don't you get a lower first. You may order other parts as you have saved up enough money. An ASA lower is more available and the quality is very good.
Actually Destructo6, it was a guy at Turner's that told me the AR-15's wouldn't be available after this month. I was reading the AB 23 information you posted, and I assume that if it were signed into law it wouldn't go into effect immediately, or am I wrong?

I did see armalites on sale, but am leaning toward a Bushmaster after researching Does anyone here have any opinions on Armalite and Bushmaster? Pro's and con's?
I've got an Eagle/Armalite (bought from Turner's no less) and have found it to be very nice. There's no upper to lower slop like I've seen on every Colt.

The guys that work at Turners don't seem to be up to date on reality in my opinion. You might ask them is the "No AR's after the end of the month," is a shift in store policy or a new law.
I heard the same thing from my dealer today!!! The same colt hbar that they wanted $849 last month is now $ month they said it will go up a hundred more!!!!
The cheapest bushmaster I could find in town was $899.....this sucks!!!!!!
If there is no law - no ban in place or pending - then your getting a load full.

Check with the Chief Attorney's Office, Sheriff's department ETC. Find out for sure before you pay out the nose. 100 dollars difference is a 1/2 case of ammo!
This may be Y2K hype... which is what most of us are dealing with - especially if you have priced .223 lately!

How do you folks in California stand it? Come over to Arizona for heavens sake. Beautiful country, and more freedom. And, it will stay free if we have plenty of freedom-loving people living here.
According to my dealer here in Texas, as of September 1, 1999, Colt will discontinue sales to the civilian market. This was per a conversation with Colt. He is awaiting written confirmation.
In California, unless a law is drafted as emergency legislation it doesn't not go into effect until the first day of the next year. To the best of my knowledge SB23 was not drafted as emergency legislation.

Turner's is my favorite place to buy guns, real honest folks, but not legal experts. My guess is that they may just mean that stocks are running low and backlogs are getting too long. I don't know about Armalites but B&B is quoting 60-90 days for a Bushmaster.

Anyway it looks like this bill is gunna pass folks, so if you live in California you better get of your @$$ and call your rep and while your at it, that political-whore-in-chief Gray Davis and tell'em you don't want this law!

[This message has been edited by sholling (edited June 20, 1999).]
Scolling, or anyone else who knows, could you give me the URL for B&B on the web? I'm thinking about going Bushmaster. Turner's doesn't seem to have much of anything in stock.
Well... we can still get them here in Texas. Saw dozens of Bushmasters at a gun show here in Austin last weekend. Pricing was about 10% above list. I picked up my "Shorty" three weeks ago for $789.

Now, ammo on the other hand... sheesh.. Saw a case of russian 223 at $159. By the time I got back from my truck to get my check book.. it was gone. Most of the S&B I found was going at $189-$199. Winchester.. $212..

Looking at that .22lr conversion a little more closely.. :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
A relative ordered a Bushmaster lower in March. Still waiting....

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gun show here in Mesa Arizona today. Counted 26 New ARs for sale by dozen different vendors, all makes - Colt, Bushmaster, Oly, & Arm. Colt prices were way out past Pluto, but other makes seemed to be unchanged over what they were a month or so ago.

Lots of ammo as well. Federal American Eagle for $99 / 500 . Lots of russian and some Winchester.

Magazines were no where to be found, unless you were willing to buy USA brand, and then they were easy to find. Lots of parts & uppers, no lowers.

White Rook 2348: Clear

If Colt really does quit selling to the civillian market , nobody should buy another gun with a pony on it!

I can't believe these snivilling money grubbing elitists !!!!!

A pox on all their houses !!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
I have herd that Colt Will quit selling the ar-15 to the public, I herd this at GUN,GIFTS,& Gadgets, albuqueruque NM thay supply the Albuqueruque Police and Swat departments. They Told me that colt was going to do this Maybe for goos maybe just for a wile. they also said thay are having a devil of a time getting them, any AR. they are using bushmaster and colt when they can get them but are thinking of starting to use Hesse. I think that colt just got a LARGE order from like a country or a large police order and cant make the civil version of the AR, or maybe they just want the price go up. Like the gas deal in the 70's with opec to raise the price, if this is true I will neve buy another pony gun

"Its hard doing nothing, You never know when you are finished."
Colt has been pissing me off for some time now. I won't even consider buying one of their products at this point.

A few months ago there were stacks of AR15's all up and down the gun stores in Utah County (where I live). I went looking the other day and only found 6 new AR's plus about 15 used ones in 4 stores. Seems like they're getting snatched up. Could be Y2K frenzy.
