No Choice for Prez for Me!

First of all, I don't think for one second that Ron Paul has a snowball's chance in hell of getting nominated, much less elected.
That being said, how would we be able to go about making the following resolution for a change to the voting laws relative to Presidential elections.
Be it resolved:
That below the last listed name of all candidates on the ballot, there be a new line added to read, "None of the above"
Should this line receive the most votes, the entire election must be re-run within 90 days, with an entirely new list of candidates.
Should the re-run election also have the same result, within 30 days a popular vote election shall take place with all the members of the United States Senate as candidates. The candidate with the largest popular vote will be declared the winner. He or she then picks the Vice President, who must be a member of the other party. (keeps balance)
I know, it's a pipe dream. But then again, so was the concept of leaving British rule, and forming our own country.
Aside from Paul at this point they are all equally worthless, although there are some worse than others.

The Simpsons made a great point of this last night. They nominated Ralphie Wigguns, the police chief's son and dumbest person in South Park, for President as a joke. The nation took it seriously and both parties endorsed him. Upon further review he seemed a better choice than just about anyone else running.
ive always held my nose when voting...not sure if i can even stomach it this time arround.

that is why they will get crushed.....more and more "Conservatives" that held their collective noses....just wont this time around.

it would probably be more accurate to say i voted against Gore & Kerry,than for Bush.
This is what conservatives have been reduced too. Nice party.

IMHO Ron is the only choice for Conservatives. (if you want 100year occupations and think this country can pay for it both in money and in no for McCain and the rest)

Good Luck
I will be voting against the democrat.
Just because a 10-term congressman who favors term limits, who puts earmarks in bills and then votes against them, who wants to pretend foreign threats do not exist, cannot get nominated does not mean I can opt out of the election.
This is what conservatives have been reduced too. Nice party.

the lesser of two evils?

so what does that say about the other party?:barf:

i may be a conservative on several major issue's,but ive never considered myself a Republican.

both parties disgust me.