No carry zones

But with all due respect - there is yet to be an incident reported that a concealed carry gun owner got into an altercation because he was drunk. Can someone point one out to me?

Dux, a coworker nearly got fired because of this. He was accosted by a vagrant after he came out of a bar. He drew on the guy. The resulting investigation cleared him criminally, but he got hammered at work and still may face a civil suit. He had a few drinks which made up the minds of the brass that he acted irresponsibly. Even if he hadn't had a drink, the situation was still the same. Screwed up story, but you asked for an example.

That is a bad story. But the end result is no one got killed. Unfortunately this guy made a bad decision, but how does getting fired @ work because you are drunk have to do with having a gun?

He would have been fired anyway if the brass decided he was drunk at work regardless of being a CC permit holder? Right?
I usually break the law and carry anyway. Obviously, I will use some discretion, like not carrying at the airport. I have ditched receipts and prepared lies in advance at times in case I have to explain an itinerary where I am carrying legally at the moment but have been into stores or places where it is illegal.
i'll carry any way, unless there is a chance of getting searched or drunk. as a rule guns and alcohol dont mix(for me anyway)
my ccw has been everywhere with me. except to consulates, official buildings etc. but i have carried to the airport, made sure i avoided metal detectors and tried not to look suspicious. not a thing happened.
but this is south africa. i see guns in public every day (usually on LEO's) evry one else does too so the public is kinda blind to anyone carrying. think they just dont care anymore.
Dux, I wasn't clear. He wasn't drunk AT work. When I say hammered, I meant "dealt with" by the brass. He was at a bar after work. And he is a cop, so that is why he had a weapon.
Breacher, . . . next time you are in Cactus Jack's in Big Spring, Tx. ask about the night the dude at the end of the bar got shot.

Seems X owed Y some money, . . . X was minding his own beer at the end of the bar when Y came in. Y walked straight down to X (kinda staggering straight I guess) and demanded his money.

X kinda told ol' Y to hang it, . . . so Y whipped out his single action .45 and shot him. Shot him in the leg, . . . but shot him. Holstered up and left.

If I understood it correctly, . . . X didn't file charges, . . . owned up to being a debt dodger, . . . local LEO's figured he had it coming.

Anyway, . . . happened about 20 years ago or so, . . . my brother was a witness to it I am pretty sure, . . . anyway, . . . he told me about it.

Since I don't go into them places, . . . I don't care if one can carry in there or not, . . . and if I did go in them places, . . . knowing me, . . . I probably would not carry.

May God bless,
One day I went into a government building which had "the sign". Unarmed security guards made me sign in. They didn't check me for weapons and I wasn't carrying. I asked the little security guard lady about what would happen if somebody came in there shooting up the place. Who would protect all of us unarmed citizens? She calmly said "nobody's supposed to have no guns.... didn't you see the sign?".
About a year later, an upset husband went into another government building, which had "the sign", and shot his wife and two innocent bystanders that happened to be in there at the time. Of course nobody could protect themselves because of "the sign".
When will people ever learn? :confused:
Oh yes, 'the sign.' "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs..." It really makes me shake my head. We have one at work too that says basically that you are not allowed to enter the area with a weapon. And these signs really don't make any sense at all. Let's assume some guy is mentally disturbed. Maybe he was just fired, could be yanked off at his wife, a co worker, a "friend," etc. So, he comes to the business with the posted sign with an "assault type rifle" to chew bubble gum and take names, if you get my drift. But, then he sees 'The Sign.' And he stops and says to himself, "Oh crap! They don't allow weapons in this building. I guess I can't go in and kill people here. Blast! And I was so pissed off." Sure.... :rolleyes:

I guess I can see, to some extent, the reasoning behind the signs. It's all for liability. Somebody gets shot in your business, you can say "Hey! I had a sign. They shoulda known." Legally, they might be in a better place than if they didn't have 'the sign.' Problem is, it doesn't save any lives. It's all to keep the legal dogs off their backs IMO.

Q for you: Why would the brass hammer a policeman who was not drunk, was at a bar after work (I assume cops are allowed to carry their weapons all the time, even after duty).

And who was justified in defending himself?

Does not make sense unless someone had an ax to grind.