No Choice for Prez for Me!


This is the first Presidential race in my lifetime in which I feel totally pukified by all the candidates on both sides. I just can't imagine that, out of a population of around 300M folks, these turkeys are the best from which we have to choose. The really talented amongst us are too smart and too busy to fool around with political life. They're too busy making this country run by building businesses, saving lives, practicing law, etc., etc. I can't imagine a true icon of business wasting any moments of his/her time goofing around in Iowa.

I voted for Bush twice. Probably wouldn't change that, even if I owned a time machine and could go back and vote again. However, what's going on in the Middle East, mainly Iraq, is totally unacceptable to me. It's the height of ignorance and arrogance for Americans...any honestly believe that we have the divine prowess to inflict any type of major political change on other peoples, particularly uncivilized tribal savages. There's nothing in the Middle East that's worth a single American life, in my estimation. I can't fathom having one of my kids in Iraq; would be a total hypocrite if I felt like that way and "supported" the senseless butchering of the lives of other Americans' children.

Here's my dramatic self-sacrificing statement of the year: "I'd (not cheerfully) give up the personal freedoms that I associate with my ownership of non-Klintonesque mags, etc., if I thought that my giving up my "hobby" would save the life of one American in Iraq." There. I said it.

As much as I despise Hillary, I'll probably just passively contribute to her election by my not voting this time.

Bah! Humbug!

But, a Happy New Year to one and all!
Our government keeps expanding, keeps increasing it's power, taken from the people, all while debasing the peoples money and wealth. We are heading down the road to a police state, with people all to eager to give up their freedoms for the illusion of safety, provided by the government.

We have in our grasp a candidate who wants to give back that power to the people, a candidate, Ron Paul, who wants to honor our Constitution and restore America to it's traditions. Why can't people understand that and embrace it? Are they so engulfed by the neo-con agenda (I know I was for a long time, as a long-time Republican voter and two time Bush W voter).

Especially on a gun board, I would think people would understand gun rights and freedom. Ron Paul is the only candidate who would never sign any new gun restrictions, guaranteed. Some bemoan his not voting for the "anti-gun lawsuit bill", but it is easy to understand his reasons, it was unconstitutional and anti-freedom.
Giving up your hobby:confused: WTF???

If it's just a hobby to you then what do we care what you think about the war or rights or canidates? I wouldn't give up my R/C cars or my homemade machine shop to save the life of anyone fighting in a war that has nothing to do with and in fact is a detriment to the security of the U.S. and those are definitly hobbies. I'm sure not going to give up the right to self defense for a soldier who could walk away and stop contributing to the problem if he wanted to. The patriot bubble has burst and most people have caught on to the fact that supporting the troops is supporting the war. If they would refuse to fight there would be no war and the gov. would understand that they couldn't call out the entire military every time some brown people didn't want to play along.

I also refuse to buy into the notion that there will ever be an idea candidate that will fix it all. Power only comes to those that want it very badly and anyone that wants power that badly has an agenda that serves them and those that put them into power. The only way they will ever do anything for you or I is if they can find a way to make it work for them. Best to just vote for the one thats most likely to protect your right to protect yourself.
Of course I depend on a handgun for s.d., and I was just using artistic license with the "hobby" statement. Frankly, though, up-to-now, my ownership of firearms has been nothing more than a hobby, just like it probably is with most of the members here. I reload and shoot for fun, you know, like any other hobby.

If I ever actually have to use a firearm in s.d., or for some other non-recreational purpose, then it'll no longer just be part of my hobby. ;)

Americans dying in Iraq are no more effective in preserving America's security than were Americans dying in Vietnam. This is, of course, not a condemnation of those brave Americans who have lost, are losing, will lose their lives in this pissant war, but is a condemnation of the dumbasses who sent them to die so needlessly.
I think this Bill Moyers Journal interview of Ron Paul, which gives a full hearing to the ideas Paul has, will prove enlightening. It may not give you a candidate, but it's worth a look nevertheless.
Thanks for the link to Moyers/Paul. I saw Paul on Meet the Press and was completely underwhelmed. Maybe he was just having a bad day. At any rate, I suspect that Ron won't be the Republican nominee, so, as my original statement says, I'm just left without a tenable candidate.
Sometimes you have to rank your most important political topics and find a candidate that best fits (both pro and con, obviously) in a completely analytical approach.

Of course, sometimes it is hard to determine actual positions candidates have. . . ;)

Topics you may want to consider when ranking -- I only make a list because it seems like sometimes people aren't talking, and maybe not thinking, about them as such and tend to go with a "feeling" of who they like: taxes vs nat. debt, pro-choice/life, gun control/freedom, public speaking ability (world perception and ability to negotiate with other countries), balance of security vs freedoms, transparency/power of the white house, potential supreme court appointments (left/right/middle), other appointments (fed attorneys, cabinet, etc), how much influence lobbyists will have, illegal immigration, health care, welfare. . .

It is important to remember that a vote for a candidate is NOT a mandate for every single detail of their platform. It isn't feasible to match perfectly. You can only hope to find a "best fit" algorithm and go for it.
SecDef's response pretty much mirrors my past thoughts on Presidential candidates; however, this cycle is just unique for me, in that I just don't see anybody on either side as being qualified to be President, regardless of the similarities of some of their views with mine.

The "best" Americans don't have time for the kind of silliness that national politics has become.

Americans dying in Iraq are no more effective in preserving America's security than were Americans dying in Vietnam. This is, of course, not a condemnation of those brave Americans who have lost, are losing, will lose their lives in this pissant war, but is a condemnation of the dumbasses who sent them to die so needlessly.

And yet you voted twice for the dumbass that sent them there and are probably not going to vote for which ever candidate is more likely to bring them home.

Except for Ron Paul a vote for any Republican is a vote to continue the war.
I'm voting for Ron Paul in the primary, and most likely casting a blank ballot for the general election. If enough frustrated people left their ballots blank for the Presidential portion of the general election it would send a pretty clear message that "we the people" are getting restless.
The people who own time machines are all voting for Ron Paul.

This is a part of the American problem right here. Is backing the Constitution outdated. Then taking your guns away from you wont matter to you because the 2A is 1770's


wake up
Technology changes, the world changes, but human truth does not change. The founders understood human truth. The Constitution is as literally valid today as it was when it was written.

The course we are on will head us to our downfall, simply by not following our Constitution, which dictates domestic policy, foreign policy, and economic policy.
bingo SSR!!

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom, It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
-William Pitt, before the House of Commons,
November 18, 1783.

ForksLaPush: Its as true today as it was then......
The GOP will get crushed in 2008.....and they wont even know why...

heard the same thing last time arround.

ive always held my nose when voting...not sure if i can even stomach it this time arround.:barf:

i voted for Bush twice...hated it(especially the second time) but...

it would probably be more accurate to say i voted against Gore & Kerry,than for Bush.

as much as i hate to say it,im thinking of sitting this one out.

if i do vote it'll probably be for Paul(assuming he ran even without the nomination),but more of a protest vote than anything.