No Ammo After October?

Where do the people shot in the baptist church in Fort Worth today fit in to this plan. Some were young,some old. This is too weird, we may not have till October. I don't have the link, but it's on Fox news right now.
It's coming folks, i don't know about the ammo ban, but it's coming. Why is it shootings like these are on the rise since Clintons watch began? I'm going to fill you folks in on the proven way to stocklpile and keep ammo if it gets real rough and tough. Own 9mm, .223, .308, it's what the military and the UN troops use, so all you need is one round to claim a hundred or so and a rifle from the man you kill. Saw a great article about how one pistol could win a war. If anybody has it, now would be the time to post it. I wasn't a conspiracy nut either until all these lies surfaced. I'm not one to go on unsubstantiated proof, but by watching the government in action it must be ok. I'll buy some more ammo in the next week or so, put in a little more long range rifle practice over the next few months, tune up my pistol skills above the 15 rds per day I shoot now, and perhaps look into purchasing one of those evil semi-autos all these fellas seem to love. Anybody got ideas on a semi-auto in .308 that's reliable? I figure I'll aquire mine if not by buying it, by taking it off the body of the man who didn't know how to use it. I'm sorta partial to the FN's don't alot of UN troopers carry those.

To quote one of my dear friends from another board, Mr. AZgunslinger,"If I see a blue helmet I kill the man wearing it." A knock-off of the quote from tombstone, "If I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it."

Night from Texas all, keep your heads down, your powder dry, and your aim true.

Live Free or Die Trying,

I was trying to purchase a new HK USP .45 full size or the 9mm compact and was initially told that I would get it next week. Now all my dealer's contacts have all HK's on a long backorder. Anyone else have this trouble? Can this be related?

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
--- Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764
Ruger: These sorts of shootings are NOT on the rise since Clinton took office. On the contrary, Clinton's arrival hasn't ended their gradual decline. COVERAGE of these sorts of shootings is on the rise! They don't need to stage massacres in a country of a quarter billion, ethnicly heterogeneous, with urban ghettos, and a "war on drugs" to subsidize organized crime. Such things will happen from time to time without any prompting. All they need to do is report across the entire nation, for weeks on end, every event they used to run once on page 3b, and it looks like the nation has become a war zone. It's purely a media phenomenon.

Not that I think they wouldn't stoop to staging a massacre, if they needed one of a particular sort at a particular time; But why run the risk of getting caught when they don't need to?

Sic semper tyranus!

I have to differ with you here, murders overall sine 1973 to present are way down, but these types of shootings are coming more prominent. Yes we had the tower shooting in Austin years and years ago. But as far as shootings in schools a few times per year, no. One of my old neighbors a German who fled Hitler talked of how within Germany in order to boost morale for his plan he had German citizens killed and the blame laid to the jews. In a bunch of the incidents of gun banning, the government has first demonized the owners of weapons, sometimes by killing their own citizens and blaming it on gunowners. If you dismiss posts like this with a shrug, when it does happen will you have persueded some people that it's ok, don't worry. As for me, I'll be armed to the teeth, and willing to use it.

Live Free or Die Trying,

The events are unravelling as we speak. I just heard a man walked into a church and killed 7 people and then shot himself. More fuel for the antis. It is a tragic event, but We must prepare to fight the gun control measures that will attempt to stem from this. We may very well be faced with the possible ban of ammo, but we must try to stop it from happening.

Did I interpret your post above to mean you are looking for a semi-auto handgun in .308?


Can't help you there, but a HK 91 is an excellent choice for a rifle.
No joe, I'm a big tough guy, but I don't know about a .308 in a pistol. I'm looking for a rifle, actually a rifle that will stay under 1" at 100yds, preferable one that will go 3/4 or better. Tough bill to fill unless you go to an M-14.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Oh man, this is bad... I need firearms to survive and now they're taken away the ammo? Oh no. How could this happen. I say we all round up a group of 200 people and protest against this crisis. March down the street peacfully with large signs and telling the government the mistake they're making.

More gun control = more crime
Less gun control = less crime

Check out the Rem 308PSS thread. I just sighted in mine and on a windy Wyoming day managed to keep 3 rounds close enough to cover with a quarter. This rifle can shoot better than I can right now!!
Caught part of a show last night on the guy that shot up the capital building. He had been interviewed by the CIA, tracked by the FBI and the Secret Service. A certified lunatic and the powers that be left him on the street. Go figure. Same deal with the guy in California at the day care.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
I have to chime in on this. I watched Larry kind this evening. One of his guests was the vice-president. Of course the Texas shootings came up and Gore went on the war path. Of course he stated that none of the new regulations would effect sportsman or hunters or anyone LEGALLY PERMITTED TO OWN A FIREARM. He also indicated that the country needs to do something about ASSUALT WEAPON AMMUNITION including a ban.

He also refered to the hand gun that that madman used in Texas as an "assualt weapon". I believe it was a Ruger 9mm handgun.

I really do not buy into the Klinton will declair martial law because of Y2K or anyother reason. There are too many good people in this country's military, law enforcement and citizenry to let that happen.
But, given what I just heard on CNN and the bill introduced into the Congress by Monyhan concerning the imposing of a 2000% tax on .25, .32, .380 and 9mm ammo, can these guys from Michigan be that far off?

PS. I asked at two gunshop owners that I respect about the rumors that Winchester is not shipping any more primers or powder. They both said that Winchester is having problems with the new formulation for the primers and have recalled some lot numbers. (I got some of the bad stuff) The powder is plentiful and if anything, I just paid two dollars less for a pound of 231 than I did a couple of months ago from the same store.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory