No Firearms Signs


New member
Some businesses now post signs stating that no firearms are allowed even though they would be allowed otherwise. It is my understanding that in Georgia these signs do not carry the force of law behind them, but I realize they do in other States. If I was aware that a business owner did not want me to carry I would respect their wishes and take my business elsewhere. However, the reality is I never think to look for these signs when I enter a business. The few I have seen were very small and inconspicuous it was almost as if they wanted to be able to say they had signs, but were not really concerned if anyone noticed them. It is almost as if they were posted more as protection against future litigation than any real attempt to keep firearms off the premise.

Anyway, I was just curious how many of you check for “No Firearms” signs before entering a business?
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I remember hearing things about these signs in places like Ohio etc. I actually saw one outside a TGI-Fridays over the border in Indiana a couple of months ago. Oddly enough though I saw one here in Illinois today (where we do not have CCW).

It was posted outside a jewelry store I visited today, saying it was illegal to bring any kind of "dangerous" weapon including knives and firearm not only into the store but also to possess them in the parking lot.

I have to go back next week and will take a pic and post it.
I wouldn't say I "check" -- as in making a concerted effort to seek out and find a sign. I do try to be generally aware as I enter the door -- for example, I know there's a handgun in a circle with the standard gummint language where I enter the VA hospital, and where I enter the social insecurity office. I've never noticed one at the mall we most often frequent, but I have no doubt they have a sign hidden somewhere that says in 6-point type that weapons are not allowed.
The only two places I recall seeing these signs are on state government buildings (actually illegal to carry in there), and gun shops around here don't allow concealed and/or loaded firearms inside.
It depends on the state. In MO, the signs are supposed to be posted in "a conspicuous location" and be of a given size (11x14", letters one inch in size). On occasion you have a place that tries to hide the signs, I don't know what they're trying to accomplish, but the one sign will be ten feet from the door or behind a trash can or planter. Sometimes it's too small and doesn't stand out at all.

Maybe they're trying to have it both ways or something. The truly anti-gun places put it front and center so you know not to go there.

The actual "force" the sign has varies by state. In some places, it's an actual crime to disregard the sign. Here, the business owner can ask you to leave if you are carrying, and if you refuse and a police officer is called, you can be cited for trespassing (in other words, the exact same penalty as if they'd ask you to leave for any other reason).
As Technosavant says, it depends on the state. In PA, there is not a "legal" "No Firearms Allowed" sign that property owners can post in a way that violating said sign constitutes a unique crime. However, if a property owner posts some sort of sign saying firearms are not allowed (or concealed, or open carried, or loaded, etc.) and a person violates what that sign says, that person can be arrested for trespassing.

As with Aguila Blanca, I am generally aware of what is posted on a door. However, I don't stand in front of a door reading every single sign, nor do I make an extensive search for any stray signs that are not posted on the door of a business I am about to enter.
The placement of those signs is frequently amusing. Our post office has them posted in a place that is completely invisible from the door and is also a place that 99% of customers, everyone who doesn't have a PO box, will never get within 10 feet and around a corner. Granted, in the case of a post office, you should know, but what's the point of the sign? You either already know or you'll never see the sign anyway.

Chuckie Cheese has one that is a picture of a revolver crossed out. I wonder if semi-autos are OK?:D Least ways, the signs carry no legal weight in NY. You would be treated like any other "trespasser". I oblige by taking my business elsewhere.
One of the mega theater complexes here in Louisville had 'no firearms per KRS blah blah' tacked on to the bottom of a large decal for every entry point. Interestingly the statute quoted had to do with forfeiture of the concealed permit if fees weren't paid and the holder refused to submit it to the Sheriff's department. :confused:

I talked with the manager about the issue and he shrugged, saying "it's a corporate decision".

The place has been bought/sold three times in two years, and apparently the latest owner got the memo and literally cut off the lower part of the decal. Small victory.
Signs have to be conspicuously posted here in Kentucky. Imagine my surprise one day when I noticed a bank I often frequented had a no firearms sign posted on the front door about six inches off the ground. :confused: I had been in there numerous times and never saw it.

I generally do a quick glance at the door of businesses but don't search every square inch. My favorites are those where only some of the doors are posted. I always go in through the unposted entrance. I also like the ones that only say no firearems. I feel free to carry my other deadly weapons that my CCL allows me to carry. :D
The 3 local NFCU around here now have No Gun signs, That's the reason I used my local farm owners bank to build my new horse barn. They don't like my guns, they don't get my interest and I told them that, they could care less.
Imagine my surprise one day when I noticed a bank I often frequented had a no firearms sign posted on the front door about six inches off the ground.

Yes, the same thing happened to me. I was actually leaving the bank and noticed an image of a revolver with a line through it about the size of a quarter approximately two feet from the ground. Funny they got bought out and rebranded last month and the decals are gone.
What gets me is that anyone really thinks such a sign will stop a crime. Can't you just picture a recently-paroled guy about to walk in and rob the place, he sees the sign, and says, "Gee, I can't rob these people, they don't allow guns in here." :confused: To say nothing of the sign somehow persuading a spree-killer to go elsewhere? Anyhow, with my status as a LEO, I generally ignore the signs.
Single Six said:
What gets me is that anyone really thinks such a sign will stop a crime.

I think it's that they don't think about it at all.

Their assumption is that people carrying legally are within a hair's breadth of snapping and killing everybody in the vicinity, and they're that way ALL THE TIME. Hence, they prefer you to be disarmed when they do business with you.

If pressed, they generally see the silliness of the signs, but then they mutter something about "insurance" or other lie as they walk away (leaving the signs up). They're determined in their ignorance; even when shown the folly of their way, they try to forget it as soon as possible to they can feel safe again.
but then they mutter something about "insurance"

Actually I think insurance, litigation, bad press, etc. is the very reason businesses post these signs. I doubt many people notice or even care if you carry in their establishments, but in case there is an incident they hope these signs will reduce their liability. Also, I suspect a lot of Corporate Legal Departments are hard at work developing these policies and we will probably see more of this.
Anyway, I was just curious how many of you check for “No Firearms” signs before entering a business?

In my state, violating those signs is only a class 2 misdemeanor, which is a less serious offense even than p***ing in public. Also, it's a valid defense if you didn't see the sign.

Needless to say, I don't look very hard for those signs, especially if I'm carrying concealed.
Technosavant: You and I are on the same sheet of music. I have, on occasion, talked to some of the merchants who post the signs. I have pointed out the obvious folly of it to them, and like you said, they understand and even agree...yet, the signs remain after I've taken my leave. Still, I do what I can to spread what we all take for common sense.
Ignore the signs

I look but have ignored them. In my state of PA trespassing is the worst that can happen perhaps similar to many other states. Does anyone know of an incident where CC actually led to an arrest for trespassing? If you're not printing, no worries, and if you're made and notified, you are very likely to be simply asked to leave. I imagine the the risks of being arrested and/or fined to be so vanishingly small that for this reason on balance I simply ignore the signs in PA. Any thoughts on this kind of view ?
The VA hospital in Phoenix, AZ has these signs posted at each entrance.

I allways chuckle when I go in, as most of the Vetrans who utilize the facility were and still are dangerous weapons.