"No good reason to have an assault rifle"...Here come the anti hit pieces...


This one, from the Miami Herald, makes the patently false claim that AKs that fire 600 rounds per minute are legal for anyone to buy. :rolleyes:

There's no good reason to have an assault rifle
Officer Jose Somohano, 37, father of two, was the 151st person in Miami-Dade shot dead this year.

Outrage came quickly after Thursday's shooting. But it followed a numb, familiar pattern: Death followed by grief followed by some new atrocity that serves to inure us further to violence.

By now, only the most sheltered television-bereft hermit would be shocked at the image of cops in fatigues and combat helmets going after a madman with an AK-47.

Is this normal? A major American city that acts like it's at war?

Is it right that a place with a population of just over two million should lose more than 150 people yearly to guns?

We've created such a thoroughly messed up society, no one even remembers what safe means.


Spare me the guns-don't-kill-people, people-kill-people platitude. Other countries are also full of people. And, with the possible exception of Iraq, few populations are killing each other with the competence we manage.

Take Sweden. In 2004, the country of nine million lost just 37 people to guns -- an entire country with fewer gun murders than Miami-Dade. England and Wales lost 73 people. Australia lost 56.

The number of people murdered with guns in the United States during the same period: 9,326 -- almost 10 times the rate in Sweden and three times the number of victims lost in the 9/11 attacks.

The difference is not that Sweden has fewer crazies. Or that Australians are unusually peace-loving. The difference is the law.

''European countries have extraordinarily strict gun laws,'' said Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign, which seeks to reduce gun violence here. ``In some countries, it's virtually impossible to get a handgun.''

It's tragic that thousands of men, women and children are perishing in this country. It's terrifying that the people meant to protect them can't protect themselves.

''Sometimes we feel like we have water pistols against these guys,'' Police Benevolent Association president John Rivera told me Friday. ``Our weaponry does not match up with theirs. Even our vests don't match what they have.''

It's a problem facing police departments nationally, and some, including Miami, have opted to equip their cops with assault rifles. Rivera would love every officer to carry those kinds of weapons.

Even the Brady Campaign supports the idea. Said Hamm: ``Police officers should not be outgunned on the streets.''

Of course not. But I have a hard time accepting that more firepower is the solution. It sets in motion an endless arms race. So the cops get better guns. And the thugs get better guns. And the cops get better-better guns. And 100 years from now, everyone is packing customized nukes.


There is, of course, a more sane solution. Though it's doubtful that we could reverse the damage of an out-of-control gun culture, at least we might outlaw assault rifles. Is that too much to ask?

It's still not clear how Shawn LaBeet got the assault rifle he used to kill a cop in Cutler Bay on Thursday. But most people are allowed to own one. That's right, unless you're a convicted felon or mentally ill, it's perfectly legal to own a weapon that can fire 600 rounds in one minute.

That's insane. These aren't made for hunting animals; they're for killing people. Why are these things even for sale?

Renew the assault weapons ban. It will be too late to save Jose Somohano, but it might save the next victim. Maybe even you.

Every gun has the potential to kill a person be it a AK clone or bolt action .22 rifle.

More firepower for the police is the solution. Hmm, let me see a service caliber handgun against a AK, FAL, or G36 clone. If I were a police officer I would sure want a rifle in my car.

I don't look to liberal controlled media for the truth. They will say anything to further their cause. I canceled my Washington Post subscription over a year ago and told them the reason why I was canceling my subscription.

And if this ass hat had a half bit of sense. Those "evil" rifles will still be legal to own just without certain cosmetic features under the "assault" weapons ban.
More from the Herald today...check this one out. The expiration of the AWB was apparently responsible for Cho buying a Glock. They outright LIE and it doesn't bother them!

Fight gun violence
Since Congress lifted a 10-year-old ban on assault weapons in 2004, the military-style rifles have become increasingly popular as a weapon of choice for criminals and people bent on violence. Seung-Hui Cho used a high-capacity assault weapon to kill 32 people at Virginia Tech last April. (What?! IT WAS A PISTOL!) Shawn LaBeet used an AK-47 last week to outgun four Miami-Dade police officers, killing one and injuring three. These high-profile killings should be reason enough for Congress, now led by a slim Democrat majority, to try again to reinstate the ban -- or at least make it tougher to buy assault weapons.

Law-enforcement agencies around the country report that assault weapons are now being routinely used by gangs and in street crimes. The rapid-fire, high-powered rifles give criminals a decided advantage in any exchange of gunfire. In self defense, police departments in South Florida and throughout the country are adding assault weapons to their arsenals.

Since the ban was lifted, Congress has been reluctant to try again to outlaw assault weapons, in part, because of the strength in opposition of the National Rifle Association, and because of Americans' growing ambivalence about gun control. A Gallup Poll showed that the percentage of people who favor stricter gun-sale laws dropped from a high of 78 percent in 1990 to a low of 51 percent in 2002. The new Democrat majority in Congress, which includes some members from conservative pro-gun districts, may find it hard going to muster enough support for a renewal of the assault-weapon ban.

Nevertheless, murderous rampages like those committed by Shawn LaBeet and Seung-Hui Cho make it clear that doing nothing is not a viable option. Congress mustn't let criminals get the upper hand. Lawmakers should renew the fight to keep assault weapons out of the hands of determined killers.

And of course! Ignore what the people want, just do it anyway! Arrrrrrg!! :mad:

And of course, Jim "Moron" Morin, the cartoonist for the Herald...

Actually, the way America is going, thanks to the Left's program for us, there is more and more reason every day to own an "assault rifle." The Left wants to disarm us while promoting a culture of moral anarchy and racial and ethic strife.
"We've created such a thoroughly messed up society"

Wow it is written like a middle school report pandering to a crappy essay question. Explain why guns are bad. I actually feel sorry for the writer, not having access to a thesaurus is just heart breaking. "Messed up", good grief man, be more creative.

balled up, beat-up, bent, blemished, bobbled, buggered, busted, cooked, dinged, down, flawed, flubbed*, fouled up, glitched*, gone, gummed up, had it, hurt, impaired, imperfect, in smithereens*, injured, kaput*, loused up*, marred, messed up*, mucked up*, no go*, not working, on downtime, run down, screwed up*, shot, snafued*, spoiled, sunk*, totaled*, unsound, wracked up

This article attempts to use statistics in a misleading manner to support a preconcieved notion that “assault weapons” are killing our police officers. A look at the truth shows this to be a lie. To date, there have been 127 police officers killed in the line of duty, according to the “Officer Down Memorial.”

Of those 127 officers, 58 (46%) were killed in vehicle accidents, 2 fell due to a bomb, 3 drowned, 5 through medical causes, one was killed by a tornado, one by a toxic exposure, one from a yellow jacket sting, and one when a pine tree fell on his car after the tree was struck by lightning.

Of the 55 (43%) officers killed by gunfire, 9 (7%) were killed by rifles, 33 (26%) by handguns or shotguns, and in 13 (9%) of the shootings, the type of weapon was not identified in the report, only being listed as “gun, unknown.”

Two of those killed by rifles were mistakenly shot by other police officers, three were shot by “hunting rifles,” one by an M1 Garand (which was not listed as an assault weapon by the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban), and the others were listed as simply “Rifle.” Not one mention of an “Assault weapon” as a single cause of death.

Three officers were shot with their own or another officer’s weapon that had been taken from the officer by the suspect.

The only cop killed by an assault weapon was this one. That is right, as tragic as it is, this was the only case of a cop being killed with an "assault weapon this year."

In short, more cops were killed by (take your pick) cars, bombs, water, tornados, lightning, pine trees, other cops, or yellow jackets, than were killed by “Assault Weapons.” But then, none of those causes fit the press’ leftist, antigun agenda, do they?

Read here
Take Sweden. In 2004, the country of nine million lost just 37 people to guns -- an entire country with fewer gun murders than Miami-Dade.

I had to stop reading here. Hmm, Sweden has 9 Million people?

Florida has 18.1 Million people.

Kinda stupid to say Sweden had less deaths due to firearms without providing the actual numbers...well, there are 2 times as many people in Florida, DUMBAZZES....
They didn't want to confuse you with facts!

Facts like the bombing deaths have jumped up 10,000% since the gun bans!
I think there is no good reason to deny a person the ownership of a fully automatic firearm, until they exhibit behavior that would indicate otherwise, personally.

If all I had was a single shot rifle it would be enough.

When there is a real need for an assault rifle for the purpose of prevention or interruption of tyranny, there will be plenty of them to pick up in the field.
It was a MAK the guy used?

Aw, crap. My MAK is my prettiest AK with its sleek blued finish. Now it'll be demonized as a "tool of a killer". Mine just puts holes in paper...

''While I feel very strongly about the Second Amendment, I don't think that our founding fathers had AK-47s in mind,'' he said. ``There's absolutely no reason I can see having these weapons out on the street.''

Yes, they wrote it when the Brown Bess musket was the ultimate in military long arms and could be owned by military and civilian alike!

If we went by the founding fathers' reasoning, we'd be able to have select-fire rifles.

And by this guy's reasoning, the first amendment should only apply to quill pens, not to e-mail and word processing software. Because they didn't have that then! :barf:

The hell is with police chiefs, anyway? It seems like once they park their butt behind a desk for good, they turn into anti-gun elitists.
People don't kill people, Guns kill people.

Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people.

Bullets don't kill people, blood loss kills people.

Blood loss does not kill people, heart malfunction kills people.

Heart malfunction does not kill people, lack of electrical signals going down the spinal cord kill people.

Lack of electrical signals in the spine does not kill people, lack of electrical impulses in the brain kills people.

THAT'S IT! Ban BRAINS!!!! Wait...most people who make these kind of arguments already have surrendered theirs....now they are jealous because we retain ours.

"I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly."


this just in.....

In an interview on NPR this morning, the Police chief in Miami stated that AK47's can be purchased anywhere on the street for $100. Yesterday it was $200, the day before it was $300, but they were the ones that shot 600 rnds/minute :rolleyes: What a mis-information campaign.
You guys know what the true beliefs of these people are: The prohibition of private firearms ownership. It's just that plain and simple IMHO.

Oh, they'll say this and that about the attributes of a particular firearm but, IMHO, what they really are saying is "prohibit individuals from owning firearms".
Which street would that be? "The" street? And if they're that cheap, wouldn't it cost less for the PD to simply buy all of them up? It's gotta cost well over $100 to grab someone on illegal weapons charges, lock them up, etc.
I would like to know what street this is that AKs can be had for $100 on!
seriously! I'd love to get in on this deal, maybe we could organize a group buy or something

perhaps a TFL "buy back" program is in order :D y'know, get them evil guns off the street and into our loving hands where they belong

rejecting any obviously illegal or otherwise dubious submissions, of course :o
Note also that the esteemed chief, in his bloviating, FAILED to mention what price the perp paid for the AK with his fake ID.

You see, it was a MAK-90. Have you seen a preban MAK that wasn't a rustball for under 4 bills anywhere in recent times? I haven't. All dealers know that those, with their blued finish, nice trigger, and factory-assembled-ness can command a higher price than a Century-built krylon-painted trigger-slapping WASR for $379...